Ok, gals and guys. I think it's a good time to say what we enjoyed and what we didn't enjoy so much this year. Share your opinions!
GOTY: The Witcher 3. They managed to make even minor quests interesting. They feel like mini stories and they put most gaming stories to shame. The open world is beautiful and massive, but the way the quests are structured makes it very easy to play it daily, complete one quest and then save and quit. The Witcher 3 respects your time. You never feel overwhelmed by its sheer scale. You never feel like grinding or bored.
Biggest disappointment: Fallout 4. I can say this is not an RPG. It's a mediocre FPS. They tried to copy Mass Effect and put some stuff from Minecraft. It feels like a dumbed down Fallout 3.5. The sense of discovery is gone.
Honorable mention: Undertale! A game with more choice and consequence and better story telling than most AAA can ever think about.
GOTY: The Witcher 3. They managed to make even minor quests interesting. They feel like mini stories and they put most gaming stories to shame. The open world is beautiful and massive, but the way the quests are structured makes it very easy to play it daily, complete one quest and then save and quit. The Witcher 3 respects your time. You never feel overwhelmed by its sheer scale. You never feel like grinding or bored.
Biggest disappointment: Fallout 4. I can say this is not an RPG. It's a mediocre FPS. They tried to copy Mass Effect and put some stuff from Minecraft. It feels like a dumbed down Fallout 3.5. The sense of discovery is gone.
Honorable mention: Undertale! A game with more choice and consequence and better story telling than most AAA can ever think about.