Okami Sequel Okamiden Confirmed


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Jumplion said:

Sadly, I've played Okami on the Wii but I've never finished it and that really disappoints me. It was a very beautiful game, and the wiimote was perfect for the game, making slashes and slices every which way.

Even more sad, I hardly play my DS anyway, so I probably won't pick this up anyway. Though I will force my friend to, so I can mooch off him and play it myself.
But if you already have a DS...nevermind.

Anyway as someone who never really got into Okami (yeah I know, shame on me) I think this would be a good way for me to make up for that since I like my DS a lot and have been searching for more games for it that grab my attention and don't have a mind-numbing difficulty curve (Contra 4 being an exception) or are too short.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2008

But I hope to God that Platinum/Clover is somehow involved, although I doubt they will, this is Capcom after all.

But if we get a solid sequel to one of the 50 best games ever then I'll be content.

Ursus Astrorum

New member
Mar 20, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
...starring wolf-god-puppy Chibiterasu as he paints his way...
As she paints her way, actually. Amaterasu is the sun goddess of Shinto religion. An error in the translation made everyone confuse her gender, since there is no difference in the word/kanji for god or goddess. She's a girl, though. Rest assured.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Heres hoping all the DS games I want/plan to get don't kill my DS before this comes out. That honor needs to be saved now.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
AceDiamond said:
Jumplion said:

Sadly, I've played Okami on the Wii but I've never finished it and that really disappoints me. It was a very beautiful game, and the wiimote was perfect for the game, making slashes and slices every which way.

Even more sad, I hardly play my DS anyway, so I probably won't pick this up anyway. Though I will force my friend to, so I can mooch off him and play it myself.
But if you already have a DS...nevermind.

Anyway as someone who never really got into Okami (yeah I know, shame on me) I think this would be a good way for me to make up for that since I like my DS a lot and have been searching for more games for it that grab my attention and don't have a mind-numbing difficulty curve (Contra 4 being an exception) or are too short.
Weird logic, I know, though mainly it's because I don't want to buy something that I know I'll drop in a few weeks >_< that's what happens with most Nintendo games I own, I play them for a week or two and then drop it. It annoys me greatly, though the one game that I've played forever is Elite Beat Agents (FUCK YOU IniS FOR NOT MAKING ELITE BEAT AGENTS 2!!!! *starts humming Mama Mia [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY57jGNCN8Q], a perfect song for EBA*)

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Michael_McCloud said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
...starring wolf-god-puppy Chibiterasu as he paints his way...
As she paints her way, actually. Amaterasu is the sun goddess of Shinto religion. An error in the translation made everyone confuse her gender, since there is no difference in the word/kanji for god or goddess. She's a girl, though. Rest assured.
I know Amaterasu was female - I suppose it's fair to presume Chibiterasu will be the same.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Yes, finally! All my dreams have come...wait, before I start sheding rainbow tears of joy, I have to know whether the fine folks at Clover will be involved. As much as I love Okami, I don't trust a sequel without the original creative minds behind it.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Okami was sheer genius,and in my honest opinion,the DS version will be about hyperboleillionth(yahtzee's going to kill me for that.) times better than any other console it could ever be on.EVER.Hopefully they make the movement system well.If not,It will be a riminder of what could have been.(Although even with a bunk movement system,I'd still play it.I'm just a mindless consumer like that.)

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
Fingers crossed. I hope this will be awesome. I loved Okami and I'd be crushed if this ruins the series (series of two :p).
Who thinks they'll market an Okami paint brush shaped stylus?


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I'm not surprised by this.

Honestly even the original Okami would have lent itself greatly to a touch-screen/stylus system had it been readily available at the time.

This is just natural progression.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:
Asciotes said:
^.^ I loved that game, and recently my DS has just been collecting dust. I can't wait.
Wow, that's impressive. I don't think I've ever gone outside without the thing.
i can tell you i havent, its like my pacemaker.
okami for the ds looks awesome, i had seen the okami for the ps2 but never got to play it, so just like with the upcomming Kingdom Hearts 365/2 Days, ill probbly get it cuz its so far the only game in its series(you know there will be more) accesable to me.
Edit: forgot about the Okami re-make for the wii, sry. but 365/2 is the only one on a nintendo syestem so my post is still valid!!!


New member
Feb 14, 2009
FINALLY! A sequel to my favorite game of all time! And a reason to use my DS as anything other than a paperweight!

I just hope it isn't DSi exclusive...


New member
Jun 9, 2009
I'd love to see a sequel as long as it isn't cut down. I've had trouble finding games for the DS that weren't scaled down. I'm really happy that Disgaea was ported over for it, but Age of Empires was awful and a lot of games are just way too simple. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney has been fun, but I'm extremely wary these days about picking up games even if they have a title I normally like.

So is it a cute puppy starring in a full game, or is it a kiddie-game?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Dragon_Master7593 said:
FINALLY! A sequel to my favorite game of all time! And a reason to use my DS as anything other than a paperweight!

I just hope it isn't DSi exclusive...
Nah I doubt it all, wouldn't make commercail success, there are many more ds lites floating around.

This is great news. Assuming it'll be a full game and not reduced to a casual painting sim.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
DS? Oh screw it, I bought the gamecube just for Starfox Adventures, I sure as hell can afford a DS by the time Okami comes out and it's worth it for sure, if only for the fact that there isn't much else like our beloved Okami in the game plains.

Prayers for the successful translation to the DS and some innovations that it will work. *bows*