Not so usual ( I think) girl problem


New member
Mar 12, 2011
I've always wondered why people drive themselves insane with these things. Look I have a friend with a similar problem and I'll tell you the same thing.

You will never be able to figure a girl out. You'll be able know to what she wants, likes and when. Beyond that take everything as it comes.

Now, if you're like my friend, then you probably have high standards, don't realize it, and are way to foreword when you like a girl. It's simple really, if you find some one you like, show enough interest in her to keep her talking. But don't let it be a one sided conversation. Don't believe any nonsense like "Don't date your friends". Its bullshit. Your friends already get along with you, so play the friend card. Be friendly person at first. If she likes what she sees, she'll let you know, and then you can decide what happens. Chances are you're so caught up in what ever fantasy you're in that, you're over looking someone close. Look, I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 18 and the girl I'm with now, I met when I was 16 (I'm 20 now). Take girls as they come, having an entourage of female friends was a hell of a lot of fun, still is, and I didn't/don't have the slightest romantic interests in many of them.

You're young and I'm still kind of lol. So take it from me, take life as it come and enjoy the ride.
Feb 7, 2009
It will come. If you just sit back and let things happen, someone will find you. Hell, I was actively avoiding relationships when I just bassically tripped and fell into the one I am in now.


Nov 11, 2009
A Weakgeek said:
So thats my problem, so escapist do you have any advice for 16 year old who needs to be more interested in people? Well honestly I would be more suprised if you did. Please try though, since this has been bugging me for some time.
How about you just wait? Do you need a girlfriend right now? To me it sounds like you don't...
But if you want to be more interested in people in general then I more info about you would be good, as to why you find others boring :)

A Weakgeek

New member
Feb 3, 2011
Aurgelmir said:
A Weakgeek said:
So thats my problem, so escapist do you have any advice for 16 year old who needs to be more interested in people? Well honestly I would be more suprised if you did. Please try though, since this has been bugging me for some time.
How about you just wait? Do you need a girlfriend right now? To me it sounds like you don't...
But if you want to be more interested in people in general then I more info about you would be good, as to why you find others boring :)
It may just be some mild lonelyness, but you are right. I don't NEED a girlfriend right now, but feeling so strongly towards someone would be something worth going for.


Nov 11, 2009
A Weakgeek said:
Aurgelmir said:
A Weakgeek said:
So thats my problem, so escapist do you have any advice for 16 year old who needs to be more interested in people? Well honestly I would be more suprised if you did. Please try though, since this has been bugging me for some time.
How about you just wait? Do you need a girlfriend right now? To me it sounds like you don't...
But if you want to be more interested in people in general then I more info about you would be good, as to why you find others boring :)
It may just be some mild lonelyness, but you are right. I don't NEED a girlfriend right now, but feeling so strongly towards someone would be something worth going for.
True, True, but hey you are what 16-17 (if I understood correctly), you have YEARS to find someone, there is no rush. And trust me those feelings will come when you meet someone "special"


New member
Feb 28, 2008
lee1287 said:
Erm, maybe Youre Asexual? Or broken as i like to call it.

You'll be intrested in a girl whenyou find one who is awesome. Then she will break your heart, then you will Post about it on here. So is the circle of life.
Asexuals are Not broken. We receive the same physical signals all people do when exposed to sexual indicators. It just doesn't appeal to us, and many of us simply don't have the need for it.

It is downright offensive to suggest that asexuals are in some way inherently wrong or broken, especially in a situation like this where there is a genuine possibility of the OP lacking a sexual orientation. Many people don't even acknowledge that asexuality exists, and its even worse when the few that do insist that its somehow bad. Telling asexual teenagers that they are somehow broken leads to a lot of kids being in sexual situations they don't really want, and that is far more likely to hurt someone than the possibility of going through highschool without getting laid.

It is Not alright to say that asexuality is bad, and even if you were just joking, this is the advice forum. You don't make those kinds of jokes here.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Erana said:
lee1287 said:
Erm, maybe Youre Asexual? Or broken as i like to call it.

You'll be intrested in a girl whenyou find one who is awesome. Then she will break your heart, then you will Post about it on here. So is the circle of life.
Asexuals are Not broken. We receive the same physical signals all people do when exposed to sexual indicators. It just doesn't appeal to us, and many of us simply don't have the need for it.

It is downright offensive to suggest that asexuals are in some way inherently wrong or broken, especially in a situation like this where there is a genuine possibility of the OP lacking a sexual orientation. Many people don't even acknowledge that asexuality exists, and its even worse when the few that do insist that its somehow bad. Telling asexual teenagers that they are somehow broken leads to a lot of kids being in sexual situations they don't really want, and that is far more likely to hurt someone than the possibility of going through highschool without getting laid.

It is Not alright to say that asexuality is bad, and even if you were just joking, this is the advice forum. You don't make those kinds of jokes here.
First of all, It was Off topic when i posted, Second of all, It was a joke. If he takes my joke to heart, thats his problem, not mine.