No Right Answer: Worst Videogame Ending Ever


I am the one who eats ants!
Jul 14, 2011
I dunno, I think the ending to Pac-Man is much worse than either of those. No character development, and you are just left with the feeling that you just put $30 worth of coins into a machine.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Mmm I don' mind the GTA III ending, the ending to The Mafia II is .. well.. worse and better. Better as it tells a really good story worse as.. you can't play anymore. Its done :(

But there are so many nice cars to drive still.. at least with GTA III you get you know lets go on.

Now Final Fantasy, mmm well.. what can one say about pure sang JRPG's.. you don't have a choice anyway. So really I don't feel FF VII was that bad just yeah lack. Hey JRPG! And with Final Fantasy VIII, yup 8, the plot was so dense with time travel.. it didn't matter anymore.

Now what JRPG actually didn't go all bonkers mad at the end anyway.. how many did go into time travel, time compression, "you are the son of the evil" or better "you heroes did my evil work" ..

Meh bad endings so many options, how about "your winner" yeah or "congratulations for playing this game.."

What is worst how does one define it? If it tells a really good story and then ends up with a rather lame choice of ends or just one rather lame ending.

A game without an ending anyway?

A game that is like lets say.. mmm "you all died" as they put it in NWN.. lovely. Or how about Fable III, oh boy ... nobody cared. Oh sure you are "the hero" .. but the game was so easy that your victory was hollow.


New member
May 27, 2011
The Random One said:
Chris is wrong. He says he has a problem with the ending because it does not adequately explain what happened. Well, guess what: that's called ambiguity and in fiction it's generally considered to be a good thing. You are not precisely told what happened, but you are given an idea and whatever you think happened is how the story ends in your mind. To say that it's a bad ending because of that is to be like the idiots who are poring through the production documents of Inception to find out whether or not the spin stops at the ending. It's not important, because there isn't supposed to be a definitive answer, and that's the point.

Imagine that there's an Inception sequel that explains without any leeway whether or not the previous movie's ending is a dream or not. Most people would hate it and call it a cash grab, probably rightly. That's exactly what Advent Children is: a cash grab that has no respect for the original ending and just wants to make more money. I'm not sure why gamers are the only media consumers who demand that everything be explained to them: that's a stupid, self-defeating way of thinking that leads only to make sure games with proper symbolysm and subtext are never made.

Since everyone is talking about ME3, here's a parallel: I've seen people flat out reject Indocrination Theory because 'Bioware has to say it's canon'. That's not how it works, dudes! Once a work is released, the author's analysis of it has no more say than the fanbase's, because a work has to stand on its own. If the work supports the theory, then Bioware saying it's not true does not change the fact that it's plausible and therefore a valid interpretation. That's what made me so angry about Retakers: not that they didn't like the ending, but that they departed from the assumption that they had to force Bioware to make a new ending, when in fact any ending they created themselves was exactly was valid as the canon one under any theory for the study of creative works.

Kyle, on the other end, is also wrong. GTAIII was the first game to mesh true sandbox and at least a pretension of narrative, so it should get a pass as the devs were technically testing the waters to see what works and what didn't. Plus GTAIII was about some lowlife scum running around and killing hookers (hoooraay!) so what should change in the city once he finishes killing some people he didn't like? I hated GTAIV, but it did have an ending that had some finality for those who were playing for the story, without preventing them from continuing on the gameplay. On the other hand. Fallout 3 had an ending that was certainly final but gamers hated it. (I didn't - it happened to be an excellent ending for my character, who was a goody two-shoes and didn't have anyone on her party who could have done the deed for her, but were you playing an evil character who had a robot and a mutant for sidekicks I'd understand how it doesn't fit in.)

So if both are wrong, who wins? Dan. Dan always wins. Woooo Dan!
You're damn right I always win!


New member
Sep 18, 2011
deth2munkies said:
Oh come on, no mention of KotOR 2? That ending was way worse. You get a maybe text dump with a visual of what happens 2 seconds after you kill the final boss then nothing, all from a CHARACTER BASED, STORY DRIVEN GAME.
This has been fixed by modders who restored the original ending intended by the developers before their game was rushed to hit Christmas by Lucasarts. Give it a go some time, it's pretty good, I mean don't get me wrong it's still rough as it had to be shoe horned in, but it's much more satisfying and actually varies. Crazy part is it actually uses some files that shipped intact with the game but were just deactivated.

About this video: I couldn't disagree more about Final Fantasy VII's ending, it's vagueness held an epic power to it, and I feel that in the end that story wasn't about winning or losing it was about what a small part humanity really has in the nature of the world, hence the overgrown Midgar with no signs of life. However, I suppose I can see how the small minded might not grasp this concept (I figured this out when I was 10, so if you're an adult and you still don't get it... geeze), which is why they put out fucking Advent Children, to show you that: Yes, humanity won and Shinra lost, Yes, Holy saved the world, yes, Tifa still has tits.

Also, it's a fucking JRPG, of course there wasn't any Role-playing, just a stat system, it's been that way since Dragon Warrior. Fucking duh.

I don't really consider Mass Effect to have any role-playing, as your options are as follows: Good Guy Greg, Douchebag Steve, Socially Awkward Penguin... Oh wait, I guess you get to decide which Alien you want to fuck, yeah, role play the shit out of that.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Super Mario Bros 2

It's always the first thought that comes to mind when I think worst ending ever. That game's ending is less fulfilling than the generic 'Congratulations' screen or 'Game Over' screens of yesteryear.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I thought that Kyle had the better argument there.

Grand Theft Auto 3 not only sucked, but it sucked in a way that influenced a bunch of other games as well. At least final fantasy had the dignity to die and not pollute other games while it did so.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Obligatory ME3 reference:

That ending made me want to punch my television. I felt as if my time had been wasted across 3, 30 hour games.

Aside from ME3, I must give the award to shitty ending to KoToR 2. I got the darkside ending, and I still have no idea what the hell happened.


New member
Jun 18, 2010
SpartyTheOneManParty said:
How about Prince of Persia 2008?

"What's that, Mass Effect 3? Epilogue DLC? Yeah, we did that before it was cool."
And because I played that on PC I still haven't had the chance to play it, fuck you ubisoft.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
So is Mass Effect 3 the videogame equivalent of Spider-Man 3? Two months in, and NO ONE HAS SHUT UP ABOUT IT! Most movies and games are long forgotten and in the bargain bin by now. It has to say something about a game when someone who hasn't played it is getting sick of all the whining.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
deth2munkies said:
Oh come on, no mention of KotOR 2? That ending was way worse. You get a maybe text dump with a visual of what happens 2 seconds after you kill the final boss then nothing, all from a CHARACTER BASED, STORY DRIVEN GAME.
That's almost as bad as the ending from Persona 3:
You die and everybody forgets the game ever happened.
I hope you didn't spend any time getting attached to those characters and helping them with their problems, because in the end, it doesn't matter.
Fuck those 30 hours.

Jacked Assassin

Nothing On TV
Jun 4, 2010
I have to extremely disagree with everyone so far.

Worst video game ending ever goes to Duke Nuke Forever.

And I knew this after taking my blinders off from the rest of the story after it got to the end.

Nothing Duke Nukem does in the end vindicates what happened through out the game. And it ends in the same boss battle that was in the beginning in DNF. And even then that was the same boss battle from Duke Nukem 3D.

The whole game is basically the dumpster baby of director Michael Bay & current Deadpool writer Danial Way.

All of this crap it ends with Duke Nukem saying he'll run for president. Oh Dear Flying Spaghetti Monster. Duke Nukem as a presidential Nominee after this would be the worse idea ever.

If he were real & a Republican Nominee.

He may hypothetically have more money from his gambling success than any candidate with a Super Pac. But after DNF there's no chance he'd get the women's vote. Santorum, Gingrich, & Cain would have better luck with that. His emphasis on hating aliens may be taken as innuendo for hating foreigners. Especially with how much the DNF logo emphasized the US flag. Duke Nukem is so out of touch with today's voter that Mitt Romney would still be the front runner. And anyone who'd say they'd want to have a beer with Duke Nukem would have to settle for a shot glass of Wine Cooler. Because according to DNF Duke Nukem gets easily drunk on 1 beer.

Anyone can say that "Of course DNF was going to have a bad ending because the whole game was bad". But it was a bad game with an even worse ending. Duke Nukem ending the game while making fart noises with his armpit would have been a better ending than saying he'd run for president. Because in ending as it did I had to take my blinders off to what the rest of the DNF is.

A badly written, overly linear game, that couldn't outlive its previous installments even if it had tried.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Personally, I was kind of glad to be done with the story of FFVII. I didn't want closure on the characters because they were flat and lame.

And yet I still keep going back to the game...

misterprickly said:
They're both WRONG!

The worst ending is either a "Thank you for playing" screen.


A misspelled "Congratulations" screen.
Ghostbusters, for sure.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Mk, first of all, when they said Worst Videogame ending ever, I though FFVII immediately. So yeah, I do think FFVII is a pretty bad ending. I can think of worse, but since FFVII is pretty much a big deal or whatever, I can see why people are so upset about it. Me, I didn't like the game that much to begin with (Come to think of it, I think I never finished it; I think I saw the ending on Youtube/Advent Children).

Having said that, FFVII is a JRPG. JRPGs, by nature, are about the story of one guy out there and you follow their story until the end. You don't get to be that guy, you don't get to affect their decisions that much. That's the point. That's what makes them different from Western RPGs like Skyrim and Dragon Age and Mass Effect and stuff. This has been established since FFI so that was kind of a weak argument there. It's like saying the NES Mario games could have more exploration or could have been better if they had been a sandbox game. That's not the point of a Mario game, so no. Moving on...

All sandbox games' endings are not truly the end of a story? Yes, but this is true of almost every single game. The difference is they don't show it. When you save Peach in every Mario game, do you think they just stand still until Bowser recovers and kidnaps Peach again and another Mario game beings? No. I would imagine Mario and Peach go home...maybe argue about Mario gaining a few pounds...maybe Peach refuses to bake him a cake. Maybe Yoshi needs to go to the veterinarian, I don't know! The difference with games like GTA or InFamous is that YOU control what the character does next. It's irrelevant compared to the ending or what happened before it, but again, this is true of almost every ending. That's why most games end with the ending, as redundant as it is.

With GTA3, the character was a mute, emotionless criminal. What did you expect for the ending? For him to break into song, marry the girl and raise a family in the suburbs? No, of course not. Don't get me wrong, I love GTA3 but...I gotta admit: it remained loyal to the protagonist' personality. Contrast this to San Andreas, where the character has a defined personality, goals, flaws and virtues and the kind of ending you get for this game. They're like night and day but, again, it's all in the nature of the game.

Yes, I always thought the ending for FFVII was crap:

1. You "kill" Sephiroth
2. Meteor is still coming
3. Aeris' spirit appears
4. ???

Not a good ending at all.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Really? Nobody mentioned Ninja Gaiden Sigma?

I played it for the PS3, and for the hours upon hours of toil that game was the ending was just downright insulting: "Oh, yeah, so... nice to meet you. Let me use the teleport ability which I did not use THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE GAME, now that the game is over. Goodbye" Pfff... C'mon!

I so hated that game. For such a hard game I expected an ending worthy of Metal Gear, and instead got a final boss fight that wasn't worth it and a disappointing animation that barely lasts five minutes.

Curse you, Team Ninja!!! Curse you!!!


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:
Sure it wasn't such a justified ending, but really they made up for that in the movie. The movie got everything done 'right' as to how it should of ended plus I loved the movie. Was worth the cash, and we got to spend a longer time with the characters in nice animation along with seeing fighting that could not of been displayed otherwise in the game itself. So a nice feature I would say.
I feel like, if this is the crux of your argument for why FFVII's ending isn't so bad (correct me if I got that wrong), then it's unfair to say ME3's got the worst ending ever until you've waited to see the DLC/other materials that come out to supplement its own ending. If one game gets redeemed by what the studio makes after the fact to complete the ending, then why not the other? Was FFVII's ending also "the worst ending ever" until Advent Children came out? Or is ME3 being held to unequal standards (and why)?


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
Like many people, I'm disappointed in the lack of Kotor 2.

Also, that high pitched "bye" made me shudder, as it should for anybody who has been watching Sherlock.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Strife2GFAQs said:
So is Mass Effect 3 the videogame equivalent of Spider-Man 3? Two months in, and NO ONE HAS SHUT UP ABOUT IT! Most movies and games are long forgotten and in the bargain bin by now. It has to say something about a game when someone who hasn't played it is getting sick of all the whining.
Apparently. To tell the truth I didn't think the ending was half bad. I understood what TIM was doing when he should up and made his big monologue and when The Catalyst showed up understood his message and why we got those three choices.

The only thing that I will be pissed about with this epilouge is if they somehow make Shepard . . . FUCK I JUST WENT OFF ON A MASS EFFECT 3 TANGENT IN A NON-ME3 THREAD. My bad.

Now on topic.
I haven't played either game but if I had to say worse ending I would go between Too Human and Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. Both had endings that left room for more games. And neither has another game coming out probably ever.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:
minuialear said:
Caramel Frappe said:
Sure it wasn't such a justified ending, but really they made up for that in the movie. The movie got everything done 'right' as to how it should of ended plus I loved the movie. Was worth the cash, and we got to spend a longer time with the characters in nice animation along with seeing fighting that could not of been displayed otherwise in the game itself. So a nice feature I would say.
I feel like, if this is the crux of your argument for why FFVII's ending isn't so bad (correct me if I got that wrong), then it's unfair to say ME3's got the worst ending ever until you've waited to see the DLC/other materials that come out to supplement its own ending. If one game gets redeemed by what the studio makes after the fact to complete the ending, then why not the other? Was FFVII's ending also "the worst ending ever" until Advent Children came out? Or is ME3 being held to unequal standards (and why)?
You make a good point there. Was wondering if someone would quote me on a point i've made and I was not disappointed in the least. True that I have no real claim on this, that Mass Effect 3's ending is worse (to be yet proven) until the DLC for it comes out which I am glad it's going to be free. Yet, I do wonder ... if they made a movie on ME3 in the same animation as FF7 did... then, would people be hyped and buy that to see the true ending or would they feel even more infuriated by this? Now I am thinking on a deeper matter at hand, I am sorry for this lol.
They can't make a Mass Effect movie to tie up the ending in anyway.

mostly because no matter which choice you make Shepard will die. Kill all synthetics his synthetic heart gets destroyed. Take over the Reapers he gets killed. Synthesis he gets vaporized. if it was sans Shepard then maybe but even then they would have to make 3 different movies one for each outcome then even then make a movie based on other things that shaped the outcome of the game like who lived and who died.