Old Uncle Escapist's Advice To Young 'Uns on Gaming


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Don't look for fanart without strict safesearch on. In fact, don't search for fanart. 99.9% of it is ugly as hell, and if you find any stuff of decent quality stuff, it's probably gay furry porn. Goddamnit, I wish I could unsee things.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
The name stompy is taken. Fucking taken.

Ok, with that out of the way, I'll get onto some of the, well, serious ones:
Don't be a fanboy. No-one likes you, not even the creators of what you're fighting for,
Type with proper grammar, and syntax. I don't want a headache every time I decide to browse my favourite forum; and
Um, well, your not cool if you type in '1337'. Use it only for its intended purpose, when in need to write text in a small amount of time.

And that is stompy's list to what he'll tell his youngins'.


New member
Nov 22, 2007
1) You've all had English classes at least once in your life. Use them.
2) If somebody is gay, that means he or she is homosexual. It has nothing to do with that person either shooting you or just having shot you.
3) There's no "a" in "ever".
4) Lol means "Laughing out loud". Typing "lol" at the end of your own (decidedly unfunny) joke means you laugh out loud at your own jokes, which mostly means you're a moron.
5) Rofl means "Rolling over the floor laughing". If you can type while rolling over the floor laughing, make sure to tape that and put it on Youtube. If you can't, don't pretend you do.
6) No matter what you think, there is no "best game" out there.
7) "Freedom of speech" exists, but you are not the only person on this planet, and most certainly not the most important. Words have power, and a simple remark can hurt people. Use that power responsibly.
8) If you're uncertain whether or not you should say something, don't say it at all.
9) Gaming is supposed to be fun. If it's not, go find another game.
10) Being a "newb" or "noob" has nothing to do with experience, it's a state of mind.
11) Graphics age, design and animations stay. It's not in the amount of polygons or how many bits go in the texture, it's about how they're used. That's why Another World [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Another_World_(video_game)] is still looking good.
12) Friendly competition can be good, but don't overdo it.
Feb 13, 2008
1) E.T. proved that film adaptations don't work and they're still making them.
2) A good sound effect will have you shivering in anticipation twenty years later.
3) We've already done 99.5% of the things you thought were original, and our grandads did them before that.
4) Girls are good at games and pretty as well.If you want to challenge them, get yourself to their level first, on both levels.
5) Sturgeon's Law applies to the Internet.
6) So does Murphy's.
7) Saying something nice to an opponent can really put them off their stride.
8) "Newb" = Someone just learning. "Noob" = someone still learning.
9) There are still games from the 70's that haven't been equalled yet.
10) "Teabagging" is what bored production line workers do, in games it makes you a target.
11) You don't have to catch them all, nip outside and go down the park occasionally.
12) Sites offering "Free stuff" also offer viruses. LOTS of them.
13) /ignore is something to be savoured.
14) Enjoy your childhood, you'll be wanting to go back more than once.

15) Elite was played by everyone at the time and it took up one cassette tape or 32k. That's about 0.0000032 Gig, and it took 7 minutes to load.
People still play and love that game.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
1) There is no perfect game, but dont stop looking for it
2) respect your elders, Atari, Sega, even the NES
3) Casual gamers are NOT to be laughed at cause they're not as good as you
4) You are nowhere near as good as you think you are
5) YOU control the market. If something looks sus, dont pay for it (not encouraging piracy)
6) everyone is a dick. this includes you


New member
Nov 22, 2007
Inspired by jim_doki

13) Casual gamers are not to be laughed at, but to be envied. At least they are having fun all the time.

Dealin Burgers

New member
Feb 21, 2008
Never buy on the release date, give it a few days/weeks/months. Patience is a virtue. If possible, try before you buy, that or buy from places with good return policies.


New member
Oct 31, 2006
Oh, if you're gonna play any metal gear, play on the hardest difficulty so that when you're spotted, it's game over.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
"By the time you read this, EA will own Earth and everyone on it."

"If it stops working, flush it in the toilet" (I swear to god, this method brings dead discs back to life every single time.)

Strafe Mcgee

New member
Jan 25, 2008
strangemusic said:
"If it stops working, flush it in the toilet"
Well, my flatmate's unemployed right now...

Anyway, advice:

- Indie games are often more satisfying than their blockbuster counterparts.
- Sonic used to be good.
- Fps's used to be played on computers.
- Just because it's in the game doesn't make it a legitimate strategy.
- Games are NOT declining in quality. They ARE as good as they used to be.


New member
Nov 22, 2007
The_root_of_all_evil said:
- Games are NOT declining in quality. They ARE as good as they used to be.
Caveat : There is, however, a far greater quantity of crud out there, so the ratio of quality is falling.
Not true. Mass marketing and the internet just means you're exposed to a greater quantity of crud.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Quistnix said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
- Games are NOT declining in quality. They ARE as good as they used to be.
Caveat : There is, however, a far greater quantity of crud out there, so the ratio of quality is falling.
Not true. Mass marketing and the internet just means you're exposed to a greater quantity of crud.
Agreed. There are actually a LOT of crappy games for the old systems that simply never got played at all, so people don't know much about them. In fact, it's entirely probable that there were MORE crap games in the late 80s then every crappy game created since the NES to present day. They did, after all, crash the video game market.