Parents being ridiculous and overreacting.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Today my mom found out my sheet was ripped so she got pissed and threw my bed out... I no longer have a bed because of a ripped sheet.

What ridiculous things have your parents done?


New member
Sep 12, 2009
I was beaten because I set the table wrong.... Ok that was a dark joke even for me...

OT: Throw out one of my games because I said fuck ONE TIME...


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Told my dad I was an atheist, Dad Stopped the car and said "WHAT THE FUCK!" Screamed it so loud my ears hurt and didn't talk to me for the entire day. Wierd...

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
101194 said:
Told my dad I was an atheist, Dad Stopped the car and said "WHAT THE FUCK!" Screamed it so loud my ears hurt and didn't talk to me for the entire day. Wierd...
Fuck him, excuse my french.

OP:I get grounded and yelled at for the tiniest little things, I've lost count of all the ridiculous things I get berated for.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Prevented me from watching "Silence of the Lambs" and "Pink Floyd's The Wall" because they were "very disturbing".

Mind you that I watched Cannibal Holocaust at 16 and was reading Stephen King at 8. When I finally watched them I was like "WTF? This is what you consider disturbing?"

Why? Dig this.....

Silence-Lambs: The scene where the guy tucks his junk between his legs and dances. In Cannibal Holocaust you see a dick get sliced off. Not chopped, but sliced gingerly and it was so realistic that the director was brought in to prove no cast member was harmed.

PF The Wall: Because the story was 'too dark'. I read "Pet Semetary". Nuff said.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
My parents were pretty even-tempered, but I had a friend's parents who burned all of his Dugenons & Dragons books because, and this is what they actually said, "Demons jump out of them at night and dance around his bed."


New member
Jun 28, 2009
My parents are fucking awesome bad ass ninja pirates. I've never gotten in trouble for anything. Ever. And yet without the beating, screaming, and grounding, i still turned out to be a well adjusted, intelligent, respectful guy. Huh, imagine that, "spare the rod, Or spoil the child".


The Return of T-Bomb
Apr 21, 2009
Began ignoring me at the age of 2 and left me to raise myself.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
In my childhood, sometimes I feel I was more Puritanical than my parents as a kid. The first time my older brother's friend brought over a copy of Perfect Dark (an M-rated game, for those unaware), who was the only one bitching about it? Little old me... although I quickly changed my tune when I actually checked it out.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
My parents were watching some movie when I was like 10. I was sitting on the couch and my dad reached over to cover my eyes when the scene of a dead body came on screen. For some reason though, they bought me Mortal Kombat three years earlier. I'm glad of age by several years now.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I have nice parents. They don't do terrible things to me.

Except breaking my hotel bed...


New member
Mar 25, 2009
SamuraiAndPig said:
My parents were pretty even-tempered, but I had a friend's parents who burned all of his Dugenons & Dragons books because, and this is what they actually said, "Demons jump out of them at night and dance around his bed."
... I love the world lol!


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Cliff_m85 said:
Prevented me from watching "Silence of the Lambs" and "Pink Floyd's The Wall" because they were "very disturbing".

Mind you that I watched Cannibal Holocaust at 16 and was reading Stephen King at 8. When I finally watched them I was like "WTF? This is what you consider disturbing?"

Why? Dig this.....

Silence-Lambs: The scene where the guy tucks his junk between his legs and dances. In Cannibal Holocaust you see a dick get sliced off. Not chopped, but sliced gingerly and it was so realistic that the director was brought in to prove no cast member was harmed.

PF The Wall: Because the story was 'too dark'. I read "Pet Semetary". Nuff said.
No Pink Floyd! Tis' a terrible thing!


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
SamuraiAndPig said:
My parents were pretty even-tempered, but I had a friend's parents who burned all of his Dugenons & Dragons books because, and this is what they actually said, "Demons jump out of them at night and dance around his bed."
my dad threw out my Magic Cards because he thought they were dungeons and dragons when I was younger.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Well Tbh my parents have been reasonable. My step mum is ace, My Step Dad was a complete tool.

Luckily for me I was around 16 and there was very little he could do. It eventually got to the point where he'd try and Bollock me for something (im talking unreasonable stuff, im not arrogant enough to go on the attack if im in the wrong) and i'd verbally assault him. Thank fuck he left (not just because of me, As i said, He's a complete tool).

Although i once ran up a STUPIDLY high phone bill (like...£150, which was a lot for me) and so i voluntarily gave my mum my mobile so i wouldn't use it. And then my aforementioned tool of a step-dad refused to give it me back. In the end my mum sneaked it back to me, but it took 2 weeks. (I paid my bill myself btw)


Oh yeah, And i wasnt allowed any violent games till i was 14. or at least not at my mums...Fucking religion.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
My dad overreacted all the time. I still haven't forgiven him for the way he treated me as I grew up. I mean, for starters, he smacked me until I was nearly 16. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against smacking but you don't smack your teenage son. That's just wrong. And after he finally stopped smacking me he resorted to constantly grounding me for even the slightest things including things that weren't my fault. Apparently my patience is very superhuman because I haven't murdered him in cold blood yet. I certainly wanted to.

He once grounded me (when I was 19 - I turn 21 later this month and moved out over a year ago) for merely having a different opinion to him because, in his view, my opinion was dangerous.

One time when I went and took responsibility for a porn addiction by asking him to log me into the router so I could add certain sites to the blacklist under his supervision, he went behind my back and added all of YouTube to the blacklist as well. His "logic" behind it was far too retarded to be called "logic" - it was so unreasonable, in fact, that it defied all intelligence altogether and probably warranted his death. It was that bad.

He is the source of 99% of all my anger/rage problems. At one point he drove me to such anger that I went out to the garage and took an axe and an old piece of furniture that he was planning to throw out, and I took out my rage on it but he came and stopped me and then, as usual, grounded me for a week or two. Maybe a month.

I was meant to show my brother how to start the lawn mower up the other day when I came to see him, but I forgot to before I left, and as a result my dad kicked him off the computer for the rest of the day and apparently also for a few days afterward.

I could go on but I'm literally going to pop a vein in my neck if I try to recall any of my years spent living under his roof.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Nope I got pretty good parents. But sorry to hear that ^ but good thing you don't need to put up that anymore


New member
Dec 21, 2008
My parents accuse each other of cheating, when I know for a fact that they both are. The screaming matches can get viscous.


Avid Reader
Dec 22, 2008
I once got barred from using the car for a month for being A minute late back from a concert. I had to be home at 10:30. It was 10:31.