Aside from bugs, hasn’t there been a ton of videos already pointing out all the gameplay features boasted from the demo that never made it into the final game?
For example,
The bugs were just an insult on top of an already half-baked lie pie.
Whether these studios fix their products or not is beside the point, which is to simply stop hyping up something you can’t hope to deliver in the first place. It’s why companies like Apple, FROMSOFT, Rockstar, etc. keep their mouths shut until they have something worthy of being shown, even if it means people getting pissed and feeling neglected, because they know the alternative is a nightmare of PR, technical, etc. bs to deal with on top of making good on whatever was prematurely said. These aren’t small companies either. They also have a huge shareholder base demanding results, but they aren’t afraid to tell them to STFU and let them make a solid product first. They still make their billions (well, maybe just millions in one of those cases).