No One Lives Forever! The Revival


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Dalisclock said:
Worgen said:
Gethsemani said:
Adam Jensen said:
B-Cell said:
Didnot liked it at all. monolith best game was FEAR and it was huge step up from NOLF in literally every way.
Don't even bother lying about having played NOLF.
As someone who snatched those revivals back when they went up, I can safely say that NOLF plays like shit compared to even semi-modern shooters like FEAR. What NOLF still has going for it is tons of charm, an incredible ability to land the tone and mood it aims for and the under-utilized classic spy movie aesthetic. But the actual game play is bad, the stealth is incredibly poorly implemented and the shooting feels floaty and light weight. Nolf 2 is in many ways a step up in terms of gameplay, but much less charming and secure tonally.

So I can sort of support B-Cell's assertion that FEAR is the much better game compared to NOLF, at least from a modern gameplay perspective.
NOLF 2 is better in gameplay. I can't compare the stories since I actually never beat the original, I had played 2 first and couldn't go back to the earlier mechanics.
2 was more interesting in some ways but 1 was a better overall game. As much as I liked the tricycle chase, I liked how the missions in 1 followed nicely from one another. I remember 2 just felt kinda disappointing.

And the space station in 1 was far more interesting then the underwater base in 2.
I mainly remember the fight with ninjas in the trailer park when the tornado hits, but it has veen over 10 years since I played NOLF2. I tried the first one and couldn't get into it, but that was probably caused by playing it after 2 well after its mechanics felt really clunky, I think.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Honestly I'd take a NOLF over a FEAR any day. I get that FEAR is the king of "enemy AI in a cramped warehouse room" games and everything, but I like a bit of variety to my experiences, and a bit more than the same tired old 'evil in the form of that girl from the Ring' that shows up in media again. And again. And again.

Plus, y'know- humour. And character. Basically the rarest commodities known to First Person Shooters.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Squilookle said:
Honestly I'd take a NOLF over a FEAR any day. I get that FEAR is the king of "enemy AI in a cramped warehouse room" games and everything, but I like a bit of variety to my experiences, and a bit more than the same tired old 'evil in the form of that girl from the Ring' that shows up in media again. And again. And again.

Plus, y'know- humour. And character. Basically the rarest commodities known to First Person Shooters.
NOLF had some of the coolest tools for achieving your objectives(some moreso then a Metal Gear game), such as the kitten bomb(the mook pets the robot kitten and gets blown up), a spray that made bodies disappear(and sometimes the enemes would use them on dead bodies you left lying around) and devices you could place over cameras to blind them without the obvious sabotage of just destroying the camera.

I also appreciate the mooks having interesting conversations when you were sneaking up on them, some of which made you not want to take the out until after they finished talking. I do remember one missionw were some of the mooks were discussing the band they were in and going to practice later on. It made me sad I had to kill them.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Dalisclock said:
Frezzato said:
Oh noes! Some people don't like NOLF or NOLF 2! Zounds, what a terrible, terrible...oh wait, just don't download it for free and all your problems are solved! What a world we live in.

Also, the best FEAR game was FEAR 2. Just saying. Can somebody find a free download of that for PC and I can go ***** in that thread? :)

Edit: Oh right, just a reminder. There's THREE free games. NOLF 1-2 and Contract J.A.C.K. which I've never heard of.
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure B CELL will have a thread soon enough about how FEAR is one of the best games of all time. Especially because you play as a nameless, faceless, silent dude instead a woman with an actual personality and motivations and such.

I didn't play Contract JACK but apparently it's not terribly good.
FEAR might have faceless protagonist but its story is incredible. its very dark and atmospheric while nolf has generic james bond type story.

the gameplay suck in NOLF. the shooting bad, the AI suck, stealth is broken etc. FEAR even after 15 years later its AI and shooting yet to be topped.

just check this out. you wont find this kind of epic firefight, dark atmosphere, that amazing soundtrack in NOLF.

FEAR is still masterpiece.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Adam Jensen said:
Gethsemani said:
So I can sort of support B-Cell's assertion that FEAR is the much better game compared to NOLF, at least from a modern gameplay perspective.
Not the point. B-Cell is constantly lying about playing games with female protagonists despite his absolute disdain for such games. And the game doesn't have to feature a female protagonist in order to easily discern whether he's played it or not. It's also pretty obvious from the way he writes about any given game. It's kind of pathetic.
my friend, despite i prefer playing as male characters but i played plenty of games with female protagonist and didnot like any of them.

although Portal was excellent game and its because of clever valve design. so thats the only game i really liked featuring female protagonist.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
B-Cell said:
FEAR might have faceless protagonist but its story is incredible. its very dark and atmospheric while nolf has generic james bond type story.

the gameplay suck in NOLF. the shooting bad, the AI suck, stealth is broken etc. FEAR even after 15 years later its AI and shooting yet to be topped.

just check this out. you wont find this kind of epic firefight, dark atmosphere, that amazing soundtrack in NOLF.

FEAR is still masterpiece.
Wait, wait, hold on. Are you saying that No One Lives Forever has WORSE AI and mechanics than FEAR, a game which only came out just five years later?

FIVE YEARS LATER and technology had somehow improved?

That's impossible!

It's impressive though. FEAR only required 8 times more RAM to run, at a minimum. And 8 times more video RAM. And Windows XP instead of just Windows 95. And a Pentium IV instead of a Pentium II for NOLF. And 5GB (or 17GB of storage from Steam), versus 2GB for NOLF.

Oh I'm silly, the 2GB is for both NOLF 1 and 2. Make that just 454 megabytes for No One Lives Forever.

Better? Really? Huh.


Well, at least everyone can safely download both games for free and determine for your--oh no wait, you still have to pay for FEAR.