But if you already have a DS...nevermind.Jumplion said:YYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
Sadly, I've played Okami on the Wii but I've never finished it and that really disappoints me. It was a very beautiful game, and the wiimote was perfect for the game, making slashes and slices every which way.
Even more sad, I hardly play my DS anyway, so I probably won't pick this up anyway. Though I will force my friend to, so I can mooch off him and play it myself.
As she paints her way, actually. Amaterasu is the sun goddess of Shinto religion. An error in the translation made everyone confuse her gender, since there is no difference in the word/kanji for god or goddess. She's a girl, though. Rest assured.CantFaketheFunk said:...starring wolf-god-puppy Chibiterasu as he paints his way...
Weird logic, I know, though mainly it's because I don't want to buy something that I know I'll drop in a few weeks >_< that's what happens with most Nintendo games I own, I play them for a week or two and then drop it. It annoys me greatly, though the one game that I've played forever is Elite Beat Agents (FUCK YOU IniS FOR NOT MAKING ELITE BEAT AGENTS 2!!!! *starts humming Mama Mia [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY57jGNCN8Q], a perfect song for EBA*)AceDiamond said:But if you already have a DS...nevermind.Jumplion said:YYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
Sadly, I've played Okami on the Wii but I've never finished it and that really disappoints me. It was a very beautiful game, and the wiimote was perfect for the game, making slashes and slices every which way.
Even more sad, I hardly play my DS anyway, so I probably won't pick this up anyway. Though I will force my friend to, so I can mooch off him and play it myself.
Anyway as someone who never really got into Okami (yeah I know, shame on me) I think this would be a good way for me to make up for that since I like my DS a lot and have been searching for more games for it that grab my attention and don't have a mind-numbing difficulty curve (Contra 4 being an exception) or are too short.
I know Amaterasu was female - I suppose it's fair to presume Chibiterasu will be the same.Michael_McCloud said:As she paints her way, actually. Amaterasu is the sun goddess of Shinto religion. An error in the translation made everyone confuse her gender, since there is no difference in the word/kanji for god or goddess. She's a girl, though. Rest assured.CantFaketheFunk said:...starring wolf-god-puppy Chibiterasu as he paints his way...
i can tell you i havent, its like my pacemaker.ChromeAlchemist said:Wow, that's impressive. I don't think I've ever gone outside without the thing.Asciotes said:^.^ I loved that game, and recently my DS has just been collecting dust. I can't wait.
Nah I doubt it all, wouldn't make commercail success, there are many more ds lites floating around.Dragon_Master7593 said:FINALLY! A sequel to my favorite game of all time! And a reason to use my DS as anything other than a paperweight!
I just hope it isn't DSi exclusive...