Oddyssey reviews Mass Effect!


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Well, it's been awhile since I've reviewed a game, and I'm really ready for it now so come on, and in the words of the Zohan "Then let's go."

So the Xbox 360 needed a RPG, seen as though the others such as Blue Dragon, Oblivion and some others had been made, completed and now there was a T-Shirt. So Bio-Ware Corps comes to Microsoft with this game Mass Effect.

Before we go on, I would like to say that this game isn't necessarily bad, it is not however good or even average, it's sort of just, tepid.

That said, let's continue, the Story/Plot I didn't really follow much, this was mostly down to me hating it after around about six hours of gameplay, but from what I could gather. People are trying to kill other people and we are now told that they want to destroy the world (pinky.) In all, the basic plot isn't exactly anything new, and neither is much else about this game.

The first thing that really annoyed me about this game is the fact that they brought in,"That Girl." You know what I mean, the girl that loves to hate and hates to love. The girl that almost every game that has a woman in it is introducing, the one that see's every flirtatious comment as a perverted remark, the girl that has half a pound of silicon in their breasts. Enough ranting, but surprisingly this one doesn't have the half of a pound of silicon, which does sort of make her less attractive.

Something that alot of people have complained about is the conversation wheel. This is just a little wheel on the screen that has several different options to say on, this was supposed to give you more choice. With the conversation wheel I had two complaints. Complaint the first is that although we had many of choices, there really was just two, the nice way, and the nasty way. Complaint the second is that, I thought that If I where to swear alot, be really evil and have a goatee(the most evil moustache in the world) I would be considered EVILE (no spelling error) but instead, I still ultimately have to become the good guy, not only that, but an elite good guy, and then save the world.

Even though I had to be goody goody two shoes, I did indirectly kill two of my party members. I didn't really care though, as I couldn't become attached to the characters.

Probablies the only thing I did like was the combat, it was nice and easy, and let me use a sniper rifle tons, always a plus! Then again, it was far too easy, as by using any powerful gun you could take out the majority of enemies as long as you use them properly i.e., do not use the shotgun from say a sniper rifle range.

All in all, it's a RPG, it's probablies never going to be as good as FFVII but this could have at least tried harder, with hateable characters, a horrible choice system, and something I didn't mention: horrible level layouts. It's not all that great.

>>**On a scale of three B's Buy,Borrow,Burn, Burn, but if pushed Borrow**<<


New member
Nov 10, 2008
I think calling that a review was a bit of a stretch. Rant, yes. Review, no.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
I'll avoid making a remark about the content of the review (*points to avatar* I'm a bit biased), but I will talk about the review itself. It's short, with very little explanation given to its points. Also, criticizing the story while admitting you didn't pay attention to it (and similar things) tend to completely destroy your credibility.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Well that was a bit uncalled for, and yes it really is just a rant.

And to RedMenace, I'm not quite sure what you're saying. You clearly just said that you liked the game back in the day, but you also say about it's characters being how you described them. I saw them as good characters, and although the game did defy many laws of physics, it also had a nice story, which admittedly was the only thing I played it for, and for the Gold Chocobo which I still don't have.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
Leorex said:
can i get that time back.
This isn't very constructive towards the review.

I will have two things that should help with later reviews:

-Ignor Yahtzee or the Yahtzee shaped voice in your head. Too many people watch him and will be quick to point out similar comments you may have borrowed. Incorperating someone else's work into your review isn't very fare game.

-In your intro, try to hit up a few quick points so that you may circle around them in your review. Points and topics about the game you feel that needs discussing, good and bad. If you keep it balanced and have a paragraph for each point you make, you'll have a longer review which will also make it seem less of a rant as well.

Good luck with the future mate!