No Right Answer: Best Video Game Format - Physical vs. Digital


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Gotta be honest as long as I can play the game I don't really care either way.
In my experience though digital copy?s are only as good as the tech support of the company that provides them.

As example I once bought an xbox360 game that came with bonus content but the code for the bonus stuff did not work, game was new still in its plastic wrap.

So I did what anyone would do I sent a complaint to customer support and they ignored it, not even one single reply.
After some searching on forums I found out that it was a pre order bonus and too much time had passed so the code was expired but that doesn't change the fact that I had a game with a box clearing showing it came with bonus content which I could not access.

I can't help but feel like I was lied to, if the box states something is included then it bloody well should be and if it was a physical copy then it would have been included but as it was a digital download the only way I could get that content would have been a hack.

I like digital downloads a lot but crap like this always leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Digital ownership simply does not feel as secure as physical :/


New member
Jul 20, 2013
Digital games have 2 HUGE drawbacks for me. Download time and harddrive space.

1 It took over 12 hours for me to download ps3 games. Ps4 games are more than twice as big. I haven't bought any digital ones yet but I seriously doubt they'll take less time to download.

2 Next gen games are already 35+ gigs and they'll only get larger. That will fill a 500 gig harddrive very quick. So soon old games will have to be deleted. If I delete a game I downloaded for 14 hours let alone possible more than a day there is NO way I'll ever play it again. Where as I can always just put my disk in and play.

Also I can loan other people me disc games. Or even sell them. Considering that digital and disc copies are the same price there is no reason for me to go digital.


New member
May 16, 2011
I like Digital for my pc and Physical for my console.
No particular or logical reason :p

Maybe is for steam, gog, green man , humble bundle.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
Firefilm said:
Aptspire said:
God damnit Dan, not one mention of Steam or GoG...
I mean, Steam is my go to place for digital. Also, getting a great game half-off is wonderful. (When was the last time a never used before physical been half-off?)
No, you are right. You are absolutely right. I admit not using a powerful weapon in my corner, and I humbly fall on my sword. (Dan falls on cardboard sword, it bends in half, he hits his head on a coffee table) AAAAAAAAAAAAAREYOUHAPPYNOWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
I'm happy with the mental image, thanks :D
Keep up the good work nontheless!