Overrated Movies - Which One Do You Hate the Most?

Quiet Stranger

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Feb 4, 2006
I hear people say good things about Kay and Silent Bob strike back (and that series in general) but when I watched some of the former a few nights ago it was fucking awful, all Is aw was one guy swearing his face off and trying so hard to get fucked, it is a god awful movie and if the other two movies are like that (Clerks 1 and 2) then they absolutely suck ass too.


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Oct 22, 2009
wc alligator said:
The Dark Knight. It's not that I hate it per se but I'm not retarded, Christopher Nolan, I don't get my life lessons from superhero movies. You're not deep.
Also didn't like Heath Ledger.
I ♥ you avitar! Aquabats ROCK!

OT: Avatar and Inception I reeeeeeeeeealy hate movies that cover up weak plots with the "pretty" factor and screwy movie science.


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Jan 2, 2011
The Last Airbender. M Night should really go dig his own grave for that one because it was completely awful. I'm a pretty hardcore fan of the TV show, and my heart broke when I saw that movie. The horrible acting, bad effects, and total disregard to the actual events in the series were only a few things that ruined it for me. Sad, sad excuse for cinematic entertainment...


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Jul 13, 2009
redisforever said:
I can't watch the Lord of The Rings, I just get so bored...
You gota skip the frodo and sam parts.....lol. The books are the same way.
Berserker119 said:
All of mine have been said already, so I'm just going to go ahead and say my #5 pick.

Transformers. I mean, really. Just why?
Thankyou!!! I always describe the fight scenes as two dump trucks backed up against each other dumping brightly painted pots and pans into a pile. Thats what the fight scenes are....

Anyways 'The Blind Side' is my contribution. My highschool football coach worked with Michael ore. (He is an assistant coach at my highschool, still.) When the movie came out, he told myself and the rest of the team the whole story, and a little more about michael. It's a good, heart warming story but hollywood was way off.


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Jan 30, 2008
Lords of the Rings. It's just so fucking boring, I can't watch it for longer than 10 minutes without getting bored and going off to do something else.


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Nov 2, 2009
wc alligator said:
You know he only got rewarded for it cause he kinda died, right?
That's why there was serious buzz and hype surrounding his performance before he died, right?

He was fantastic. I didn't like the film as everyone else did though.


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Dec 20, 2008
RC1138 said:
Jamboxdotcom said:
you do know it was based on a... wait for it... comic book? it's not like it was directly based on the actual battle of Thermopylae. it was intentionally stylized, like pretty much everything Frank Miller has ever done.
I hate cop out arguments. At it's core, it was based on true events and cultures, and given the attention it garnered, when I mention I went to West Point and took military history that movie, Black Hawk Down, and 50/50 on either Saving Private Ryan or Band of Brothers. Only one of those 4 is roughly historically accurate (yet all are purported to be). Drives a guy like me nuts...
Yes, but the movies story was based around Sean Bean's character telling a tall tale about what happened.


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Jan 3, 2011
VanillaBean said:
Definitly the Watchman movie they just didn't do justice to the ending. Other reasons I didn't like, the sex scene was way to long, the simply wonderful side plots got left out, and the actor who played Ozzymandious (probably spelled wrong) was awful.
Who the hell ever considered the Watchmen film a masterpiece?


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Dec 20, 2008
sharinganblossom25 said:
The Last Airbender. M Night should really go dig his own grave for that one because it was completely awful. I'm a pretty hardcore fan of the TV show, and my heart broke when I saw that movie. The horrible acting, bad effects, and total disregard to the actual events in the series were only a few things that ruined it for me. Sad, sad excuse for cinematic entertainment...
That wasn't really overrated though. Everyone who saw it, critics and fans, all agreed it sucked.


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Jun 18, 2010
Avatar mostly. But that was mostly because it was a disappointment, not necessarily very overrated.

Most overrated? Hmmmmm - I Am Love is pretty mediocre. It's gotten a lot of praise, and I don't get why.


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Aug 28, 2009
Zekksta said:
Probably Watchmen, because it went for way too long.

That and Avatar.

Also, any movie I dislike but others like.
smithy_2045 said:
Lords of the Rings. It's just so fucking boring, I can't watch it for longer than 10 minutes without getting bored and going off to do something else.
I like those movies and all.. but I can Vouch for you.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
sms_117b said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Can I?

Avatar. I hate Avatar with a fiery passion.

I really didn't find it that pretty and I sure as shit didn't find it any smart. He had the worst, most pandering, most annoying, most obvious set of messages I've ever seen in that film. I thought I would hate it before I saw, but I had no idea.

DISCLAIMER: I have nothing against shallow entertainment. I liked The Expendables. My favorite movie is The Rock.

Avatar just pissed me off so much by pretending to be smart and edgy. It's none of that.

And it wasn't even that good-looking.
This is pretty much exactly how I feel, but with chemistry/mineral business mistakes that the film made also irritated me.

Like Unobtainiums price, what the hell does it do?
It floats in a magnetic field. Apparently this was terribly important.

For me, the answer is 300. It was incredibly hyped. Everyone I knew went and saw it and I was bombarded with comments like "I was watching it and wondered 'what right does this movie have to be so awesome'". When I saw the movie, I though the action was suitably violent but not terribly interesting and all the political maneuvering was a silly way to pad the movie.

I was only marginally entertained by the film, and considering I assumed I'd love it, the resulting disappointment was metaphysically staggering.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
@ Shade - It was perhaps the most technically sound movie I have ever seen but then again even I felt the emotional content could have been a bit more compelling.

As for me I absolutely HATE Braveheart, Mel Gibson put his heart and soul in it and it shows but other than his acting the movie is horrible and cheesy.