I thought all of you guys said all of the reliance on HD graphics and power and shit was bad! I thought you guys wanted some actual gameplay innovation rather than improvements to reflective bump map pixel fucking or whatever. Yet I come in here and everyone's scoffing at this thing going "Oh my god it's less powerful than the wii".
The reason devs still develop on consoles is because they know the limitations. New graphics cards and processors come out on the PC every week, which makes it so tons of different people have tons of different PCs, so knowing how to make the game graphically amazing while still keeping it optimized for lower end systems is incredibly hard.
However, the companies want excessive control over their consoles, so the devs end up having to use developer kits that only allow for specific programming and specific types of programs with no customization-ability (or whatever). So developing for any platform is a huge hassle. Also the dev kits have ridiculous costs so you have to get a publisher to buy you a bunch first
From what I've read, ouya hopes to change all of that. I think this console might allow modding or something, but most importantly all of them will be dev kits or something so anyone can make a game on them, and they'll know the limitations and use them to their advantage to create great games regardless of those limitations. No doubt some will be made to innovate, which means we'll get more innovation in the market. And the big guys will have some competition.
Yet almost everyone in this thread is scoffing at that because it's about as powerful as the wii. News flash, most of us used to play on an NES! I grew up on the damn N64, you think I gave a shit about how many pixels it could handle? I was just enjoying the games!
But I guess that doesn't matter because now everything needs reflective bump mip map alias anti-alias pixel smashing "Oh my god that water looks INCREDIBLE" graphics.