I believe in games as a creative and challenging art form. Unfortunately the majority of other game developers believe only in money and forgot what makes games interesting to play and especially create. But maybe enough developers start to think again outside of the box so games can get out of the FPS-mediocrity pit they are in right now.ToenailCar said:There are still plenty of other types of games around here, Limbo (thegame) and Machinarium are the ones I'm looking forward to at the moment. They may not be heavily advertised but they do still exist.Odjin said:There had been times where players had been gamers meaning they had a sense of quality and didn't take anything as great. In the mean time the so called "casual gamer" entered on stage. This kind of people ( which by the way have grown larger in numbers than actual gamers ) have to be pleased by watered down games since they don't have the butt to learn a game nor do they care for what is important in a game. This is why FPS games have grown so famous. You need no brain nor being smart just having a spastic pointing finger. And if you have a watered down game mechanics that you can't pimp anymore with more watered down concepts you crank up the gore. This has been done since a couple of years now. The result has been people getting more and more pissed at games ( politicians as well as real gamers ). So this is not about what taste somebody has but a simple observation of a dangerous trend which ( if not stopped ) is going to kill the gaming industries in the long run.
Aside from that, for me at least, it's the 'good' games not being good enough that keeps me mostly with the shooters. As I grew up I found that even the most praised games are nothing compared to even simple kids books like Alice in Wonderland or Of Mice and Men. Why play a game for anything other than mindless fun when you can find far more substance in other mediums. I'm not going to settle with banality just because it's in a different package.'
Not that games couldn't rise to the standard of any other medium, it's just that, at the moment at least, they don't.
Nice pick with Machinarium. Looks like somebody has style