Operation Raccoon City Dev: Mission Accomplished


New member
May 27, 2010
Syzygy23 said:
Doclector said:
Actually, I've been enjoying it so far. And I haven't even got to multiplayer yet. I think it's because despite the shooting being incredibly mediocre, run of the mill stuff, and the AI being kinda dumb, this is a pretty unique experience.
"unique experience"?

Yeah, I cannot think of ANY other games that involve surviving a zombie apocalypse on a team of 4 uninfected people.
That summery is very...lacking. ORC is a unique experience. You can use the zombies as tools through use of Blood Frenzy, take them as human shields, you can become infected and turn yourself into a weapon (You're immune to most damage while infected, but your health drains), and the executions are a nice touch, too. (For example, Beltway can take another player, shove a grenade in their mouth, then kick them away so that they blow up a group of zombies). Can't really think of another co-op game where making certain choices will cause you to go into team deathmatch vs the people who chose differently from you either. Among other things.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
I look forward to it. Been wanting something that is similar to Lost Planet 2 that got a lot of unfair reviews. Also gonna guess a lot of reviewers are still annoyed in the vacuum of Mass Effect 3 and loves to rip apart a game that is not high profile.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
One word: Recon. Level design actually makes an entire player class worthless in the vast majority of the game. Let me explain.

All classes have two passive abilities which are constantly on, each can have one of three abilities chosen for a mission, which are only active some of the time for that mission. Let's talk about passives. Bertha/Medic has the ability to spawn with a first aid spray and the ability to heal more from healing items, which is useful throughout the game. Lupo/Assault has resistance to bullets, which is useful in much of the game, and the ability to reload faster, which is useful throughout the game. Beltway/Demolitions has resistance to explosions/ability to throw explosives at enemies more often, which are both useful fairly often. Four Eyes/Scientist has the ability to spawn with an anti viral spray, which is consistently useful, and zombie vision, which is useless. Spectre/Surviellance has a minimap upgrade which is fairly useful, and the ability to know if someone is aiming at him, which is very useful, with an item location ability I haven't bought or used yet.

Vector/Recon has the ability to walk and run silently for his two passives. Both are only useful if you are disguised/invisible(his two most thematic active powers), since enemies will shoot you if they can see you, and you generally can't flank enemies- most of the time there is only one route to your enemies, and they can see you as you take it. Moreover, being shot will cancel out invisibilty/disguise. And enemies will shoot at you as you move toward them, even if they can't see you, simply by trying to shoot your allies who are behind you.

This means that Vector/Recon can't flank enemies because of the level design, he has to run towards his enemies through a narrow corridor that has bullets flying through it, and getting hit by any bullets will cancel out his abilities, rendering both his passives and active disguise/invisbility worthless. This means that playing as recon, in either singleplayer or coop, just results in getting shot and killed over and over again.

The only way Recon would be viable would be if there were multiple paths to the enemy, and an invisible/silent person could creep along to sneak up on the enemy. Instead, there is often only one way to your enemies, which your enemies fill with bullets and explosions in order to hit your teammates, which cancels out your invisibility and renders both your actives and your passives worthless. There are just a handful of areas where you can take a roundabout path to sneak up on your enemies.

Every class but Recon is useful throughout the game. Recon/Vector is only useful occasionally, and it is my favorite class conceptually. Through level design, Slantsix made my favorite class almost worthless. Also, Lickers. Lickers are blind, and rely on hearing. But they can apparently "see" Vector no matter where he goes, will attack him as he runs past, even if he never shoots a gun or does anything, even though his passives supposedly make him silent.

Also, allied NPC's are idiots. They will literally run from a safe, defensible position from where we can safely shoot zombies, run in front of my line of fire right up to the zombies to punch them, and then complain about getting infected/shot. They also refuse to use anti viral sprays to cure those same infections, forcing me to either waste mine to cure them or to shoot them in the head and then revive them, and they refuse to revive each other. That said, it is a surprisingly good game despite it's flaws.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Such a shame too, I was really looking forward to this game. It was going to be my second Resident Evil game, but now I may just rent it first to see if it's worth my money. Oh well.


Jun 29, 2008
Listen Capcom, go play Alan Wake. Now make that but with zombies. Or just remake 2 and 3 like you did the original for GameCube.


New member
May 27, 2010
RelexCryo said:
-complaints about Recon-
Really, Recon is more of a multiplayer class. And he is kickass in multiplayer. There's nothing like gunning down a Spec Op, then using Disguise on their corpse, running up behind the enemy team, then knife the rest of them in the back. Literally.

It's best when you get someone in an execution hold, then toggle disguise off just before you pull the trigger to add to that 'Oh fuck' moment.

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
It's not a bad game. I don't think it's worth $60... ehhhhhh. It's a good co-op game if that means anything. It's very reminiscent of Left 4 Dead, the co-op, which is a good thing and very nostalgic to any RE fan which is good(?). I didn't think it was bad like RE5.

A little short, a little unbalanced, a little sluggish (on 360) but I think it's pretty fun. I think it's a good start and I'd like to see another like it.


New member
May 25, 2009
It's not perfect, but I'm having fun with it, and so is my friend. Another Co-op game to play together is always welcome. The only major problem I have is how bad the friendly AI is... at least I could always tell Sheva to come back when she was doing something silly.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
This game is great for co-op. Like it's been mentioned, the problem is that everyone expects it to be another RE game. it's a spin-off. It's a shooting game with RE elements. Is the game short? Maybe, but what shooter game isn't nowadays? I enjoyed Killzone 3 even though it lasted 5 hours for Campaign mode, yet you can have plenty of fun with the multiplayer.

Yes, it has its flaws, like annoying AI and very little to do by yourself, but it's still a solid game. I just think expectations were WAY too high for the game and now people are disappointed. That's fine, understandable even. But come, it's a good game still.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I don't think it's a bad game. I wouldn't say it's great, though.

I'm really enjoying the VS multiplayer mode with the helicopter. It's complete chaos in team form, until the chopper lands. Then it's every man for himself.

I'm really hoping they do a sequel. It'll give them some time to iron out the current problems while expanding on the positives. I think it'd be a horrible idea to kill this game off.


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Jan 16, 2007
"It's challenging. A lot of people put a lot of time and effort into the game and obviously we'd like to see the review scores be a little better than they are right now," he continued. "In the end, I think our position on it is that we read every review and we try to pull out all the constructive feedback that we can so we can learn a little about what people liked and what they didn't."

A little better? A 3.0 should be unacceptable, even a 4.0.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Kopikatsu said:
RelexCryo said:
-complaints about Recon-
Really, Recon is more of a multiplayer class. And he is kickass in multiplayer. There's nothing like gunning down a Spec Op, then using Disguise on their corpse, running up behind the enemy team, then knife the rest of them in the back. Literally.

It's best when you get someone in an execution hold, then toggle disguise off just before you pull the trigger to add to that 'Oh fuck' moment.
Co-op is a form of multiplayer. The problem is that the class really shines in versus, which is just one of three modes. (Singleplayer campaign, Co-op campaign, Versus.) Recon should be consistently useful to the team in more than just one mode. That said, the first time I beat the game's campaign, I got my opponent in an execution hold and blew their head off as Vector. That was pretty fun.

And yeah, I consider the singleplayer campaign and the co-op campaign to be two different modes. It is very different playing with idiot bots who have infinite ammo and large amounts of health/armor but no common sense.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Tohuvabohu said:
Doclector said:
Actually, I've been enjoying it so far. And I haven't even got to multiplayer yet. I think it's because despite the shooting being incredibly mediocre, run of the mill stuff, and the AI being kinda dumb, this is a pretty unique experience.

The core idea, a squad based shoot em up within the universe of resident evil, more specifically raccoon city, perhaps the best part of said universe, is interesting, and this is kinda something I've wanted for a while, to play as one of the nameless yet badass umbrella operatives. Hell, HUNK barely appeared at all in resident evil 2, but he became a really popular character, which I guess is kinda a boba fett effect. Boba effett? I always saw these guys and thought "some of these guys are actually cooler than the main protagonists".

They ain't well rounded characters at all. Aside from pride in professionalism, they don't do much apart from be laughably evil. My favourite example of this being the german (?) medic. She's just so damn pantomine evil, it's hilarious.

To cut this mini review short, this is a pretty dumb shoot em up with an interesting idea at it's core. Resi fans who aren't too upset about a game blatantly taking the action route instead of horror should find something to enjoy here.
All the guns, and abilities you can unlock and upgrade... there's too many of them for how short the game is. I wasn't even able to max out ONE character's abilities before the game ended, they all still need one or two more upgrades. And forget about the ridiculous amount of guns the game has that I've yet to unlock.

What am I supposed to do? Replay the game over and over and over and over to unlock everything? Yes I know there's multiplayer but still. It was too damn short. Not enough Birkin either (I thought we'd see him in all his mutation forms, but nooooo.)

It's a shame too. The weapons all handle differently, have different stats, different advantages, different uses. It would've been great to have a lot more content to play through and really have a reason to use everything the game has to offer.
If you want to grind XP fast, try singleplayer without Beltway. I mean real singleplayer. Your final grade is based partly on how many kills you get, and because only Beltway has a decent weapon, you can get the vast majority of kills for yourself. Also, it is easier to find and shoot all the security cameras when you don't have impatient partners telling you to stop looking around and get a move on. You get an extra 500xp for finding all security cameras in a mission, in addition to the xp for shooting the cameras themselves. Also, find all data files, report them on a laptop.

Singleplayer lets you get the vast majority of the kills for youself, all the data files for yourself, and all the cameras, once you know where to look. You can grind xp very fast if you do that. Just don't use Beltway as an NPC bot. He is the only NPC bot with a good weapon- the pump action shotgun, and he will take a lot of the kills.

At the moment, I have purchased about 6 weapons, but I have all abilities fully upgraded for all characters except Beltway. I have one passive maxed out on him, one ability maxed out, and am 2/3 on his other passive. A few more runs and I should have the "Epic Standards" Achievement.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Is it a great game? No. Is it a fun game? Yes.

Is it playable? The vast majority of the time, yes.

Is it worth a 3/10? Fuck no. Those ratings are reserved for glitchy messes that warrant chemical castration for the creators. RE:ORC is completely playable aside from a couple of small glitches.

It's a solid 5/10-6/10 for me, or a C/C+. It's fun, it's aiight, nothing special, but certainly not terrible.