Pachter: Black Ops Success Hinges on Biased Press

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Pachter: Black Ops Success Hinges on Biased Press

Analyst Michael Pachter thinks that Call of Duty: Black Ops [] will struggle to surpass its predecessor, unless the gaming press gives it a break.

Pachter has accused the videogame press of being hypercritical and bitter when it comes to Treyarch's entries in the Call of Duty series, and thinks that Black Ops sales will suffer because of it, despite all evidence [] suggesting that the level of interest in the game has outpaced that for Modern Warfare 2.

In order to be successful, Pachter says, Black Ops will have to overcome two big challenges. First, it will need to find a way around the videogame press' bias against Treyarch. Second, Pachter thinks that Black Ops will be marked down because it isn't Modern Warfare 2. Pachter says that the press unfairly looks at Treyarch as the "other" Call of Duty studio, largely playing second fiddle to Infinity Ward, and points to lower average review scores for Treyarch's efforts than for IW's. He also thinks that the press will take every opportunity to make unfavorable comparisons between Black Ops and MW2, as it did with the recent reboot of Medal of Honor.

Pachter believes that if Black Ops manages to get an average review score of 90 or better, it stands a chance of selling better than MW2, but says even if it does get a high score, the competition from Halo: Reach, Medal of Honor and Vanquish means that that chance is small.

Assuming that Pachter is right - and that's a pretty big assumption - I think he rather overestimates the impact the press has on videogames sales. Some analysts, notably EEDAR's Jesse Divnich, think [] that it's marketing helps people decide where to spend their money, not reviews. You only need to look at Medal of Honor selling more 1.5 million copies in less than a week to see that unfavorable comparisons to Modern Warfare 2 and lukewarm reviews aren't necessarily a death knell for a game.

Pachter's comments almost sound like those you might find coming from a fanboy on a forum, making excuses about why his favorite game didn't score as well as a rival. Everything he assigns to biased press can be explained much more simply. For better or worse, Treyarch is the other Call of Duty studio, because the series started with Infinity Ward, and the lower review scores might be down to bias, but it's more likely to be because the games weren't as good. There will almost certainly be a few reviewers that will give Black Ops a hard time just because Treyarch made it, but there will be plenty of others who are excited about game.

Call of Duty: Black Ops comes out for Wii, Xbox 360, PC, and PS3 on November 9th.

Source: Industry Gamers []



New member
Mar 29, 2009
I tend to agree with Logan here. I don't see a bias as much as Treyarch having just been living in the shadow of Infinity Ward. However, I think Black Ops is Treyarch's opportunity to break out of that. Black Ops looks like a really solid and polished experience, and personally, I'm way more excited for it than I was for MW2. If it's a good game, it'll get good reviews, and if it delivers on all the hype and promises, Black Ops won't have a problem stealing the limelight from MW2.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
I find it hard to believe that anybody is really excited for this game.
Yea it may be better than MW2 in every way, but aren't people getting tired of this?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Electrogecko said:
I find it hard to believe that anybody is really excited for this game.
You'd be shocked.

After MW2 everyone on the site was up in arms, now they're all pissing themselves over this.

Call of Duty has been given far too many breaks.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Electrogecko said:
I find it hard to believe that anybody is really excited for this game.
Yea it may be better than MW2 in every way, but aren't people getting tired of this?
Given how the Call of Duty games tend to be extremely well polished and well constructed, and are still played constantly, I'd say people still enjoy it.

On the subject, Gamestop pre-orders alone indicate that Black Ops has already surpassed Modern Warfare 2 in sales, and by quite a bit at that.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
Y'know, I have to wonder: why does everybody care about Pachter again? From what I can tell, he's just an analyst like any other analyst. My brain demands some sort of answer.


Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
Maybe Halo: Reach will present competition for Black Ops and possibly Vanquish, too, but Medal of Honor sold a million and a half copies in the first week. Modern Warfare sold almost five million copies on the first day. Plus, Black Ops has record-breaking pre-orders.

I can't imagine that Pachter is right about this one. It's possible that horrible reviews will drag sales down, but the game looks to be high quality. I don't see competition or review scores to be obstacles for Treyarch.
Jul 27, 2009
JeanLuc761 said:
Electrogecko said:
I find it hard to believe that anybody is really excited for this game.
Yea it may be better than MW2 in every way, but aren't people getting tired of this?
Given how the Call of Duty games tend to be extremely well polished and well constructed, and are still played constantly, I'd say people still enjoy it.

On the subject, Gamestop pre-orders alone indicate that Black Ops has already surpassed Modern Warfare 2 in sales, and by quite a bit at that.
Well polished and well constructed? Last time I checked, unbalanced weapons, perks, and a multiplayer that is extremely easy to exploit by hackers and glitchers does not equal well polished.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
In all fairness, he right with at least one example. WaW was miles better and less broken than MW2 but it did get worse reviews, whereas MW2 got rave reviews despite it's horrible brokeness simply because it was made by IW and was a sequal to the excellent (and better than both WaW and MW2) CoD 4. Still, overall he's wrong. IW games tend to get better reviews and sell better than Treyarch because they are usually better. I do like Treyarch games though and they do seem to be learning extremely quickly.

Danish rage

New member
Sep 26, 2010
I always liked Treyarch´s Call of Duty games. But after Mw2 it looked like i was never gonna play a cod or activision game again.

Not that it was a bad game, i was more disapointed over the lack of maps/dlc and the time that went before they actually released any.

The past few months i gradually grown from indifferent to quite hyped about this titel, and it all stated when they confirmed that Zombies will return.

And if not surpassing MW 1-2 its probably gonna giv em a run for the money, not that i care about Kotics money, i just want a great game.

Im hopefull.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
VegetaPrinceofSaiyans said:
Well polished and well constructed? Last time I checked, unbalanced weapons, perks, and a multiplayer that is extremely easy to exploit by hackers and glitchers does not equal well polished.
If you're referring specifically to Modern Warfare 2, I agree that the exploits occasionally gets tiresome, though I never actually noticed the unbalance when I was playing. More to the point though, it never stopped being entertaining for me, even when I got my ass kicked.

Putting aside the multiplayer, the singleplayer campaign and Spec-Ops are what take up most of my playtime in MW2, and both of those are meticulously well constructed.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
JeanLuc761 said:
Electrogecko said:
I find it hard to believe that anybody is really excited for this game.
Yea it may be better than MW2 in every way, but aren't people getting tired of this?
Given how the Call of Duty games tend to be extremely well polished and well constructed, and are still played constantly, I'd say people still enjoy it.

On the subject, Gamestop pre-orders alone indicate that Black Ops has already surpassed Modern Warfare 2 in sales, and by quite a bit at that.
You know, the reason why Black Ops is so interesting might be because this is Treyarch's first Call of Duty game that ISN'T set in WW2, but don't quote me on that as I could be wrong.
Jul 27, 2009
JeanLuc761 said:
VegetaPrinceofSaiyans said:
Well polished and well constructed? Last time I checked, unbalanced weapons, perks, and a multiplayer that is extremely easy to exploit by hackers and glitchers does not equal well polished.
If you're referring specifically to Modern Warfare 2, I agree that the exploits occasionally gets tiresome, though I never actually noticed the unbalance when I was playing. More to the point though, it never stopped being entertaining for me, even when I got my ass kicked.

Putting aside the multiplayer, the singleplayer campaign and Spec-Ops are what take up most of my playtime in MW2, and both of those are meticulously well constructed.
I will agree with you on that...Spec Ops was the one bright spot of that game for me. It was brilliant. The campaign was decent, if a bit wonky(not up to snuff when compared to COD4 but still wasn't horrible) The multiplayer was really the only true gripe I had with that game, but due to the fact that multiplayer in COD makes up such a large part of the games experience it is a rather large gripe.


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
I think Pachter might be onto something here. WaW's singleplayer was a really fun experience - but in reviews, it was generally classed as forgettable and derivative. MW2 on the other hand, was 6 hours (at a push) of absurdist Michael Bay, and garnered massive scores for jumping the shark 5 times a minute. It does seem that Treyarch are being perhaps a little unfairly judged on past games as much as infinity ward were judged on their past games. WaW was unfairly neglected and MW2 was unfairly praised - it's hard to see a reason other than 'Treyarch made CoD3 which was rubbish and IW made CoD 1 and 2 which were awesome'


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
For better or worse, Treyarch is the other Call of Duty studio, because the series started with Infinity Ward, and the lower review scores might be down to bias, but it's more likely to be because the games weren't as good.
That pretty much sums up what I was going to say. The games get lower scores because They're not as good. And yes, they are the other studio because they did indeed come after Infinity Ward and started off with rather lackluster titles. Finest Hour and COD 3 anyone?


New member
Jan 11, 2008
From how I understand it Treyarch isn't known to make quality CoD games. From what I've been told by fans, their CoDs are the weakest, so perhaps the biggest hurdle for them is make the game good?

Danish rage

New member
Sep 26, 2010
Terramax said:
From how I understand it Treyarch isn't known to make quality CoD games. From what I've been told by fans, their CoDs are the weakest, so perhaps the biggest hurdle for them is make the game good?
Your info is way of mate. Or maybe a bit coloured, or maybe some third thing. Can´t say.
But what i can say is that i disagree. But thats ok.