One month in, Assassin's Creed 3 still unplayable


Blessed are the righteous
Jun 27, 2009
So, judging by the Ubisoft forums and the multiple dozen-page threads (the biggest, 100-page one being closed for "off-topic" and "ranting"), it seems a large portion of PC gamers have problems with Assassin's Creed 3, namely that the game is so horribly optimized that it drops to 8-15 fps in crowded places like Boston, purely because it doesn't use multi-core processors efficiently. It leaves the other cores sleeping and the GPU underutilized.

I was about to buy the game when a friend cautioned me to wait for a patch since he's gotten a practically unplayable copy. On his very decent rig, which runs far more graphically demanding games on max settings without a hitch, the game is near-unplayable in Boston and the Frontier (unless he looks straight up or straight down - hardly the ideal way to play through the campaign), essentially relegating him to doing naval missions and multiplayer.

I checked yesterday to see whether this has been fixed yet. Nope! As far as I can tell, the devs haven't even given much of a statement beyond "we're aware." And even that came through a forum moderator somewhere, just before he cautioned the posters to refrain from complaining and simply contact technical support (which hasn't helped anyone yet). That's just disgraceful conduct from such a big publisher, especially for a game with modest visuals when compared to other PC titles. "Deficient product" is something I've been hearing a lot lately, due to Jim's Worst Games of 2012 and the War Z controversy, but I never thought it would be applied to a game from such a large company - this is literal refund-material, it just has no business being on the market if it will con a large portion of the audience out of their money! Far Cry 3 has received numerous patches already, despite not being nearly as problematic! What the hell is Ubisoft doing?!

I'm not one to usually think of release-day buying, but this has me convinced never to do it. The publishers have gotten so cocky, so eager to peddle downright broken products for full-price that soon we'll all be playing alpha-builds, to be "upgraded" to full releases somewhere in the future. This is shameful - you DON'T drop quality assurance testing onto your customers!

Captcha: "Sick puppy" - yep, time to put this one down.
Err... Happy New Year, people.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I don't quite understand gamers at this point (Yes, blanket statement. If this doesn't apply to you, feel free to ignore it):

How many times does Ubisoft have to completely fuck up your gaming experience before some of you think "You know what, I'm not going to purchase games from this game company until they prove to me that they are not actually just monkeys banging at a keyboard"? How many games has Ubisoft released that DIDN'T get a thread like this?

If my friend goes to McDonald's and complains that the burger doesn't look like the one on the menu the first time, that makes sense. If my friend goes to McDonald's and complains that the burger doesn't look like the one on the menu for the tenth time...

How many times can Ubisoft con gamers into giving them money? Gamers who complain about getting ripped off by Ubisoft are becoming those people you see who fall for Nigerian Prince Scams: All I can do is shake my head and wonder how anyone can still possibly fall for it.


Blessed are the righteous
Jun 27, 2009
Well, it's kinda hard to vote with your wallet once you've already been conned into buying the game.

I definitely wouldn't buy AC3 now. I've no idea if it would work on my computer, but somehow I doubt it - my CPU is the weakest link (even if not bad by any standards). Even so, the very fact that a product has a good chance of coming broken is a good enough reason to avoid it. But I would like to raise awareness of Ubisoft's goddamn nerve, and if it loses them some customer goodwill, I did my part.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
That is a totally legitimate complaint.

But come on, it's bloody Ubisoft we're talking about here. By now they've well and truly proven that they don't the merest hint of a damn about PC customers. Shitty, poorly adapted ports with DRM leaking from every orifice. I honestly don't know why they bother releasing for PC any more. Force of habit perhaps? Or maybe it's still profitable to just crank out a quick and dirty port to sucker in the poor bastards who don't know any better.

Don't buy their stuff. Or if you really like their games just buy it them for a console. If you really want to make a point, buy them used.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
I just started playing the game and just arrived at Boston and it looks fine for me. Does this occur no matter where you are in the campaign? In no way am I saying that this isn't a huge issue, Ubisoft is adding another tally to their fuck-ups by doing this. I'm just lucky it hasn't happened to me yet.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
I recently 100%'ed the PS3 version and it has a few problems too.

Far from unplayable but problems i've encountered include (but are not limited to)

-You know those little explosive barrels that you can shoot and cause big explosions? Well I literally could never pick them up, I got this white screen and horrific noise every time I tried it, Scared the crap out of me first time.
-Falling through the Earth (twice I think in my 60-70 hours with the game)
-Total Game lock up (about 3 times I think)
-A pop in rate that was hilarious at time, Particularly when fast travelling.
-Frame rate slow down

I thought this was just the PS3 showing its age, as AC3 is a pretty ambitious game.


Blessed are the righteous
Jun 27, 2009
NewYork_Comedian said:
I just started playing the game and just arrived at Boston and it looks fine for me. Does this occur no matter where you are in the campaign? In no way am I saying that this isn't a huge issue, Ubisoft is adding another tally to their fuck-ups by doing this. I'm just lucky it hasn't happened to me yet.
It probably won't happen. Another friend of mine has it - it plays just fine on her laptop, yet people with Crossfired high-end hardware have their framerate in the Mariana Trench.

I'm not as incensed about the game being broken on release day - that being commonplace these days - but after a month, it's just inexcusable. What the hell have they done that they cannot fix it after a month? Does the entire engine need to be rewritten? Why did they design it for single-core CPUs in the first place?! They even delayed the PC edition and it still shipped broken.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
I think buying games from Ubisoft from the PC is a "buyer beware" type deal now. Hell, after they pulled that whole "ALWAYS BE ONLINE!!!!" thing, I just thought "Soooooo...STEAM?" (Yes, I know the offline mode thing but I've never gotten that to work properly.) In short, Ubisoft = bad for PC Gamers.
Jun 11, 2009
tippy2k2 said:
I don't quite understand gamers at this point (Yes, blanket statement. If this doesn't apply to you, feel free to ignore it):

How many times does Ubisoft have to completely fuck up your gaming experience before some of you think "You know what, I'm not going to purchase games from this game company until they prove to me that they are not actually just monkeys banging at a keyboard"? How many games has Ubisoft released that DIDN'T get a thread like this?

If my friend goes to McDonald's and complains that the burger doesn't look like the one on the menu the first time, that makes sense. If my friend goes to McDonald's and complains that the burger doesn't look like the one on the menu for the tenth time...

How many times can Ubisoft con gamers into giving them money? Gamers who complain about getting ripped off by Ubisoft are becoming those people you see who fall for Nigerian Prince Scams: All I can do is shake my head and wonder how anyone can still possibly fall for it.
This. It never ceases to amaze/depress me how many people buy video games simply because they're the newest installment of something. So few devs seem to give a shit about making sustainable games; they're more concerned with setting up trilogies and selling skeletons at full price so they can sell you the meat for twice as much later.

Also, I find it kind of amusing that I can replace Ubisoft with Bethesda and have it still be 100% applicable.
[small]not that i'm bitter or anything[/small]

Soxafloppin said:
I thought this was just the PS3 showing its age, as AC3 is a pretty ambitious game.
Believe me, if there are ever problems like that with a PS3 game, it's because it wasn't programmed well enough. Considering that a graphical mess like Skyrim is actually capable of crashing a PS3 (happened to me four separate times in my 30 hours), which is a feat in and of itself, while something as ludicrously high-def as Uncharted 2 or 3 can run smoothly, it's very rarely the fault of the hardware.

Captcha: strike a match

Is . . . is the Escapist telling me to go start a riot?


What this
Jun 14, 2012
This just in: Ubisoft shafts PC gamers!

I don't know what to feel here. I passed on AC3 having heard that it was pretty mediocre, but this is just unacceptable.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Eh, it was pretty horribly optimized and I never stopped making comments about how nice it would've been to play it at a smooth 60 FPS, but I still played completely through it just fine, so I'd say calling it "unplayable" is a bit of a stretch.

But then, I've seen tons of PC gamers call 30-40 FPS "unplayable", so what do I know?


Blessed are the righteous
Jun 27, 2009
shrekfan246 said:
Eh, it was pretty horribly optimized and I never stopped making comments about how nice it would've been to play it at a smooth 60 FPS, but I still played completely through it just fine, so I'd say calling it "unplayable" is a bit of a stretch.

But then, I've seen tons of PC gamers call 30-40 FPS "unplayable", so what do I know?
Most people having fps problems speak of 8 to 15 fps in problem-areas. While not technically unplayable, that pretty much feels like watching a slideshow.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Seneschal said:
shrekfan246 said:
Eh, it was pretty horribly optimized and I never stopped making comments about how nice it would've been to play it at a smooth 60 FPS, but I still played completely through it just fine, so I'd say calling it "unplayable" is a bit of a stretch.

But then, I've seen tons of PC gamers call 30-40 FPS "unplayable", so what do I know?
Most people having fps problems speak of 8 to 15 fps in problem-areas. While not technically unplayable, that pretty much feels like watching a slideshow.
I raided in World of Warcraft for three years with an average of 3 FPS, and was still consistently one of the top damage-dealers in my guild. That's watching a slide-show.

Granted, AC3 never dropped into the single-digits for me, but even drops below 20 FPS were few and far between. If my laptop's two-year old hardware could run it like that, you'd figure people actually concerned about getting 60+ FPS in every game would probably be even better off than I.

Like I said, it's a horribly optimized game and I won't argue with anyone who wants to complain about the framerate. I just don't like hyperbolic statements used to generate attention if they're not funny, and Assassin's Creed III isn't actually unplayable unless you are really physically incapable of playing a game that has dropped below 20-30 FPS, which is a condition that I've never heard of before.


New member
May 27, 2010
tippy2k2 said:
I don't quite understand gamers at this point (Yes, blanket statement. If this doesn't apply to you, feel free to ignore it):

How many times does Ubisoft have to completely fuck up your gaming experience before some of you think "You know what, I'm not going to purchase games from this game company until they prove to me that they are not actually just monkeys banging at a keyboard"? How many games has Ubisoft released that DIDN'T get a thread like this?

If my friend goes to McDonald's and complains that the burger doesn't look like the one on the menu the first time, that makes sense. If my friend goes to McDonald's and complains that the burger doesn't look like the one on the menu for the tenth time...

How many times can Ubisoft con gamers into giving them money? Gamers who complain about getting ripped off by Ubisoft are becoming those people you see who fall for Nigerian Prince Scams: All I can do is shake my head and wonder how anyone can still possibly fall for it.
You could just as easily replace Ubisoft with Bethesda. The horrificness of their QA is a widespread joke, but people still buy the games and then are surprised when they're buggy well beyond the point of unplayable.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Heck, beat the game & looking for those Pivots. Found one that's stuck inside the ground with no way to get to it. :/ Also one of the forts I fast travel to, there's one red coat that the whole fort on him like ants on candy, once they kill him they point the finger at saying I killed him.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
I heard it has more problems then just this. I just hope they patch it by the time I get it, only played AC1 so far, so theres time.

shrekfan246 said:
I raided in World of Warcraft for three years with an average of 3 FPS, and was still consistently one of the top damage-dealers in my guild. That's watching a slide-show.
High five! I did the same as main tank in TBC, Hydross was the best slideshow ever.


New member
Mar 26, 2011

This is pretty much how I read logos. Haven't bought anything with the Ubisoft logo slapped on it since Assassin's Creed II and I plan on keeping it that way. Ubisoft is THE company when it comes to annoying me, whenever I see an article about something related to them, something one of their devs said, anything - I know (before even starting to read it) it's going to irritate me.

Rule of thumb - play their games, don't buy them.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
You'd think people would eventually learn to buy their games on a console. I wasn't aware of how buggy ACIII was until people started complaining about it. I played through the entire game and literally the only glitch I encountered anywhere in the game was having my Captain Kidd's Sawtooth Sword unequipped and sent back to the Homestead after I beat the game. I hardly encountered any framerate drops and I deliberately went out of my way to fight as many enemies at one time as possible.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Hey look a slippy slope! *slides down* WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I don't think issues of optimization and frame rate are enough to condemn a company or label them as evil. Optimization and technical issues aren't malice, there are signs of ineptitude. You can call Ubisoft stupid but calling them some corrupt evil group, yeah no. Heck, optimization issues are unexpected and unplanned issues that arise during development. They should probably have planned more time to fix them but most bosses don't want you to put in a few extra months for "shit happens" when the game is technically done, just not perfect.