See, this is what happens when you speak in ignorance. The Xbox version of Netflix doesn't require a DVD ever - the Wii version requires that you pop the DVD into the machine every time you want to use it. How can you possibly argue that the Xbox is more user-friendly? Hell, every time you scratch the Wii disk you're going to need to order a new one!tk1989 said:Not... user friendly? I'm sorry, but does that make all DVD players "not user friendly" because you have to change the DVD every time you want to change the film you are watching?
Regarding my comments on the controller, to which several Wii fanboys have replied, I stand by my judgment. It just isn't as easy to scroll through the Netflix menus with the Wii controller as it is with the Xbox controller - the motion control constantly misinterprets what you're doing. Perhaps with a controller without motion control it would work fine.