Parent's reaction to video games


New member
Jul 29, 2009
The recent Jim Sterling video (link below) got me thinking about my own predicament video games and their perception in our society. Reality is I barely know anybody who likes or perceives video games as either a good or an okay thing. Most of them either believe that video games are just a trigger for violent behavior or they are a complete and utter waste of time.

Most of my friends and colleagues fall in one of those two categories. My parents fall in both groups. Their reaction to video games in general is summed up by this college humor video.

After the Columbine massacre, my dad went to my room and smashed my N64 copies of Small Soldiers: Sarge's Army and GoldenEye in front of me. The good doctor turned around to see my 7 year old hunk of flesh starring in fear, and his only response was, "Get this poison out of my house." Just to clarify, this is a family of atheists.

Now this has been the household I've been living in for quite some time. Any effort made to make my dad and people in general understand why video games aren't some corruptible tool on today's youngsters fall on deaf ears because in the end the response I get is.

But video games are stupid... (and if they are feeling clever) You just sit there and stare at a screen.

Usually by that point it's end of discussion. I can wax on poetic about how playing Fallout 3 made me consider the weight of my actions or how I truly felt a sense of fear and triumph playing Demon's Souls. But video games are stupid, so why don't I stop playing that nonsense and do something productive in my life. That's what my attempts at intellectual discourse result in, an explanation followed by a dismissive response.

How do people in your life treat games? I am honestly feeling like I'm never going to hear the end of all this nonsense.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Most of my friends play games, so they're obviously cool with them. My family don't play but they're cool with them. Convincing them game is art on the other hand is a completely different matter.

Try showing your family Extra Credit's video on enriching lives, it might help.

And we will hear the end of it. Gaming is merely the newest scape goat, just as Rock 'n' Roll and rap and all the other things that have had the exact same stigma attached.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Political News is much more destructive and a bigger time waster than video games.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
If your dad thinks that games are enough to "poison" people's minds, maybe he should hand back his Phd.

Also tell him to watch extra credits.

Also, seriously, wth. Goldeneye?


New member
Apr 29, 2008
My mum plays games supports me and by brother working in the games industry and is generally awesome.

My dad reads too much daily mail and thinks they are evil and the cause of all the worlds problems and a passing phase. He also hates movies as he can't follow them and books. The man has no taste though and watches the worst of daytime tv and likes deal or no deal which is rubbish and takes no skill to win.

Brother plays just as much as me and started even younger, due to long hours at work and socialising through it we don't really encounter that many people who aren't into gaming in one way or another any more.

You can't convert everyone though like the fifties and rock and roll old folks just think it's noise for the kids and will never get into it.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
My family see it as nothing different than movies.

Kanlic said:
his only response was, "Get this poison out of my house." Just to clarify, this is a family of atheists.
well, it was my understanding that Athists based their belief in logic and science... Looking at facts and making decisions based on those facts. o_O

have you tried a logical grown up argument for video games? Or show him some research that shows that video games do not cause violence. I'm also a bit confused, does he hate shooters or just video games in general?


New member
Jul 18, 2010
My mom is encoraging but uninterested in playing herself. My mom's boyfriend is a game enthuiast and we often play together. I've never really had anyone in my life who thought that games were evil or a waste of time.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
I've managed to convince my family that video games should be considered a form of entertainment and held up to the same standards in society as books, film, television etc. Most of my friends hold the same beliefs as I do in terms of video games, and those that don't believe that video games aren't a leading cause of violence in society.


New member
Jun 6, 2011
Most of this lies comes on Faux News. My parents don't watch that or really that much American News at all (They're Pakistani and Indian). As a result, they have bought me RE4 and GTA3 not knowing what it is without me even asking me for it.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Indifference mostly. They're just there and they get on with their lives. Dad has recently been playing borderlands though.

VGC USpartan VS

New member
Feb 14, 2011
Your dad smashed your games in front of you?

I think that might qualify under the category of "fucking child abuse"!


New member
Nov 19, 2008
My parents got me into video games in the first place! They both suck at games, but my Dad was the one who first introduced me to Duke Nukem (2, not 3D!), and latterly GTA!

...granted, these are parents who also introduced their six-year old son to the Rocky Horror Picture show, with the tape as a favourite for in-car sing-alongs. Hmm...


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Mom and Dad used to be against it, but as I grew up they just kinda let it go. They knew that no matter how hard they tried, it wasn't a battle they were ever going to win, and honestly I respect them more for it. They were putting up the most resistance when I was 14-15 or so, but by now (22) they really couldn't give a damn so long as I have a job and pay my bills. Mom has never cared a lick about games and I doubt ever will, but when I was living with Dad he did at least show an interest, which impressed me. He actually managed to get through Black Ops' single player, which I thought was pretty cool.

Alex Cowan

New member
Feb 13, 2010
I'm just gonna point out that the CollegeHumour video sent me on a half-hour train of YouTube. That's almost as bad as TVTropes...

OT: My mother has a relatively low opinion of the medium, to the extent that it's almost awkward to play whenever she's in the house. However, that might be due more to my own paranoia and narcissism than a genuine opinion on her part.


Regular Member
Oct 25, 2010
My friends love gaming and my parents are indifferent. My sister is sort of interested in games and I'm trying to get her into gaming with Portal. I think it's working. Now about your situation well, I really don't know what to say. If your parents refuse to give video games a chance at all then just stop bringing it up with them. They'll never understand so why bother trying to teach them? That's all I can say.

Trololo Punk

New member
May 14, 2011
My parents don't really care, other then the once in a while comment of "go outside" and such.
While most of my friends play video games, i sometimes get shit for supposedly playing them to much and having "no life". I just don't listen to them, or point out that they also play them.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
My parents know better, and if they ever get it wrong, I will be waiting in wings because of my course in Media Psychology from college.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I got some resistance when I was 14. Basically they tried to sit me down and tell me how they were poisoning my mind and they would take them away. I just told them, it's what I do, it's what my friends do, none of them are murderers, and if they don't like it too fuckin' bad. I lost them for a week for saying fuck but that was it.