Oldboy Remake - Trailer and thoughts


New member
Aug 30, 2010
I didn't read the manga and the existing movie right now was alright.

The fighting and the grit of the main dude was cool, but the story just seemed really weird on the bad guy's part.
Like I could follow the story and what happened, but something in it just seems confusing to me...

bah, maybe I'm just uncultured.


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
cpukill said:
KungFuJazzHands said:
I suppose they could have picked a worse director to helm it, but Oldboy is the kind of movie that shouldn't be touched by Hollywood anyway.

It looks like they're deviating from
the whole "incest" angle in the original.
Weaksauce. This remake is gonna be a watered-down shitstain.
Dunno, I saw me some nekkid people, they might not deviate too much.

I have some amount of faith in Josh Brolin. Seeing him in "No Country For Old Men" was damn near perfect.

Then again, we also had MiB 3.......
Come on, you can't fault his acting there. It was a pretty good Tommy Lee Jones impression.
I can't see it working very well, the ultimate revenge of the bad guy was kinda the whole point, and that can't really happen here. Unless there's more than one daughter, of course.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Wow, that is one movie that does not ever need to be remade. In fact, Spike Lee should probably just go back in time and prevent it from ever being made in the first place so that movie can get out of my brain forever. I had to watch ten Dracula: Dead and Loving Its just to cleanse my mind after that one, lol.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Oldboy is a classic. The film is well made and not very old.
There is no need for a remake.
I'm not going to watch it.

On a side note: I think the plan is to remake the entire Vengeance trilogy. Suffice to say I'm not going to watch these either.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
I love it when Hollywood remake a foreign classic because everyone flips their shit, it's great. I haven't seen Oldboy yet, almost watched it a while back but I was too tired. Maybe I'll watch it tonight then come back here and tell Spike to leave it well alone. Is Oldboy better than The Man From Nowhere? That film made me cry a little.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Looks very underwhelming to me. Unless the trailer hides the twists it makes it seem like the encounter with the daughter is altered (since she's shown in the beginning) and the ending is implied to be far less messed up, maybe not even at all. I'm curious how "Hollywoody" the remake actually is, though. Maybe even curious enough to rent it at some point.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
They actually remake it that isn't starring Will Smith?

Now that I've seen the trailer, to simply put post my opinion on it "Do not want!".


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Regarding the twist:

The twist in the remake seems to be that the daughter he meets is a fake.
He still ends up sleeping with his real daughter


New member
May 9, 2012
rutger5000 said:
I still get extremly uncomfortable whenever I think of oldboy. It was an amazing movie, but I never want to watch or hear from it again.
Where i'm from we call that Silent hill 2 syndrome.


New member
May 9, 2012
Chemical Alia said:
Wow, that is one movie that does not ever need to be remade. In fact, Spike Lee should probably just go back in time and prevent it from ever being made in the first place so that movie can get out of my brain forever. I had to watch ten Dracula: Dead and Loving Its just to cleanse my mind after that one, lol.
Oh leslie nielsen we'll scance see you like again.


New member
May 9, 2012
Why exactly do we need a remake again? I've seen one or two of lee's films and i liked what i saw. I can hardly call myself a fan. But like so many others in this thread i haveto profess my confusion. What is the point of making this remake? Do they really need to whitewash this movie? Will a hollywood remake really generate that much money? Is it a recipee for success? I'll gladly confess some confusion here.

What is the point?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Houseman said:
Then why not start at the beginning? This is the second movie in the trilogy.
It's by far the most well known of the three, though (and arguably the best). The films are only connected by a general theme anyway.

keiji_Maeda said:
Why exactly do we need a remake again? I've seen one or two of lee's films and i liked what i saw. I can hardly call myself a fan. But like so many others in this thread i haveto profess my confusion. What is the point of making this remake? Do they really need to whitewash this movie? Will a hollywood remake really generate that much money? Is it a recipee for success? I'll gladly confess some confusion here.

What is the point?
Money, what else? The remake isn't aimed at people who watched Oldboy, since, well, they've already watched it. And people who don't know the original won't care either way. I'd imagine the remake also has the added benefit of skipping the step of coming up with the story.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
KungFuJazzHands said:
I suppose they could have picked a worse director to helm it, but Oldboy is the kind of movie that shouldn't be touched by Hollywood anyway.

It looks like they're deviating from
the whole "incest" angle in the original.
Weaksauce. This remake is gonna be a watered-down shitstain.

I Don't think so, I bet the girl on the TV ends up being a red herring and is not his real daughter.

The Lyre

New member
Jul 2, 2008
Queen Michael said:
IMO, we never needed any Oldboy movie to begin with. The original manga is great as it is, it doesn't need any big-screen adaptaion.
You're genuinely the first person I've ever seen say that they preferred the manga to the movie.

Not that that's...bad...it's just an unusual opinion.

[Kira Must Die said:
As for the whole "This movie shouldn't be touched" thing, what's the damage, exactly? The original's still there. Nobody's telling you you can't watch the Korean film ever again.
The only harm I can foresee is that, in a couple years, when someone brings up Oldboy, more people around the table will have probably seen the remake than the original.

Does that really matter? It depends.

People like Spike Lee always claim they want to bring the tale to a wider audience - but if that's the case, then why not just promote the original? Does a remake 'pass it on', creating a larger following for the original, or does it just provide an alternative for people who can't be bothered to read subtitles?

I don't know, and I suppose the above is only 'damage' if you think people should see the original Oldboy.

OP - If you read this, could you leave a spoiler warning in the title or your original post? Quite a few people have made comments about the film that more or less give away the original's ending, without putting it in spoilers.


New member
Mar 31, 2013
ANImaniac89 said:
KungFuJazzHands said:
I suppose they could have picked a worse director to helm it, but Oldboy is the kind of movie that shouldn't be touched by Hollywood anyway.

It looks like they're deviating from
the whole "incest" angle in the original.
Weaksauce. This remake is gonna be a watered-down shitstain.

I Don't think so, I bet the girl on the TV ends up being a red herring and is not his real daughter.
You're probably right. Still, I don't have my hopes up for this remake. It looks like typical Hollywood "foreign film obsession" cash-grab fare, and I don't know if Spike Lee is up to the task. Don't get me wrong, he's a fantastic filmmaker when he's in his element (Malcolm X is one of my personal faves), but I think Oldboy is just a little too nuanced for his type of craftsmanship.

The last time I can remember a Hollywood remake surpassing the original was with Let Me In. It's just such a rarity for a remake to be better or even equal to the original it's mimicking. Why do they bother if they can't manage that?

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Able Seacat said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
KungFuJazzHands said:
I suppose they could have picked a worse director to helm it, but Oldboy is the kind of movie that shouldn't be touched by Hollywood anyway.

It looks like they're deviating from
the whole "incest" angle in the original.
Weaksauce. This remake is gonna be a watered-down shitstain.
My thoughts exactly. If Josh already knows what his daughter looks like... well, so much for that part of the original.
But how do we know that it was in fact his daughter shown to him and not an imposter?
Maybe that's the twist?


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
josemlopes said:
I think the biggest problem with this remake is that it seems completely unecessary
I felt pretty much the same about 'The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo' but Hollywood just cant be told i guess. Ditto for Nikita.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Quellist said:
josemlopes said:
I think the biggest problem with this remake is that it seems completely unecessary
I felt pretty much the same about 'The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo' but Hollywood just cant be told i guess.
Although, in the case of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, it was unnecessary mostly due to the original being rather unremarkable.