Oculus Rift Porn Purveyor Gives Props to Mass Effect


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Kargathia said:
Andy Chalk said:
Eroticism may be a different matter, but the line between erotica and porn is a fine one that's often drawn based entirely upon who you happen to be talking to at any given moment.
I once heard "erotica" being described as "porn that works for me". I still find it hard to disagree.

saintdane05 said:
Please. This guy hasn't played Corruption of Champions. That... that is some hot shit.
... I feel weirdly tempted to check that out. For science. (and to quell disbeliefs regarding uncanny valleys)


On the whole I'd say it's probably a positive thing somebody tries and create a sex game that isn't horrible. Problem is just that probability is massively stacked against him.
Tell us the findings of your research..you know for fellow scientific curiosity


New member
Apr 14, 2009
It's true; the sex scene in Mass Effect, while not particularly sexy, -are- erotic and have a fair bit of emotional charge depending on how you play the game. There was definitely a close relationship between FemShep and Liara on my playthrough.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
The Oculus Rift may offer a more involved and deeper visual experience, but adult style games/simulations won't be that appealing to me until we reach the holodeck level of entertainment quality.

If we somehow jump to that level of technology within my youthful lifetime, I'd probably disappear in one for a good month or more.(Hey! Don't judge, you probably would too.)

I can imagine that such technology would eat the lives of unluckily single guys and girls.


New member
Dec 12, 2011
I was under the impression that the vast majority of porn games were made in Japan, done in an anime style and therefore avoid the "uncanny valley" problem altogether.
I don't think people play porn games for ultra-realistic models, textures and animations, otherwise they would just watch porn, surely?


New member
Jul 16, 2009
saintdane05 said:
Kargathia said:
I once heard "erotica" being described as "porn that works for me". I still find it hard to disagree.
Technically, "Porn" involves live people. So if you filmed people having sex, that would be porn. SEE: Caligua, Keep up the Lust ET, etc. Erotica is material specifically created to cause arousal, but has no live models of sex. See: Every Hentai ever.
And about Coc: No uncanny valley. All text based. Just wait till you find Owcra Village though...
Erotica is perfectly capable of having human models. Generally speaking the most accepted distinction between erotica / erotic art and porn is that porn merely serves to arouse, while erotic imagery has additional aesthetic value.

Suffice to say, it is a distinction that involves a massive grey area, and is heavily open to personal interpretation.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I was always thought the sex scenes in Mass Effect were really silly and stupid looking. And with Bioware in general it's created this really weird emphasis on the sex over everything else, as the sort of cap to all their relationships. Whereas with say, the companions in Obsidian, where some might end up possibly having sex but also others have very different climaxes to the relationship it feels a lot more balanced as a whole.

The clumsy doll-like sex scenes in Dragon Age were one of the few things that I recognised as a solid Bioware trope in that game.

Miranda's is good from a character standpoint though, even if the animation is still pretty poor. It's actually her strongest character moment really. Unlike the rest of the characters where I felt I understood the writers perfectly, hearing them describe Miranda as 'sultry' and things like that didn't chime at all with what I thought her personality was. But the exhibitionism and trophy-taking pride and need to dominate to prove herself came across really strongly in that one scene, where it felt a lot weaker and more confused in the rest of the game.