Notch Delays Minecraft Adventure Update


New member
Nov 2, 2009
This article doesn't mention that Notch actually asked on Twitter etc recently if people wanted a pistons-only update soon, rather than waiting for the full adventure update.

So actually, the update is being pulled forward, just with less stuff in it than originally promised :)


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Snowy Rainbow said:
Mantonio said:
Snowy Rainbow said:
Zarthek said:
Got the feeling that Notch starts getting shakes if he doesn't release updates in a certain timeframe.
I think Notch will be the death of Minecraft. In all honesty, since the "game" has been made available, he's done next to nothing. The survival mode is a joke and has been left in the dust; it's extremely easy and offers no real gameplay beyond a sandpit, eliminating the entire point of the mode. The multiplayer servers consist almost entirely with modded specs, including textures, items, animals and NPCs, all of which are made by the community with no input from Notch.

If Notch let the program go and gave it to someone else, I think it would be for the best. Maybe they could actually get something done.
First off, he's done plenty. The game has had a tonne of stuff added to it since its first ever Alpha release.

Second, get it out of your head that Survival Mode means Bear Grylls Simulator. The survival part just refers to the fact that monsters spawn, and that you can now die and therefore need to be careful.

Finally, the modding community always seemingly gets more done, because mods can cater to specific tastes, while the vanilla game has to try and cater to everyone who plays.
He's done some. Not plenty. I've no doubt in the world that other people could have done everything he's done in a much shorter time span and more effectively.
The only possible way it could get out faster is if this person was completely fluent in every form of coding imaginable a super genius IQ and absolutely never ever left his computer or had any form of life whatsoever so get over yourself Notch is doing a fine job and the game wouldn't be as good as it is without him most mods were inspired by things he has said he wanted to add

I prefer vanilla minecraft I've tried plenty of mods only one I liked was texture packs and I even changed those back The modding community can cater to individual tastes though considering there is thousands of people working on it and some people for some reason take quantity over quality


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
This is sounding all too familiar...

A general rule is you dont announce or set a date for something you dont think you can make, Jagex are Notorious for it, breaking things.

Vavle wasn't much better with the Uber Update, alot of the weapons buggy, and 2 Soldier recipes (still) broken.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Snowy Rainbow said:
CountChopula said:
Ok so you backtrack on your own comment, and t hen make some sort of hyperbolic statement. You know what, someone could have made it faster, and probably even more effectively, but no one has, until Notch. And if he hadn't you wouldn't even be bringing this statement up.
No. No I didn't backtrack. I said he's done very little the first time and I said it the second time. Synonyms are not backflips.

And your second point is... pointless. Someone comes along and does a poor job at something, but they were the first to do it? And? I fail to see how they get a free pass at doing a job poorly.
1800 people a minute start a Minecraft game - I'm not sure under what criteria you can count Minecraft as a 'job done poorly'

It is a game, whether you like it or not, that has an enormous following and offers a lot of fun. Even the largest criticism - that it gets easy and repetitive - only becomes valid after quite a long time of playing - longer than most AAA titles offer. And at a quarter the price, Minecraft is clearly the bang for buck favorite.

May not be for everyone, but even neglecting its own value as a game, it has also inspired a number of 'low res' indie games and really enabled them to gain more exposure. For that alone, it is a great game.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Snowy Rainbow said:
CountChopula said:
Ok so you backtrack on your own comment, and t hen make some sort of hyperbolic statement. You know what, someone could have made it faster, and probably even more effectively, but no one has, until Notch. And if he hadn't you wouldn't even be bringing this statement up.
No. No I didn't backtrack. I said he's done very little the first time and I said it the second time. Synonyms are not backflips.

And your second point is... pointless. Someone comes along and does a poor job at something, but they were the first to do it? And? I fail to see how they get a free pass at doing a job poorly.
But he didn't do a bad job, it's a good game and a million people are going to agree with me. Plus he's not taking that long, he started Minecraft a little over two years ago and he was by himself when he started, two years(probably close to thre when it's released) to release a hit game and start a company is faster then most people move.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
He didn't delay it... if anything he released the pistons early. The "adventure update" was never supposed to be released anytime soon.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
smartengine said:
He didn't delay it... if anything he released the pistons early. The "adventure update" was never supposed to be released anytime soon.
I was gonna say: if something has a release date of 'when it's done' and then the version number is changed but the release date stays at 'when it's done', how has it been delayed?


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Why is he planning to release the official game on the 11th of November 2011? He's all digital, he doesn't have to release it then. I mean Tuesday is just for USA retail. He could do it basically whenever he wants.


May 1, 2008
thats all great, just PLEASE don't replace torches with lanterns, it'll make discovering new areas a REAL pain in the rear in single player.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
been a follower of minecraft since before the infdev and patience is really something you need for this game and it's creator but on the bright side he's releasing the pistons earlier ^^