One Pokemon To Rule Them All


Senior Member
May 30, 2011
Arnoxthe1 said:
Which legendary or starter pokemon do you think could beat all the other pokemon in a battle IRL?

For me? Mewtwo, no question. That or Mew since they were so evenly matched in The First Movie but Mew acts like a pansy and not like someone with real power so Mewtwo gets my vote hands down.
i agree mewtwo was the best


New member
Apr 4, 2011
i choose Arcules
Listin to my theory!

Arceus is the high god. he created the universe and most of sinnoh?s legendaries. Which would lead me to believe that he also created Mew. Mew in turn gave rise to all other species of pokemon. Lugia is the master of the legendary birds and ho-oh revived the legendary beasts.
Groudon and kyogre brought forth the land and seas. Rayquaza stopped their battle.Regigigas towed the continents to their positions. I have no idea where the legendary golems fit. Lati@s did nothing in particular other than exist.
Reshiram and Zekrom are not gods. They were once one pokemon and split to follow the two heroes. IT is widely accepted that Kyurem is the corpse of the original dragon.
Celebi protects a forest and travels through time.
I don?t feel like looking up the other unova legendaries and no other legends were so involved in creating the pokeverse.
Therefore: Arceus>Mew>Dialga=Palkia=Giratina>Rayquaza>Groudon=Kyogre>Regigigas>Lugia=HO-oh> other legendary trios> Lati@s>Other subsequent legendaries.

so yeah