Oasis Guitarist Bashes Guitar Hero


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Wouldukindly said:
This would be like if marines started telling people that real combat isn't like Halo 3...all but the severely stupid would offer up a sarcastic 'Oh, really?'
Yeah I know right? It's even more pathetic when garage band guitarists rant about Guitar Hero and Rock Band on their blogs. Even the Army has made entries in gaming, albeit trying to be realistic.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
gaara9999 said:
they`re both brilliant you fricking dumbass guitar hero has more experiance on it geez theyre both good to play but guitar hero still has a few tricks like guitar hero metallica if they keep it for good bands they`ll do fricking great!
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "experience", but if I am thinking what I think you're thinking, it is actually Rock Band that has the most "experience" behind it. The Guitar Hero name (for it is now nothing more than a name) is under the control of a group of, in my opinion, upstarts. Despite all the flash and publicity from the Guitar Hero camp, Rock Band, and Harmonix, are where it's "at", if you'll escuse the use such vernacular.


#virgil { display:none; }
Jun 13, 2002
Original Article said:
Britrock's elder statesmen and Oasis man Noel Gallagher has...
Seriously? Oasis is seriously considered to be an "elder statesman" now? There's nobody [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Clapton] else [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_Floyd] left [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Knopfler]? I guess they're bigger in Europe or something, because most of their stuff just doesn't compare.

That said, the CVG article is almost nonsensical. It seems like they pulled one quote from a current interview, and another conflicting set of quotes from an older interview. I'm not quite sure what they're getting at. It would be nice if the full interview were available online to make sense of the thing, but it looks like it's print-only.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Noel Gallagher has always been, and will always be, a cock-sucking fucktard. I apologize for that, and I hope I don't get hit with the banhammer, but it had to be said. He (they, I suppose) released one mediocre (or was it medio-core? [/bad joke]) record that was an instant hit with pale emos (the real ones, not those weird goth hybrids) and the type of girls, who ten years later, are probably swooning over Twilight, and trust me, young 'uns, there was a LOT of that going around in the nineties, and the fame went straight to his head, and then he committed the cardinal sin of pop music: He said he was going to be bigger than the Beatles. Well, after that the Rock Gods came down from on high and smote him, after which he faded into relative obscurity, but the damage was done; he'd already managed to amass a loyal fanbase, so the freak show kept on rolling, but every once in a while the pale head emerges and spews forth some idiotic bile, just to let the rest of know that he's still here...

Some of his more (in)famous stunts include: "Feuding" with his "idiotic twat of a brother". For a while there near the end of the last millennium, Noel started publicly abusing his brother, verbally and physically, cussing him out in interviews, smacking him around during shows, etc. All of which thrust him to the forefront once again, but, as like all media gag-flys, everyone stopped caring after a while and he sank from view.

However the nightmare was not over. After SOAD released their second album (which even they agree was over-hyped; in a sidebar interview in Maxim Daron Malakian was asked which song on the radio he thought was overplayed, to which he responded "Chop Suey. I could really go without ever hearing that song again.") the sallow faced asshat reared again, this time on a "crusade" against every kind of music that he thought was bad (read: anything that wasn't Oasis) by jumping on the "Fuck Nu-Metal" bandwagon and lashing out against well established acts such as Korn, SOAD, Limp Bizkit and the like, thereby earning him the ire of just about every metalhead in America at the time. But, again, after a while, people stopped caring and he sank from public view.

I could go on, but let's just jump forward to now. Here he is again, spewing out vitriol and acid about a game he admits knowing NOTHING about...yet another fine attention whoring moment for Noel Gallagher. Who's surprised? Not me.

EDIT: Sorry about the WOT...this one kinda got away from me...


New member
Jan 7, 2009
MarsProbe said:
gaara9999 said:
they`re both brilliant you fricking dumbass guitar hero has more experiance on it geez theyre both good to play but guitar hero still has a few tricks like guitar hero metallica if they keep it for good bands they`ll do fricking great!
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "experience", but if I am thinking what I think you're thinking, it is actually Rock Band that has the most "experience" behind it. The Guitar Hero name (for it is now nothing more than a name) is under the control of a group of, in my opinion, upstarts. Despite all the flash and publicity from the Guitar Hero camp, Rock Band, and Harmonix, are where it's "at", if you'll escuse the use such vernacular.
i mean it as in both its my typing but yh guitar hero is technichaly under a load of spazticated 21 year olds


New member
Oct 22, 2008
well the thing is and everybody knows this
Noel Gallagher is a ****.

No one plays project Gotham then thinks there fully trained fucking racing driver.
or Call of Duty 4 and thinks there a Marine.

Bored Tomatoe

New member
Aug 15, 2008
I don't like rhythm games just because it isn't my thing, but at least I make sense in my criticisms...


Uncanny Valley Cave Dweller
Nov 30, 2007
"playing a guitar is not a f**king videogame."

Nor is imitating the Beatles a way to make yourself relevant again.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
So he hates it buts harmless fun? I'm tired of trying to figure out what this guy is on. I don't know what you mean Mister Noel, not at all.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Everybody who thinks that he can play guitar/bass/drums because he is good at Guitar Hero or Rock Band then he should be quiet because he is an idiot.

Musicians like Noel Gallagher (who I hate) and Nickelback should be smart enough that they shouldn't care about that kind of stuff.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
gaara9999 said:
Audemas said:
I can understand where he is coming from but I don't think he should be so upset. He should look at it more of a "I'm better than you." kind of way. I play the guitar and I can't tell you how many times I've played it at my youth group and people would ask me questions like, "Can you Cliffs of Dover?" To which I replied, "No I'm not Eric Johnson, I'm practicing my chords." And the guy said (and I kid you not) "Pfff. Fag, get good *****." Which was bad enough but it didn't bother me until he kicked my guitar and scratched it so I was angry. I went over to his little group of friends playing Guitar Hero III and the kid just failed a song. I said to him "Pfff. Fag, get good *****." and grabbed the controller and smashed it into the wall and broke it. And I was kicked out of Youth Group for it but oh well.
could`nt he have just kept these things to himself?
Well what celebrity in this day and age doesn't have an opinion on something and has no problem saying what is wrong/right with it? And while it's true that no one should really care, there will be people will do it because they can. Besides, I'd rather be really good at playing the actual guitar then playing a game where you play a fake guitar. I understand why people who play guitar hero/rock band do it but why not actually practice at playing a real instrument? (No offense to hardcore rock band/guitar hero players out there)


Old Man Glenn
Feb 13, 2008
Guitarists have been bashing Guitar Hero since it existed.

Remember the Dance Dance Revolution craze a while back? I don't think anyone thought they would actually become good at dancing playing DDR. It was simply a rhythm game, just like Guitar Hero.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
I'm a little on the fence.

I suck at real guitar(I can be 'OK' at bass) and guitar hero.

I do like Oasis(So shoot me why don't you), I find that I just was compelled to listen to it.

When it comes to public statements however, they shoot themselves in the foot before sticking it in their mouth(admittedly this may sound strange, but you try combining two metaphors without sounding crazy).

I look back upon the Paul McCartney statement released a while back for more evidence of this.

Also Those who are offended easily, deserve to be offended. I mean really he's the lead man in a band that is not really that popular or worshipped(led zep., pink floyd, clapton. Note these are all wonderful bands and musicians, but their following gets over zealous). It's not like Eric Clapton is shooting off fire balls, but he does have a lot more pull with him.

So what if they're incredulous, indignant, and not afraid to speak their mind. They kind of are allowed to do that(At least to this degree, I'm not familiar with Britain's laws on free speech), and that's how some bands rose to their height.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Why do we never see any real Marines or Soldiers get upset and cry about how "shooting people isn't a f***ing game", which is actually a pretty good point?


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Keane Ng said:
And, ultimately, better than whatever other crazy stuff the kids might be into these days. "I'd rather that genre of videogames than somebody getting their f**king head chopped off with a samurai sword while getting f***ked by a goblin up the arse with a laser," he said. "Do you know what I mean?" No, not really. But that sounds pretty awesome.
it sounds likes he's just pissed because someone beat him in WoW or some even better mmo that by the sounds of it would be fun


New member
Jan 27, 2009
What a whiner.

Oh, by the way Noel, you have at least 3 songs in Rock Band. How much money did you make out of that again? Besides, I would hardly call Oasis the pinnacle of guitar expertise.


New member
Nov 5, 2007
This article seems really cobbled together to get a rise out of gamers. However I'll try to respond intelligently as if this Oasis guy is as ignorant and hateful as this article implies.

There is a big misconception going on here: that all people playing Guitar Hero (meaning GH1, GH3, Rock Band, GH:WT, etc) are doing so at the expense of playing a genuine instrument. The majority of people playing were and will never take up an instrument seriously and would otherwise be entirely removed from the musical experience. Another segment is people who are introduced to playing a real instrument due to the entertainment version. And lastly, there is the slim sliver of a nothing that take to the game instead of the actual instrument.

I think the biggest offense that people get is that video games are overstepping their traditional bounds as trivial distractions into genuine methods of cultural experience. They have this fixed notion that a game is for light entertainment and nothing more. I think Nintendo and the Wii come from a standpoint that games can be more than popcorn mental naps and can teach and integrate meaningfully into one's life beyond the narrow scope of "fucking video games."