No. it will be delayed at least twice more to eternity. I have no faith in anyone anymore. I have been lied to one too many times.
But then I'll never be able to get all the achievements!omega_peaches said:I hope Yahtzee's review is right.
Your avatar totally makes that statement more meaningful. It's freaking me out!Evil the White said:THE UNIVERSE IS IMPLODING ON ITSELF
Oh, it's "a good time". Well thanks, because now that I know that it's "a good time" I feel completely informed. I bet it's also "solid", "unique in its style" and "interesting". Why didn't you just say straightforward that there's nothing really to talk about this hype-pulled tross but because of the aforementioned aspects it has the same entertainment value of a flickering lightbulb?What it is, is a surprisingly good time that doesn't take anything too seriously, especially itself.
I just hope Episode 3 doesn't become the next Duke Nukem: Forever.Suskie said:But Episode Three ISN'T EVEN A COMPLETE GAME.Irridium said:Well there goes all the "never going to be released" jokes.
Ah well there's always Diablo 3. I'd go with Episode 3 like everyone else but 3 years of development time so far hardly justifies it.
What EnigmaticSevens said. The timing could not be better.EnigmaticSevens said:Tis official then, Yahtzee is truly Yog Yatze, the Elder God of Video Games, bow down and prostrate yourselves before the Hat that covers his billion minds. For on the first day, Yahtzee did review Duke Nukem Forever, and lo, the review was good. And on the second day, the supplicant masses did grovel before the review and laud it with praises, and lo, it was good. And on the third day, Duke Nukem Forever did come into existence, and lo, it was fucking awesome.
The signs are clear, ye faithful set before Yahtzee your wishlist of games that should not logically exist, and he will bless you, AND SUMMON THEM FROM THE DEPTHS.
plus it just won that contest for ZP's reviewEnigmaticSevens said:Tis official then, Yahtzee is truly Yog Yatze, the Elder God of Video Games, bow down and prostrate yourselves before the Hat that covers his billion minds. For on the first day, Yahtzee did review Duke Nukem Forever, and lo, the review was good. And on the second day, the supplicant masses did grovel before the review and laud it with praises, and lo, it was good. And on the third day, Duke Nukem Forever did come into existence, and lo, it was fucking awesome.
The signs are clear, ye faithful set before Yahtzee your wishlist of games that should not logically exist, and he will bless you, AND SUMMON THEM FROM THE DEPTHS.