Paralyzed Skier Walks Again With Help From 3D-Printed Exoskeleton


New member
Oct 1, 2009
ObsidianJones said:
Am I the only one freaked out that Deus Ex: Human Revolution is quickly seeming to be an instruction manual to the future?

Why are you? The beautiful thing about DE:HR is that it keeps most of its' technology at a plausible level and even grounds it in reality by presenting current research into prosthetics and artificial limbs in the game in abridged formats (all those e-books? Many of them are based on what the cutting edge was back in 2011). One could easily take Human Revolution to be a vision of where we might be in 2030 in regards to artificial limbs if there are some major breakthroughs in the next few years.

As a nurse, it makes me a bit giddy to consider that I might have the chance to work with nursing specialized at artificial limbs in my lifetime... But that's just a sort of professional dream.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
ObsidianJones said:
One word:


Now, a real world concept: DRM.

The next step in the Darwin Arms Race will be equitable and fair? Not likely. I'm sure companies will do anything to make the machines work just well enough that everyone will want to have them, but so heavily dependent on maintenance or drugs to ease the pain or keep from rejection. Forget Religion or anything to enslave people's minds or wills. You will have control of people's very bodies.

With how the companies in charge run the world now? Most probable case scenario is Repo Men [] mixed with Nu-poz

sighs I never asked for this...
Fair point. Reality will certainly seem to go Repo Man way instead of happy implants for all way.
Damn capitalism.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Moore's Law; give it time, guys, it'll get either twice as cheap or twice as good every year and a half; just like most people now have phones, given time, most people will have this.

Or to use a health term, just like most people (in the 1st world, but outside America) can be to doctors and have life-saving surgery instead of just the rich, in 20 or 30 years it'll likely be the same for this.

Finally, with the amount of money pumped into the U.S. military for research, all that research into robotics and such will filter back into the public and we'll get some awesome technology given time.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Chaosritter said:
FalloutJack said:
Damn straight. For those who have broken their legs, or are paralyzed, or never had the option in the first place, many thoughts are spared for the lack of mobility.
I guess a custom exoskeleton for a broken leg is a bit of an overkill. These things take months to make and cost a fortune, most fractures would be healed up in that time anyway.
Hmm, a fair point. One would hope that you could get simply an exo-leg on that account, sort of like a mechanical splint that would save you weeks of physical therapy.
Sep 24, 2008
Gethsemani said:
Why are you? The beautiful thing about DE:HR is that it keeps most of its' technology at a plausible level and even grounds it in reality by presenting current research into prosthetics and artificial limbs in the game in abridged formats (all those e-books? Many of them are based on what the cutting edge was back in 2011). One could easily take Human Revolution to be a vision of where we might be in 2030 in regards to artificial limbs if there are some major breakthroughs in the next few years.

As a nurse, it makes me a bit giddy to consider that I might have the chance to work with nursing specialized at artificial limbs in my lifetime... But that's just a sort of professional dream.
My answer is the same as my answer to Strazdas. Please don't feel like I'm brushing you off by not giving you a different answer, but I don't think I can sum up my reservations as much as I already did.

One word:

Neuropozyne [].

Now, a real world concept: DRM.

The next step in the Darwin Arms Race will be equitable and fair? Not likely. I'm sure companies will do anything to make the machines work just well enough that everyone will want to have them, but so heavily dependent on maintenance or drugs to ease the pain or keep from rejection. Forget Religion or anything to enslave people's minds or wills. You will have control of people's very bodies.

With how the companies in charge run the world now? Most probable case scenario is Repo Men [] mixed with Nu-poz

sighs I never asked for this...