Witcher 3 takes my GOTY by a landslide.
-Even the smallest quest made me feel like I was having a significant impact on someone's life. It's hard for me to play other open world games now because they don't come even remotely close to making me feel as invested in the random citizens as the Witcher 3.
-Many of the quest lines had better stories and were more fun than entire other games. The Bloody Baron questline is my second favourite in all of gaming. The only thing it loses to is Hearts of Stone, an expansion for this game!
-The open world raises the bar for what I will now expect from my games. It's gorgeous, there's lots to do, and it's well polished (for an open world game). There has never been another game that has made me stop and just take in the scenery like this one.
-The first expansion is incredible. The 3 new main characters are easily right up there with the Bloody Baron for me. The villain in particular is one of the best I've seen in a long time.
-The music in this game (and even more so in the expansion IMO) is also fantastic. It's somber depth fits the tone of the game perfectly.
-The combat, while not particularly amazing, is good enough that I am constantly having fun.
Biggest disappointment -the Witcher 3 has actually made games that I've previously loved, less enjoyable (not to the point of ruining them mind you, just putting them in a different perspective).
-I didn't buy any games that disappointed me. I rarely do.
-Even the smallest quest made me feel like I was having a significant impact on someone's life. It's hard for me to play other open world games now because they don't come even remotely close to making me feel as invested in the random citizens as the Witcher 3.
-Many of the quest lines had better stories and were more fun than entire other games. The Bloody Baron questline is my second favourite in all of gaming. The only thing it loses to is Hearts of Stone, an expansion for this game!
-The open world raises the bar for what I will now expect from my games. It's gorgeous, there's lots to do, and it's well polished (for an open world game). There has never been another game that has made me stop and just take in the scenery like this one.
-The first expansion is incredible. The 3 new main characters are easily right up there with the Bloody Baron for me. The villain in particular is one of the best I've seen in a long time.
-The music in this game (and even more so in the expansion IMO) is also fantastic. It's somber depth fits the tone of the game perfectly.
-The combat, while not particularly amazing, is good enough that I am constantly having fun.
Biggest disappointment -the Witcher 3 has actually made games that I've previously loved, less enjoyable (not to the point of ruining them mind you, just putting them in a different perspective).
-I didn't buy any games that disappointed me. I rarely do.