Okay so... Voldemort wins, what next?

Keith Reedy

New member
Jan 10, 2011
Voldemort would have to take over the muggle world subversively, there are just too many of us compared to wizards and the magical creatures they might use as allies. In a direct conflict raw numbers would give us to large of an edge. But if he subverted, controlling key government officials then he could do splendidly, of course that is if he could keep any resistance from the wizarding world from mucking it up, which his track record show he really can't. So he'd spend most of his time trying to keep the wizards in line between attempting to subvert the government and trying to make sure no one offs his horcruxes and watching for a knife in the back from his supposed allies. Thats kinda the trouble with being an evil lord.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Well, if we say Voldemort wins, then Voldemort wins. Let's not bicker and argue over whether wizards can overcome Muggles and their technology. Let's just say they DO, like they just start tearing the world apart from the shadows in a carefully-planned manner that brings the world under their heels. Let's allow that to go through for a second and ask THEN what happens next.

The first thing that I can think of is, naturally, that Voldemort puts a tax on noses, which he would not have to pay.

The second thing is that he is against technological growth entirely, favoring magic over all things, ergo technology is outlawed and humanity enters a state of decay.

Years later, a stranger arrives in a Police Box and screws everything up for him.

Instinct Blues

New member
Jun 8, 2008
thaluikhain said:
Don't they just store bits of you for extra lives? So, you kill Voldemort, he uses up a horcrux, you have to kill him again and again till he uses them up. 7 bullets instead of just one.
Thats not how they work at all they aren't just extra lives. They are actually places where hes stored bits of his soul so they are protected if his body should be destroyed. One must actually destroy the Horcruxes themselves to even be able to kill Voldemort, which I doubt any muggle means of destroying things would work since most magical things didn't work to destroy the Horcruxes.

OT: He'd probably slaughter all the wizards who resisted him and then move on to straight up killing loads of muggles or revealing the wizarding world and ordering muggles to serve wizards or die.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
brunothepig said:
Well, he was invincible. A bullet wouldn't harm him, the only reason he was weakened was because he was in the rather unfortunate circumstance of having the ultimate killing spell rebounded on him. Plus, magic plays havoc with technology, which is why a lot of pure blood wizarding families have little to no knowledge of technology, since they typically live in wizarding settlements, where so much magic permeates the area that nothing would work. And, there's many magical defensive spells. As I said, ultimate killing spell, he couldn't have defended himself from that. But a simple bullet, well there's almost certainly a permanent enchantment to stop something as small as a bullet. Plus he can apparate, so anything bigger, such as a rocket or even missile once you got desperate, he could escape in an instant.

Oh, and last time he was in power he didn't simply declare war on muggles. He never came forward, to the muggle world at least. He worked behind the scenes, similar to them destroying the bridge on his return to power, or when people assumed there was freak weather patterns such as tornados, when it was in fact the work of death eaters. Of course, they were just having fun then, it wasn't really a tactical move or anything. Since his overall goal was to rule over muggles, but he was always caught up in fighting the wizard "rebels" he might have eventually revealed himself, but only after most world leaders and important figures were under his control.
I have seen many people argue he would not die and you are right he wouldnt die from a bullet but his body would because of blood loss and organs being unable to function or somthing else (really depends where he gets hit) and he would need to obtain yet another body and well it took him 16 years the first time and this time people would be looking for him because they actually know hes still around.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
We all know the muggles would've seal team six'd the crap out of voldemort. In the book, they even mention how in the middle ages, wizards and witches were getting the crap beat out of them, so they went into mass hiding, trying to ensure the muggles wouldn't find them.

So logically, if we beat them through numbers when it was just peasants with farming tools, how will they fare against soldiers with assault rifles? I'll give you a hint:



New member
Oct 31, 2010
brunothepig said:
Well, he was invincible. A bullet wouldn't harm him, the only reason he was weakened was because he was in the rather unfortunate circumstance of having the ultimate killing spell rebounded on him.
ORLY? HWMNBN (He Who Must Not Be Named) can't be killed by any kind of fire arms?


Jimmy T. Malice

New member
Dec 28, 2010
Basically he wants to commit genocide on all Muggles and mudbloods. After that, who knows? Maybe settle down on Barbados.

The Serpent

New member
Jun 20, 2011
trophykiller said:
We all know the muggles would've seal team six'd the crap out of voldemort. In the book, they even mention how in the middle ages, wizards and witches were getting the crap beat out of them, so they went into mass hiding, trying to ensure the muggles wouldn't find them.
Um, no. They mention how burning a witch did absolutely nothing to the witch. The reason they are in hiding is because the muggles would never trust wizards, and if it came to war wizards would win, and there would almost no one left on the planet.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
The Serpent said:
Yoshisummons said:
He had a plan? Thought he was the equivalent of a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
To kill all "lesser" muggles and have wizards rule. Your typical Hitler/Magneto-type.

Griffolion said:
Hi everyone, I won't claim to know much about the HP universe but I have a question for you Potter fans. SHOULD Voldemort had won the big battle at the end, what was next for him? Was he going to invade earth or something?

Thinking on that rhetoric, wouldn't it be silly to do so? I get he's all magical, but I'm pretty sure that .50 Calibre Bullet > Wand.

A wand could be used to maintain a magical shield that would block any projectile. Voldemort also has a zombie army, an army of immortal Nazgul (Dementors), an army of giants, several lives, the ability to mind control people (i.e presidents, police etc. etc.), not to mention flight, teleportation, the ability to change shape...you get the point. If Voldemort knew what to expect in a muggle fight (a gun); he would win. Taking over the muggle world would have taken him mere hours. And those hours would be spent learning the infrastructure, the actual overtaking would take him 20 minutes tops.
Thermonuclear device, red button, no one wins.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
I always think those evil guys trying to achieve infinite power would get really bored when they actually get it.

The thrill is in the chase, and all that.

He'd probably just get really bored and spend his time looking at My Little Ponies on 4chan.
Other than that, how would Mr. Voldythingy be able to conquer the "Muggle" world when we have Tactical Nukes, Airstrikes, Homing Missiles, 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles, Anti-Tank Rounds, Satellites, and freaking robots that can locate and destroy their targets... on their own.

Honestly, even a simple 9mm would beat the hell out of Voldy. After all, what's faster?



Anyways, if he won, the world would sink into a class-based feudal system which would eventually end up in rebellion. New technologies would be invented (or spells, for that matter) that would be Voldy-proof, and it won't matter how many Horcruxes he makes, the world is now protected against specifically him.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
trophykiller said:
We all know the muggles would've seal team six'd the crap out of voldemort.
and then we'd make modern warfare games about killing pale-faced light-chuckers.

And then it would STILL find a way to be bland and samey.

FalloutJack said:
Well, if we say Voldemort wins, then Voldemort wins. Let's not bicker and argue over whether wizards can overcome Muggles and their technology. Let's just say they DO, like they just start tearing the world apart from the shadows in a carefully-planned manner that brings the world under their heels. Let's allow that to go through for a second and ask THEN what happens next.

The first thing that I can think of is, naturally, that Voldemort puts a tax on noses, which he would not have to pay.

The second thing is that he is against technological growth entirely, favoring magic over all things, ergo technology is outlawed and humanity enters a state of decay.

Years later, a stranger arrives in a Police Box and screws everything up for him.
The Doctor and his Tardis versus "The Most Powerful Dark Wizard in the history of ever"?

(Grabs popcorn)

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
MiracleOfSound said:
I always think those evil guys trying to achieve infinite power would get really bored when they actually get it.

The thrill is in the chase, and all that.

He'd probably just get really bored and spend his time looking at My Little Ponies on 4chan.
Isn't that your job now Sound. To look at pony pics on the net. Second time "I've" seen you talking about ponies. To which I now insist you make a Brony song.

OT though. Evil never triumphs, least in 99% of all films they don't. I do think evil should win more often, be more interesting.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
The other alternative would be to get Gandalf on the scene, we all know anything from LOTR craps all over anything in HP.

PS - I'm so excited I started a thread that's gotten over 50 replies!


New member
Apr 19, 2010
I think Voldy's success in taking over the muggle work depends on how well he can stay hidden. His magic gives him a great ammount subtle options to take out his enemies or control their minds, and as long as no muggle believes such powers exist, he can do a lot. If he starts waging open warfare, he's screwed. In an open duel with ample preperation time, a wizard can probably take a soldier. But a few hundred wizards against 6 billion muggles? Unless they posses some hithero-unseen "Automatic Always-on Block-anything-non-magical" power, they're screwed. Sooner or later they'll meet a tank-shell, supersonic missile or sniper bullet comming the other way from well out of sight range.

And that's the optimistic scenario when the muggles are completely unable to deal with magic once they learn of it. If magic interferes with electricity, can electricity interfere with magic? You might get a scenario like in Salvation War, where the muggles figure out enough about the workings of the (in that case demonic and divine) magic to mess with it, and reproduce some effects.

If we assume "Voldemort wins" actually also means he succeeds in conquering the muggle world too, well, I dunno. It's the same problem that we have with every simplistic "Conquer everything" villains. We know they want to take over the world (OF COURSE!), but once they have it they'll... ehm. Just sit there. Not much left to do.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
He'd set up some kind of Wizarding dictatorship then go on a quest to kill all non wizards.

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
brunothepig said:
And while Voldemort is a proud son of a *****, I reckon he'd take some precautions. The guy split his soul seven fucking times, and as I said, his entire rise to power he never revealed himself to muggles. I would say if he declared all out war, he'd get destroyed. If he continued his behind the scenes strategy, I don't see us winning.
Please have the movies taught you nothing. All he would have to do is start mucking about with the weather or something and some eccentric american who's been laughed out of his profession would notice that something was up. Several awkward meetings with military brass, a few montage sequences and a massive technological marvel later we'd be on our way towards sending a team of attractive multi-ethnic 20 and 30 somethings into Voldemort's inner sanctum, totally showing that guy who didn't believe in the project up and invariably ending with Voldemort exploding after some tough girl says "I don't believe in magic" or "It's time for your disappearing act". Our heroes make it though the portal at the last second the main guy and girl kiss. Roll credits.

Muggles: 1
Voldemort: 0

And of course Bill Murray must get a chance to say: "That's how we roll, that's how we get it done in muggle town. Don't fuck with the "Yoo Ess of Aye" you magical ************. I hope you do kid's parties cause you just got clowned."


New member
Aug 17, 2010
Then the story would continue on, and he'd get his ass handed to him from a random wizard from any other other countries on the planets. Perhaps a Kiwi or Canadian.
Or, you know, get nuked or something. As soon as the twit reveals himself the public and announces his plans.
Let's see how well his spells and all his followers hold up to 50 megatons.

NOW, let's make it real interesting and say he completes his plans.
90% of the human population is wiped out, and only pureblood wizards remain.

So. Now what?
Purebloods are already massively inbred. Gene pools need to be fairly big to allow a population to work.
So now you're back to having kids with normal humans just to keep your family name from being dependent on your retarded son with 3 arms.
Good work. The entire point of your crusade is now moot.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Jordi said:
I don't really think we're meant to question it too much. Voldemort is basically evil incarnate.

Having said that, I think he's after power and correcting the "wrongs" in the world. He would probably kill all mudbloods, and wants to establish himself as the indisputably most powerful wizard in the world, forever. And maybe he would eventually want all muggles to take their rightful place the ground that the master race of wizards walks on.
But once he did that, I don't know. I don't really remember reading that much about his desires or things that he would derive joy from. There would probably always be some kind of opposition though, so I guess he could stay busy at least once in a while.

As an aside: I find the notion that an armed muggle has the advantage over a wizard baffling. Even if Rowling herself said so. A wand is practically a gun anyway. A gun might be ever so slightly faster, but the wizard is much more versatile. I can see the muggle having a chance, but not more than 50%. And against a wizard like Voldemort, who is probably prepared for that shit at all times with protective enchantments etc., I don't think muggles would stand a chance at all.
Problem with a sniper is that you'd have to know she's there before you can protect yourself. I've always thought the muggle would win that one. Reminds me of the old line about the best way to kill Jedi-- blow up the ship.

Problem with mages, there are always fewer of them than there are nonmagical folk. Sooner or later, if the nonmagical folk are determined enough, they're probably going to win, especially if they have technology on their side.