Outlaws - Where Are You Marshal?


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Outlaws - Where Are You Marshal?

Outlaws takes aim at the spaghetti western and scores a bullseye hit in terms of story and style. But does its gameplay still hold up?

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Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I played this a long time ago. It didn't leave any lasting impression on me. I wouldn't mind a remake of this game by Flying Wild Hog. They've done an amazing job with Shadow Warrior.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Glad to see someone else enjoyed this game. Mind you, there is a real dearth of western shooters, once you leave the Call of Juarez games, but outlaws was so fun and had one of the best soundtracks ever. Totally agree on the puzzles. I skipped the sawmill the first time I played it because I got too frustrated and only played it legitimately on a later play through and it was still a massive pain in the ass.

I did appreciate the fact the bad guy calls out his henchmen for going overboard in his attempt to "persaude" the marshal, who had be fired from law enforcement for "Killing a few men before a jury gave him permission to".


Elite Member
Sep 28, 2009
I played this game a lot, the music and the cutscenes are so good. The whole game is just cool, love the ending cutscene.

I think the levels I pretty much always skipped were The Sawmill, The Mines and The Caves, and I only beat the sawmill legitimately later on, of those levels.

It was always fun on levels with cliffs to equip the shotgun and shoot enemies off the edge and they'd scream out. There may or may not have been liberal use of the cheat code to be able to walk around with a Gatling gun. >.>

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Hmmm... I've seen this game a few times before on GOG, but those cartoony visuals kinda put me off of playing it, but it seems decent enough, especially if it has the archaic tropes of old FPS'es like Duke Nukem 3D or Blood, I'll check it out when I get the chance to.

Adam Jensen said:
I wouldn't mind a remake of this game by Flying Wild Hog. They've done an amazing job with Shadow Warrior.
For me, Flying Wild Hog has become the FPS counterpart of Platinum Games. They're just that good.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
Adam Jensen said:
I wouldn't mind a remake of this game by Flying Wild Hog. They've done an amazing job with Shadow Warrior.
Thousand times this. Shadow Warrior was the best shooter of 2013.

NoX 9

I Want A Hug!
Jul 2, 2014
About damn time my favorite FPS of all time got some much deserved publicity and a GOG release! Obviously there is a huge amount of personal nostalgia involved, but this truly is my favorite game. One of the first games I ever played as a bright-eyed young girl. Used to scare the crap out of me!

Still play it once or twice a year, and I frequently listen to the amazing music for this game. Dr Death is my favorite character...



New member
Dec 5, 2008
Y'know, I actually still have this game on CD. The review reminded me of how good the soundtrack was, so I took a moment to rip it to MP3. Thanks for that.

Mike Fang

New member
Mar 20, 2008
It is a shame there aren't more games set in the American West. I think part of the problem is that when writers have to come up with plots for such games, they tend to fall into the habit of always going for the same type of story. Frequently its a tale of revenge, of someone's idealic, rustic life out on the open range being destroyed by outlaws or corrupt industrialists/land barons/etc. which sends the protagonist down a path to bring down the people that took everything from them and left them with nothing to lose.

Which is a shame, because the setting could lend itself to other stories as well. Keeping to a similar vein, but with a slight variation, the protagonist could be fighting to -protect- his or her family and home rather than avenge it. Red Dead Redemption did something sort of along this line and it was well received. A treasure hunt or the search for a mine could also be used for a plot, something akin to Treasure of the Sierra Madre. The setting would also lend itself well for survival horror; the people who took part in the westward expansion were traveling out into a largely unexplored and untamed wilderness, where they tried to make a life for themselves in a place where civilization and help was often at least a day's travel away. Imagine having that kind of isolation when strange, terrifying events were happening around you; finding strange tracks and other signs of abnormal things around your home in the day, and hearing unnatural, inexplicable noises at night. Do you dig in and defend your homestead? Do you pack up and run? Or the protagonist could be a new sheriff or marshal in a territory, who has to investigate strange events that have been terrorizing the settlers in the region, perhaps including some unexplained disappearances.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Did anyone ever play this on the MSN gaming zone back in the day? This was one of the neighborhood multiplayer games where I grew up.


New member
Mar 7, 2018
Hey guys sorry I'm a few years late but we have a thriving online community dedicated to this classic. We play daily pretty much and have been able to get a solid version of the game through Gog.com. If you wanna hit up the chat via Discord, come check us out. We can get you setup and running.

https://discord.gg/VVA98hb That's a direct link to our gaming community

https://www.gog.com/game/outlaws_a_handful_of_missions there's a link to get the updated version of the game. most of us play on laptops but it's still pretty fun. nightly games too. nice to meet you and i hope to hear back from you. have a great day!