Odd Habits You've Developed and Why


Tired. Cold. Bored.
Nov 13, 2009
Recently I've developed a habit where when I'm watching a video on Youtube, or listening to a podcast and the like, I've been playing it on 1.5x speed or higher (typically 1.5x). I've been doing it because it speeds things up without distorting any of the information or the way it sounds (things aren't chipmunked) and I'm getting all the information a lot faster. It's reached the point where if I'm watching/listening to something I'll only really do it at 1.5x speed or higher because everything feels extremely sluggish otherwise (except movies and television shows where the pacing would be damaged by the increase in speed, unlike podcasts and Youtube videos which tend to lack any proper pacing). People who see me do it claim that they're confused and have trouble keeping up with things that way, but I find it far more enjoyable.

Have you developed any strange habits like I have and if so, why?

EDIT: I wrote this whilst listening to the Jimothy Sterling's Podquisition at 1.7x speed.


Oct 28, 2013
I write diagonally, because it's the only thing that can keep the lines straight. I must have straight lines.