Opinions You Just Don't Understand


New member
Mar 7, 2012
trty00 said:
Ren_Li said:
This is obviously not rage-inducing, but I don't understand the appeal of cartoons.
Not animation as a visual medium, but, you know. Cartoons. I don't understand the appeal of them, to kids or to ANYONE.
I have a friend, in his early thirties, and he and his mother both still watch cartoons. Simply... do not get it. At all.

This might be because I was raised not being allowed to watch TV, so I "missed out" on cartoons. Not that I mourn it, because I simply. Do not. See. The appeal.

At all.

I don't have any more serious rage-inducing "do not understands" because, sadly, I tend to be able to understand a lot of the lunacy people do.
A cartoon is a catch all term for an animated show that tends to be geared towards children. Other than that, the world's your oyster. Are you sure it's fair to write off an ENTIRE MEDIUM?

OT: I generally don't like these threads, but I'll bite this time.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't at all surprised that people still vehemently oppose the legalization of most recreational drugs. The costs of the "War on Drugs" are abominably staggering, and the positives to just giving the junkies a place to get high are overwhelming. Srsly peple, lighten up.

PS: Maybe "decriminalization" was a more appropriate term. I don't know, and right now, I don't care; I just got to divert the grammar Nazi's that infest this site.
Cartoons: Well, I haven't seen EVERY SINGLE CARTOON, obviously. But from what I HAVE seen, I honestly cannot see a single reason why anyone would want to watch them.
Obviously, people do. It's a thing they do. It's a thing they enjoy, and I'm not judging them for that, but I simply cannot see the appeal. Just... can't. Clearly this is a "me" thing, given how many people remember cartoons from their childhood fondly, and how many kids enjoy them.

Drugs: I sort of agree that the "War on Drugs" is pointless, but I think giving junkies a place to get high is the opposite of the solution. We need to punish people who are both clean, and pushing these harmful substances onto people without a damned good reason. But the people ON drugs, one and all, need to be given both help and inspiration to get clean. Right now, anyone who wants help will probably just get arrested instead of given the compassionate health care they need. (Cue the people talking about the harmlessness of x drug. Look, I'm not here to get into a debate about what drug does the most harm- or the least.)

I understand the mentality behind not wanting to give up on the "War on Drugs" though. It's fear. Fear of doing the wrong thing; fear of saying "we wasted all this money and only made the drug trade stronger"; fear of admitting to being wrong; and fear of the MASSIVE political backlash any other path will surely bring. Which one is the primary fear I suppose is up to you to decide for each person.
And, well, then there's the uneducated fools who can't look at history and the facts and see that it isn't working; the fools who actually believe that the "War on Drugs" could work, and that it isn't making things worse. And, well, lack of looking at the facts and lack of thinking long and hard on what happened last time America tried banning a popular substance is the reason there. (Also, possibly, when all else fails: being an idiot who believes what x person told them.)

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
So, so many things.

1. Blood on the Dance Floor
2. Black Veil Brides
3. Anything Avenged Sevenfold put out after Waking the Fallen
5. Twilight
6. Brokencyde
7. 2Chainz (seriously, he's one of the lamest rappers I've ever heard)
8. Movies like The Notebook, A Walk To Remember, Dear John, etc.
9. The first Mass Effect game
10. Dr. Who
11. Bleach
12. Naruto
13. People who don't want to watch foreign movies cuz they're too damn lazy to read subtitles
14. Oakland Raiders
15. The Dark Knight Rises

Huh, I guess it was less than I thought, oh well.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
People going apeshit over me for not liking the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. I just think it's overrated. So what it's the first anime that has a reludent protagonist who wasn't thrill by a chance to pilot a mech? I don't care the subtle religon reference or the deep philosophy undertone, it was depressing as hell and I loathe the protagonist.
Also nothing will convince me to give that show another go with those new remake which fantom me to why they remake it all over again (I can understand about that ending since they were rush but the whole show again)?
Hey I'm not exactly keep going on my hate for that anime (ok a couple of times for animes you hate threads) as I keep it mostly to myself therefore I ain't offending those fans out there.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
"I didn't enjoy (as much as others do), so it's overrated/shit/whydopeoplelikethis"


Tamer of the Coffee mug!
Feb 17, 2010
Yali said:
Shoggoth2588 said:
but, why is it that only (and correct me if I'm wrong) Germans admit to liking mayonnaise with their fries instead of ketchup?
Not only in Germany, Belgium is unsurpassed with their selection of sauces to put on fries, truely astonishing.

One thing I can't wrap my mind around is how people can spend money that isn't theirs and manouver themselves into a debt that they cannot possibly get out of again. If you can't afford something you can't buy it, simple.
Please, have some love for us Dutchies, when ordering fries here you don't even need to mention the mayonnaise.
Just say "Fries with." and they'll drown them in mayonnaise for you.

Maybe a bit too easy, but I honestly do NOT get racism or any form of generalisation based solely on origin or genetic features.
There does not have to be any difference between a white man and a black man.
There does not have to be any difference between a muslim and a atheist.

It's all about how each individual was raised.
And how they decided to handle their life.

Actions make a person, not what you think he might do.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
That things aren't peoples fault when they are.

To use an example I read in an a local paper today:

A woman is in a newsagents in the town I live. Her 5 year old runs out of the shop and into the road and is hit by a car (no serious injuries thankfully). She speaks to the paper saying she wants to campaign for the council to place signs for that road being dangerous because it's such a tight corner.

Granted, the road is a tight corner, and people park badly which doesn't help. But her child ran out of a shop and into the road. The responsibility is hers, not the poor drivers. She should have kept a better eye on her kid, and explained that running into a bloody road is not a good idea.

So in other words, I don't get bad parents who can't take responsibility for raising their own children.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
tippy2k2 said:
Yah! These threads never devolve into people arguing against each other because one person says X and the other person says Y!

I might as well start it off with something non-controversial: I'm absolutely baffled that anyone thinks that pirating is an OK thing to do. I've gotten into plenty of discussions here about it and I STILL don't get why people think it's OK (Please see post #10 of mine below before the pro-pirate crowd gets their pitch-forks out)...

I suppose to balance it out, I might as well put something in that is wicked controversial here: Puppies are cute!


I should probably get behind my flame shield now with such a drastic opinion like that.
The same reason I didn't buy a car without testing it or paying for my food on a restaurant before I eat it. The developers don't give me any choice, there are no demos anymore. I download games and then if I like them after an hour, I buy the game. Simple as that.

Oh and by the way, numerous studies has shown that pirates are the biggest media buyers too.


New member
Jun 16, 2008
I always wonder how people who proclaim themselves to be "progressive" or "tolerant", but voice their ideas in such intolerant and generalized statements as possible manage to function. How do their minds not implode under the weight of implied/suggested hypocrisy?

Just because you're less absolute in your rigid thinking, does not make you a progressive/tolerant. He who fights with monsters, and such...

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Helmholtz Watson said:
Epic Bear Man said:
You do realize the Charlie Brooker quote is a joke, correct? It's not meant to make people seriously think that homophobes seriously think of gay sex all the time. It's nothing more than satire.

I know it can be difficult to read sarcasm on the internet (I'm not trying to sound like an asshole, it seriously can be difficult at times), but that one is clearly satirical in nature.
Well then, my mistake. I couldn't tell if boots was serious or not.
Well it is a joke, but there is some truth to it. The University of Georgia did a study and men who you would classify as homophobic, well let's just say they "enjoyed" gay porn more. Here's the study if you're curious.


Here's a video if you don't want to read.



Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
There are lots of opinions I don't buy into, but still understand (or believe I understand).

A couple of them being pro-life views & various conspiracy theories (too much X-Files). Those are the ones I can understand at least a little.

I absolutely cannot understand the double standards surrounding drugs (weed is bad, nicotine/ tobacco are A-OKAY!), anti-gay-equality, & the stigma surrounding video games.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Tanakh said:
My mind is flexible like a russian gymnast, haven't come across any opinion I can't comprehend!

UGH, posted that early by mistake. But yeah - you're my hero if you can comprehend what was said there. I can't. I've tried but I can't.

Other than that, aside from the truly stupid contradictory stuff, which I don't see why I have to understand when it's logically impossible, and aside from personal preferences, which, again, I don't have to understand but for different reasons, I don't find much stuff ununderstandable.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
superking9292 said:
I do not get when you see a movie aimed primarily at children and then if it isn't good people respond with "it's for kids" as some kind of defense. There are plenty of movies aimed at children which are fantastic movies in the own right, just because it is aimed at children does not give it a pass for being a bad movie
A movie (or game, book, other media. We can expand it to other types of products as well) is usually aimed at a specific group of people. People outside of the target group are...unsurprisingly not inherently supposed to like it. A movie aimed at...let's go crazy - people with green eyes. If people with brown eyes don't like it...so what? It has to appeal to the group it's aimed at not and you should measure it's success based on initial intent. If it's supposed to be a thriller aimed at green eyed people (somehow), then it should do these things. How comedic it is or how much brown eyed people enjoy it is not really relevant.

Toxinthegreat said:
I absolutely Can not fathom why anyone would think Incest is ever okay. Ever. It sickens me to the core. If I had to choose between Eating Human Flesh or having Sex with any of my family, I'll take the Human Meat. It's less disgusting.
Not being the devil's advocate or anything but what's the specific reason you think eating human flesh or incest is bad? I've seen people cite several reasons for each, so it seems there is some difference on what they are basing it on, so I'm just curious to find see what's the prevalent trend, that's all.

Phuctifyno said:
Getting hooked often happens very slowly and right under people's noses...
Literally right under their noses. I'll get my coat.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I think I can understand any opinion, but that doesn't mean I agree with them.

Except ofcourse the opinion a number of africans have that raping a little girl cures you of aids. I'm gonna need someone to explain that one to me.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Why people hate on Origin even after accounting for the EA factor. It's not AS good as Steam, but it's pretty damn close in terms of UI utility. It takes better advantage of an internet connection for download speeds, and the only things I can say it needs to improve are the inventory and frequency of sales. Otherwise, I'm glad I have it installed. :p


New member
Jun 2, 2011
BiscuitTrouser said:
Creationism. If youre a creationist im gonna think less of you. Sorry mate but its just too ridiculous and silly for me to ever possible understand how you can think like you do. Ive NEVER met a person who understood evolution and rejected it ever never ever. I dont think its a valid opinion. Its wrong. Your opinion, in this case, is wrong. End of story.
I wouldn't even consider this an opinion to be honest, just like people who reject the holocaust or believe the earth is flat. These thing are factually wrong. Saying you don't like specific book/movie/game/food or something is an opinion. Denying something that factually happened is strait up wrong.

OT: I guess judging an entire genre simply because you only know one or two things from it. I know way to many people who do this though. "Heavy Metal sucks because I heard one Slayer song and I didn't like it."


New member
Mar 20, 2004
How flying mounts ruined the WoW experience. Don't like 'em? DON'T USE 'EM! There are maybe like 3 or 4 zones that require them, other than that you can get through the leveling experience without using them whatsoever; if you want to spend three times as long going from point A to point B because ground transport is more impressive and you find it offers a better sense of exploration then have at it, there's nothing stopping you. Just don't try and pee on my parade while I'm soaring majestically through the sky.

AT God

New member
Dec 24, 2008
Many people I know think TF2 is better post updates.

There is a MELEE weapon with a ranged attack. It fits in the MELEE weapon slot and has a RANGED attack. Read previous two sentences over for 30 seconds and reevaluate your entire life.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
I typed a lot of stuff here, but I had to delete it all since I understood the reasons behind those opinions while I was writing them. But to atleast contribute something: hating on environmentalism.