Pachter: GTA V Could Sell More Than Any Game Ever


New member
Jul 11, 2008
to all those demanding a return to SA, isn't that what Saint's Row did and will do to near perfection come SR3?

I think GTA needs to stick to its guns and dare to give a solid storyline and coherent world, without going to the experience breaking silliness, they won't beat SR3 at that stuff, so why try?

Yet for those that liked GTA 4, it was a truly great game, and I think 5 could be truly excellent too.

As for Pachter, I'd like to apply for his job by stating that the next WOW expansion will be a huge success and that Modern Warfare 3 will outsell 2. I'd also like to predict that the sun will rise tomorrow morning and that gravity will still be working.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I'll just stick with the Saint's Row series and leave GTA alone. Just like how I started buying games in the Skate series rather than Tony Hawk.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Woodsey said:
Alright, who the f*ck pays this moron?

This is a plea to you Escapist: Nobody cares what he has to say, so please stop reporting on him.

He's either blatantly wrong, or he makes predictions that are so obvious Glenn Beck could have made them about the industry - and we all know how well researched he is on the topic.
^What Woodsey said, can hardly add anything aside from agreeing. The man's an idiot who's given way too much credit and attention.