Oh if only I had a Tattoo..


The Butcher On Your Back
Apr 25, 2010
Honestly, I just winged it on my first tattoo. Was out with some girl. 'Lets get tattoos!' she said. 'Sure' I said.
I've since got quite a lot done since then. Here's a small sample.

I've got more but you get the idea.
That sleeve? I honestly just went into the shop and asked him to draw something. I had no participation in the construction of that.

I don't think about it too much. But I've not regretted a single one that I've had. I love my dragon, who I've named Sparky.

The pain? Yeah sure, it hurts like a *****. But I find that after that first half hour I seem to just blank it out. Helps having an artist you're mates with and can talk to, takes your mind off it.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
I plan on getting a small one on my foot that is just DVh, it has cultural and spiritual significance for me.

I also want a magpie in flight on my shoulder, I like the symbolism of it. I was originally planning on getting a scissor-tail flycatcher, but for some reason now those are put on everything and are very common among hipsters. It might die down by the time I get it, so I may go back to the original plan, but I don't want to be branded as a hipster for getting a symbol of my home.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
AjimboB said:
poet_lawreate said:
I don't like tattoos... I find women with tattoos attractive, but I would never want to be an old woman with 'hellraiser' and leopard skin tattoos. 'Grandma, why does it say 'Born To Be Bad' on your wrists?'

'Well, pet, because I was an idiot when I was younger.'

I actually kind of envy women who've had the balls to get them, but I never could.
That's why if you get a tattoo, you need to get the tattoo somewhere that you can cover up if necessary. A lot of places won't hire you (at least in the US), if you have visible piercings or tattoos, so if I ever get a tattoo, it'll be in a discreet place (most likely below my collar bone).
The only place I'd get one is maybe under or at the side of my boob- because that way it's hidden from everyone except if I want them to see it or I'm on the beach or something, which is an acceptable place to show off a tattoo (a posh wedding or a job interview, not so much). The only thing is, I'm young and I plan on getting pregnant someday. My body's going to change a lot. I'm not so sure I want tattoos that are going to stretch and look gross...


New member
Nov 13, 2009
I have one, and have a couple more planned.

This is the one I have, it's on my right shoulder blade.

And once I have kids I'm planning to get their names on my chest, and I'm also thinking of getting a (less well-known) stanza from Auguries of Innocence by William Blake. Specifically, this one:

"The wild deer, wand'ring here and there,
Keeps the human soul from care.
The lamb misus'd breeds public strife,
And yet forgives the butcher's knife."

That'd be on my left side if I do get it.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I don't like tattoo's but a friend of mine really wants one and is trying to persuade me to get a matching tattoo with her (the answer is "no"). She is going for an ohm symbol which is quite nice and simple.

Lemon Of Life

New member
Jul 8, 2009
AjimboB said:
This tattoo belongs to a friend of mine:

He got it as part of a fraternity initiation. It's been 2 years now, and I still can't decide if it looks awesome or completely retarded. Depending on how drunk I am, it's a little from column A, a little from column B.
That is both cringing and awesome. Your friend has guts.

I'm only getting a tattoo when I'm in peak physical condition, so that if I lose weight and gain muscle (which is what's happening now) the tattoo won't stretch or crumple.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
if i ever get a tattoo, it will either be something small, like something on my shoulder that i can easily cover up, or an upper back tattoo of Heath Ledger as the Joker over a caption that says "ASK ME HOW I GOT THESE SCARS"


New member
May 25, 2008
brodie21 said:
if i ever get a tattoo, it will either be something small, like something on my shoulder that i can easily cover up, or an upper back tattoo of Heath Ledger as the Joker over a caption that says "ASK ME HOW I GOT THESE SCARS"
Completely unrelated, but your avatar is clapping to the exact beat of the song I am currently listening to.

OT: I have been playing with the idea of getting Daedric runes tattooed. Just a single letter, which would be the letter 'S', obviously standing for my name, and a couple of traits I would like to remind myself of once in a while, and aspire to keep them close to me.

Lately I've also been thinking of the rune for 'M', which is the first letter of my brother's name, seeing as he means a lot to me.


New member
May 12, 2010
A military like Tatoo, but with the images of those of the Grey Knights symbol.

So whenever a little guy, half my age, comes along and raps how this is his "Turf" I can show him my Tat and say something like "In the Isreal bootcamp, where I was stationed with my buddies, they called my White Devil kid..."


New member
Aug 16, 2008
I'll probably get something patriotic, and fairly small. If I like it, then I'll get some bigger ones.

I'm thinking either something English like St. Georges flag or Three Lions

Or possibly something Celtic or vaguely Nordic like so, but with less steroids:

I know that they're pretty tacky/ chavy, but my mates dad is a hardcore biker and he has a awesome Celtic armband tattoo. What works on him might not work on me, but hey I'll give it a shot :p

EDIT: Oh yeah! I forgot that I really like the idea of a compass tattoo, similar to these:

I'm not a sailor, but damn they look cool imo.

And perhaps something in Roman Numerals. They look nice as tattoos. I'd never get tribal tats though. Way too common :p


New member
Aug 23, 2009
TheRightToArmBears said:
I'm getting a check pattern around my shin... nothing to expensive, silly or obvious.

Thats what I'll be getting eventually. Although it has been started with a sexy Pinup girl with a sax wearing a skimpy Ska outfit on the outside of my calf. The B&W check will be the background. When it's fully finished there will be a punk pin up on the other side of my calf with a tartan background.

Gunna be awesome :D


New member
Sep 10, 2009
I really can't imagine myself getting a tattoo, as I like my skin as is. They can look good on others, but it's a bit of a risk.

If I had to get one, I'd get something functional. Probably my Blood Type on my wrist or something similar. Unimaginative I know, but I can't see any reason that I'd ever regret getting my Blood Type tattooed.