Online: A haven for the "interesting" population.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I do not like people very much either. I find it hard to make friends and much prefer my own company. People do not seem to like me much either.

I think that your way of life is fine as long as you are happy.

But if you spend your whole life working and indoors over a computer, you will not have many stories to tell.

I can understand why your supervisors are worried, such behaviour can lead to mental health problems and suicide, but not always. Some people are happy being isolated, whereas others just shrival up and die.

As much as you may be happy, do you really want to spend your whole life like this? It never hurts to try new things. If you spend your whole life thinking you are better than everyone else, above the `unwashed masses` I think you will miss out on a lot.