Oscar Nominations


New member
Feb 27, 2010
2013 Academy Award Nominations [http://www.imdb.com/oscars/nominations/]

Thoughts? I'd guess Spielberg is going to clean up (again) with Lincoln. The presence of Django Unchained surprises me a bit, but I don't see it being the kind of movie that the Academy will give more than a token award or two to.

I'd like to see Skyfall get best music and/or best song.

Oh, and with the complete absence of Nolan's TDKR I think it's safe to say that sci-fi and fantasy has been kicked back into the ghetto of the technical awards - I'm not a fan of Nolan but I am a little bit surprised he didn't even get a nod for completing his trilogy.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
I'm interested to see who will win best animated feature film.
Traditionally it's almost always Pixar, but this year I'm not so sure.

Brave (2012): Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman
Frankenweenie (2012): Tim Burton
ParaNorman (2012): Sam Fell, Chris Butler
The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012): Peter Lord
Wreck-It Ralph (2012): Rich Moore
I've seen all with the exception of Frankenweenie (which won't win anyway), They're all wonderful movies and despite my personal opinion on which is the best, I'd say Wreck-It-Ralph is going to win, assuming Pixar loses.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Eclipse Dragon said:
I'm interested to see who will win best animated feature film.
Funnily enough, this is one of the only categories that I'd say they got "completely right."

OT: No nomination for Cloud Atlas makes me sad. Not even for makeup, which only has 3 nominees? Ridiculous. Mirror Mirror has an Oscar nomination this year, and Cloud Atlas does not. Snow White and the Huntsman has two!

There are some more really odd decisions, like how both Bigelow and Affleck don't have Best Director noms, but the Cloud Atlas one really stands out to me. Right now, it looks like Lincoln is the Best Picture frontrunner, I agree with you OP.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Marter said:
OT: No nomination for Cloud Atlas makes me sad. Not even for makeup, which only has 3 nominees? Ridiculous. Mirror Mirror has an Oscar nomination this year, and Cloud Atlas does not. Snow White and the Huntsman has two!
I'd forgotten about Cloud Atlas but now that you mention it, yes that's a big snub. Admittedly it hasn't done too well at the domestic box office (Budget 102 million dollars, Box Office 65 million dollars to date), and the Academy does love to reward success as much as (if not more than) quality, but even so it's very strange that they didn't even acknowledge it.


aka "Who?"
May 11, 2009
I've seen people elsewhere complaining about the lack of nominations for Dark Knight Rises but personally I'm not surprised. It just wasn't as good as TDK or Inception, and the Academy should have recognised those two films. Too late now.

On a personal level I'd have liked to see Looper nominated for something, but yay sci-fi ghetto.

Cloud Atlas snub DOES surprise me but I bet you it's because the Academy don't want to weigh in on the yellowface controversy.

As it stands, Lincoln will be the big winner and I expect most of the other movies generating noise to pick up a couple.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
What a weak year for film. I can't even muster the energy to have my usual sneering disdain for the Academy Awards and gripe about their cowardly oversights. Hopefully this year will be better.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
I figured Avengers would have at least gotten a couple of more nominations, like costumes or sound, but alas it only got the effects nomination.

And after all the hoopla the Hunger Games brought, nothing? No Dark Knight Rises? No Rise of the Guardians for Animated Film? Odd.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2011
United States
If ParaNorman wins best Animated film some of my faith in the academy awards will be restored. As for Best Picture it's going to be between Les Miserables and Lincoln with the latter taking it because... well Steven Spielberg and Daniel Day-Lewis, who I'm sure will also take Best Actor. I hope Christoph Waltz wins best supporting actor though, he was my favorite part of Djano Unchained. I really enjoyed Jennifer Lawrence's character in Silver Linings Playbook so I'm hoping she'll take Best Actress but I've also heard a lot of positive press about Quvenzhané Wallis' character in Beasts of the Southern Wild so that could be interesting if she wins.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
I've heard that Cloud Atlas has no nominations.

That makes me incredibly angry.

I am seething with rage.

I will do absolutely nothing about it, however, because it's not like I'll have any impact on the outcome.

I will at least take solace in how many spots Les Miserables has on the list, as if there were any question of that one appearing because I'll grant MovieBob one very small thing, in that the story is basically "Oscar Bait: The Musical".

Froggy Slayer

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Nothing for Looper? At all? Not even one of the pity awards? Hell, even freaking Prometheus has one, and yet Looper doesn't? Christ, the Sci-fi Ghetto is back, apparently.

In other news, Cloud Atlas not being on there is quite a surprise, though I am happy about ParaNorman being on there.


Maintenence Man of the Universe
Mar 19, 2009
Yeah... I'm saddened at the general lack of Hobbit nominations. Not even a nom for costume design? And why does Snow White have two nominations?

Too much Oscar Bait going on this year, methinks. Well, I hope Christoph Waltz wins best supporting actor. He was great in Django

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Do the Oscars even matter anymore?

Every year we all go into a big frenzy about how it's disgraceful that this movie got nominated while the other one didn't, but does it even matter who wins anymore?

The true classic movies, performances, writting, etc get remembered for what they are because if the general public, not the Oscars. The majority of Oscar winners that no one even remembers.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
The fact Cloud Atlas was totally snubbed, but that SHIT movie Lincoln (yes, shit movie, I said it, it was terrible, one of the worst films I've EVER seen) gets 12 noms?

Pretty obvious the Oscars are just a buddy club now. You have a big name in Hollywood? Here are some awards!! We don't care about quality anymore! WEEEE!

Fuck the Oscars.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Eclipse Dragon said:
I'm interested to see who will win best animated feature film.
Traditionally it's almost always Pixar, but this year I'm not so sure.

Brave (2012): Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman
Frankenweenie (2012): Tim Burton
ParaNorman (2012): Sam Fell, Chris Butler
The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012): Peter Lord
Wreck-It Ralph (2012): Rich Moore
I've seen all with the exception of Frankenweenie (which won't win anyway), They're all wonderful movies and despite my personal opinion on which is the best, I'd say Wreck-It-Ralph is going to win, assuming Pixar loses.
I find it hard to believe since that movie was considered a flop.

Don't know how that puts it with the likes of Brave, but its not unknown for Oscar judges to go the route of the biggest hit, especially in categories they have little interest in.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
Do the Oscars even matter anymore?
Not really. I've never looked upon the Oscars as a definitive guide to the best of movie making, considering (among many other things) the fact that directors like Hitchcock and Kubrick both received multiple Best Director nominations without ever winning.

But regardless of that, the industry takes them seriously and they do have a certain prestige, so it's good to see the films and the filmmakers you enjoy being acknowledged and acclaimed for their work. Even moreso if its a filmmaker or genre that is habitually snubbed by the Academy. Less good when they are undeservedly snubbed for god knows what reason.

And it's fun to shake your head in disbelief at their annual idiocies and inexplicable choices/ommissions and discuss where and why they went so terribly wrong. There could be quite a lot of that this year, I think.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
hermes200 said:
I find it hard to believe since that movie was considered a flop.
Wreck it Ralph had a budget of $165 million, worldwide it grossed $311,332,457 (Wikipedia numbers so take it for what it is). It made $49.1 million in the first weekend, which was a new Disney record (not counting Pixar films).

I wouldn't call that a flop.

For comparison to Brave...
Brave had a budget of $185 million and grossed $535,369,198 worldwide.

Brave still did better, but compare both to Rise of The Guardians which had a budget of $145 million and grossed $278,577,667 worldwide.

Frankenweenie as of December 9th ----> $66,168,379
ParaNorman ----> $100,403,051
The Pirates! Band of Misfits as of October ----> $121,637,375

If all they look at is numbers, Brave will win, but Wreck it Ralph didn't do bad.

The Goat Tsar

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Well, besides Looper not getting any nods, I'm pretty happy with what got nominated. I guess I'm the only one...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I've learned not to care about awards in general after Tron: Legacy didn't receive any attention whatsoever at the 83rd Academy Awards for its soundtrack. It got a nomination in the Grammys but it lost to The King's Speech! I'm a much more peaceful person now :p.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
Do the Oscars even matter anymore?

Every year we all go into a big frenzy about how it's disgraceful that this movie got nominated while the other one didn't, but does it even matter who wins anymore?

The true classic movies, performances, writting, etc get remembered for what they are because if the general public, not the Oscars. The majority of Oscar winners that no one even remembers.
True but then movies involved in the Oscars get a sales boost which means the movie does well which means those involved get to make more movies so actually it does kind of matter. Plenty of movies do fine without that kind of advertising but in a few cases it might help bring some much deserved attention to films with a smaller budget that can't afford big ad campaigns to generate interest.