no easy mode in re4 hd?


New member
Jul 2, 2012
i downloaded this game last year during a sale on the ps store but only got around to playing to yesterday.. i just noticed there's no easy mode available in this version.. but i never did well with normal mode on the gamecube release without using the action replay cheat disc system so i doubt i'll get far here either which sucks... but why? the gamecube version i have has an easy more but not the HD version.. anyone know why they removed the easy mode for the PS3 version of RE4 HD?


New member
Jul 2, 2012
i just tried playing it again and i died 4 times in the area where you encounter all the villagers and find one of your drivers burned at the stake... it's so brutally hard i couldn't get past it even after 4 deaths.. i never have that problem my gamecube copy of the game. so i deleted the game from my PS3.. glad it came bundled with Code Veronica and i got them for like $10 when the PS Store had a flash sale last year


New member
Sep 22, 2014
I can't help but wonder whether you're playing the game wrong. RE4 isn't a particularly difficult game in the early stages.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Ambient_Malice said:
I can't help but wonder whether you're playing the game wrong. RE4 isn't a particularly difficult game in the early stages.
the original version wasn't hard.. i've beaten the gamecube version on all the difficulty levels, but this "HD" version is relentlessly difficult with bullet sponge enemies and leon's jittery aiming of his guns like he's downed a case of rockstar energy drink just prior to his rescue mission... also, i think capcom took the hard difficulty level from the gamecube version and renamed it normal to fool and piss off gamers


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
crazygameguy4ever said:
also, i think capcom took the hard difficulty level from the gamecube version and renamed it normal to fool and piss off gamers
I know that's just hyperbole, but come on dude. You know they didn't make professional mode into normal mode.

I wish I could help you, but I played RE4 on the Wii. The controls were an absolute dream, which made a lot of the game pretty smooth sailing (Though still outrageously fun).

I can imagine how a controller based control scheme may be frustrating in that game though.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Honestly, the only thing I give a shit about them doing with the HD remake is not changing the controls to be more in-line with today's third-person shooters... something you have to figure they could have easily done, since they did it for the HD release of the REmake.

The old controls are just too frustrating, so I just play the Wii version if I feel like playing it at all.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Are you holding the controller upside down?

Resident evil has never exactly been bloodbourne, in fact you can pretty much mindlessly play them on normal modes. So I am not sure how you can be having such difficulty. I'm not bragging, I pretty much suck at all games ... from tower defence to racing to fighting to action to sport to FPS to RPG to RTS and I have been playing since I had the motor function to hold a pad! I am just mediocre, never even attempted to be great at them but resident evil as a whole, wasn't that challenging.

Not sure what else I can really say, though still struggling on easy on the gamecube, so much so that you used a cheat cd, probably means you need to just spend more time playing games

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Whaaat? Are you Darksyde Phil or something? How do you die that many times at the first combat section? The game doesn't need an "easy mode" because normal is...pretty freaking easy or well jesus man just how are you that bad?

Okay um I'll try and help you out.

run in along the back of the houses to the left. you'll break open some crates and find grenades. go into the first house you pass if you are feeling...not sucky? (sorry I don't mean to sound like an asshole) in that house you'll find some more grenades. You'll want these because they come in hand when you are cornered by a giant hord.

Then after you have weaved your way through some enemies to do this. Go into the house with the open door to activate the cutscene where Mr.Chainsaw comes into play. This escalates the scenario. You'll just be wasting your time otherwise.
block the windows ect then run up stairs and get your damn shotgun. go through the window and run to the very end of the roof tops. and then just have your back to the ledge of the roof and wait for the villagers to start rounding the corner and pick them off.

ALWAYS! Go for head shots. It staggers them and you can run in and do a melee attack which is another way to do some major crowd control as Leon's kick will take out other enemies as well.

When the good ol Doctor shows up. If he is coming alone whip out the shotgun and blow him away. DO NOT SHOOT HIM WHILE HE IS ON THE GROUND. It will do nothing and you will just be wasting ammo.

Now if the crowd catches up or comes along with him. You can either stick with the shotgun and blast a few of them back along with Leatherface or if you have the distance. Take out a grenade.

If all else fails jump down and run around to round up all the enemies into one group and keep the shotgun out while the Dr. is active.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Sorry OP, but I grew up with the Gamecube version, and I don't remember an easy mode ever existing. It took some time, but I eventually got past the village area, which was one of the harder parts of the game for a first-time player. Remember to use the rooftops and be careful not to trap yourself. And, of course, make sure to git gud.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
crazygameguy4ever said:
anyone know why they removed the easy mode for the PS3 version of RE4 HD?
As someone who owns both GC and Wii versions of RE4, there never was any "easy mode". So, they couldn't have "removed" what was never there to begin with.

Though, the Wii version was easier because the you aimed with the Remote Control before entering "shoot mode", so you don't have to aim manually.
crazygameguy4ever said:
i just tried playing it again and i died 4 times in the area where you encounter all the villagers and find one of your drivers burned at the stake...
I always snuck into the town on the left side, stealthly take out the one villager with your knife and enter first house to get the ammo. Then, enter the main house, grab the shotgun, exit the second floor window and follow the roof around to the right.

All of the villagers can only get to you by getting up to the second floor and following the same path, so there's a natural choke point to pick them off as they turn the corner to where you are. Shoot them with the handgun until the Chainsaw villager gets to you, then switch to the shotgun.

Easy Peasy.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States

I've played this game more than I care to admit.

People talking about an Easy mode played the Jap/Euro versions of the game, everyone else is an American or America's hat, basically. Started you off from the start with the shotgun and some other stuff but, some areas of the game are entirely locked off for difficulty reasons/a middle finger for not playing on normal.

OP, you're pretty screwed out of having an easy mode but, the game really is not that hard and I think this thread has quickly changed into a thread for how to fuck the shit out of the game.

The main tip I can give for you is, if almost any of your shots you're making are not aimed at a head or legs or even arms, and you're not doing button prompts, you're doing it wrong.

Chester Rabbit said:
Then after you have weaved your way through some enemies to do this. Go into the house with the open door to activate the cutscene where Mr.Chainsaw comes into play. This escalates the scenario. You'll just be wasting your time otherwise.
Fun Fact: It is actually entirely possible to go through the entire village without ever entering the house with the shotgun. It's pretty stupid to not get it but, I honestly didn't see any reason to have to go into that specific house the first time I ever played.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
LegendaryGamer0 said:
The main tip I can give for you is, if almost any of your shots you're making are not aimed at a head or legs or even arms, and you're not doing button prompts, you're doing it wrong.
(Emphasis added)

Oh boy. I remember watching some DarkSyde Phil once, and he constantly ignored button prompts and then would complain about not being able to dodge. That right there is one of the biggest parts of gitting gud in RE4: Paying enough attention to your surroundings to not miss the prompts, or, rather, to instinctively hit them without thinking about what it is you're hitting.



New member
Oct 23, 2010
I played the NA version on the Gamecube and I don't remember an easy mode being available, maybe it's a PAL or EU option? As for the deaths, maybe it's your play-style? It's been ages since the Gamecube release, so you just might be rusty. Could you describe your strategy and what you did up until you got fed up with the game? Are you standing your ground like you're in Florida? Are you going for body shots?

A big part of the game is aiming for the head or leg, giving you action prompts that do further damage and give you more breathing room. I remember those being especially broken in 4, allowing you to knock over entire groups of enemies or be practically invulnerable as long as you're caught in an animation. Another big part is learning how to manage large groups of enemies. This includes barricading rooms with bookcases over doors and windows, funneling enemies in a narrow corridor, climbing up a closed ledge and standing over the only ladder with a knife out, or designating a circular path around an area with ledges that you can fight and fall back on whenever it looks like you might be overwhelmed. Or you can go on the offensive with crowd-controlling weapons like the shotgun or grenades.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Gottesstrafe said:
Are you standing your ground like you're in Florida?
I laughed way too hard at this.

I came here to say basically the same thing this person did in their original post. Managing enemies properly could make a huge difference in terms of difficulty. Are you being a little too cavalier in your attitude since you've already played the game and all that? I frequently catch myself playing too confidently when I go back to an old game and dying from sloppiness. Remember the things you used to exploit, they'll probably still be there.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Um...I'm pretty sure the controls and aiming handle the exact same way as they did in the old versions. While I never played the GameCube version, I did play the PS2 one, and Leon wasn't exactly a steady shooter. The laser wobbled on everything but the sniper rifles.

Honestly, if you are having this much trouble in the start area, I suggest you just give up. The game is only going to get harder, and the part where you're trapped in the cabin (the best part in the game if you ask me) is going to murder you. That opening area is meant to train you, both on how to fight, how to act under pressure, and how the controls in general work. You don't fight everyone, you simply survive until the time limit is reached.
So there are no tips that I can offer that haven't already been said. Either you learn from your deaths, or you give up.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
I am actually stuck at the village chief boss battle in that version. For me it's the shitty controls vs the Wii version which I was used to before. (you might want to play that instead as it is actually an improved experience).

As for for the first village scene I think you have 2 options, either survive long enough running around the village or go inside the house with the shotgun and take on the chainsaw dude. In both cases you want to make sure you pick up a few grenades on the way. If you stay outside then use single shots to the head followed by a melee attack. I can't remember exactly but I think Leon's melee is not a ohk but it does decent crowd control. (what one wouldnt give to play as Wesker or Hunk in that section!). When you have them lined up nicely throw a grenade. And don't get caught in corners or dead ends :)

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
chadachada123 said:
Sorry OP, but I grew up with the Gamecube version, and I don't remember an easy mode ever existing.
madwarper said:
As someone who owns both GC and Wii versions of RE4, there never was any "easy mode". So, they couldn't have "removed" what was never there to begin with.
There actually was an easy mode, but likely only on the PAL version. It omitted certain sections, like the dog maze and the little area where you need to get the key to open the doors to the main hall of the castle where you first meet Salazar.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
crazygameguy4ever said:
the original version wasn't hard.. i've beaten the gamecube version on all the difficulty levels
Uhm, how does this relate to:
crazygameguy4ever said:
but i never did well with normal mode on the gamecube release without using the action replay cheat disc system so i doubt i'll get far here either which sucks...
You didn't find it hard... yet you had to use action replay?

OT: I remember that I thought the easy mode was too easy, the normal being fair, but a tad too easy, the professional mode being extremely hard at times, then easy at others. Go for head shots or knee shots and then walk up to them. A kick is often your best way of finishing off enemies. Make sure to move a lot and conserve ammo whenever possible.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Fun Fact: It is actually entirely possible to go through the entire village without ever entering the house with the shotgun. It's pretty stupid to not get it but, I honestly didn't see any reason to have to go into that specific house the first time I ever played.
I played through the game twice before realising that going in that house triggers the chainsaw guy. First two times I just waited out the village with the handgun, knife and feet, and got the shotgun when the villagers fucked off to go pray... No chainsaw dude, still get a shotgun, win win really.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Yopaz said:
I remember that I thought the easy mode was too easy, the normal being fair, but a tad too easy, the professional mode being extremely hard at times, then easy at others.
The QTEs on Professional were fucking brutal. The el Gigante 'jump on his back and knife the parasite' move is so fucking clutch in that mode I'd always screw it up. It had a larger pension to switch up the mash button, and just one second of delay and he'd just grab you and smash you into the dirt.