Pay-to-Tweet Twitter Clone Plans to Beat Real Twitter


Non-gamer in a gaming world
Nov 20, 2009
Yeah, those promoted tweets are annoying... but they are rare, and simply remind me of how to use the block ability...


New member
Jun 9, 2011
OlasDAlmighty said:
It sounds like I'm the only person so far who actually likes the sound of this. I don't know about Twitter specifically since I don't use it, but advertising of all sorts is trashy, it's noise that disrupts your experience to pump false beliefs and desires into your head.
Maybe if you actually used Twitter you would know why you're the only one, on Twitter you get a promoted tweet at least 3 times in a month that's it that's all, they don't block anything and they don't even matter because on third party twitter programs they don't even exist, a third party program such as TweetDeck... Which they own. So no there is absolutely no problems with ads.

Your rant was completely out of place.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
This is the second worst idea I've read in a while.

The decaying book ink is the first worst.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Well this beats "Hitler was Right" flavored Mountain Dew as the stupidest thing I've seen today. Why in the hell would someone pay for something that they can get elsewhere for free with a few ads *cough*Penny arcade kickstarter*cough*


New member
Jun 25, 2010
My guess is this idea is so his company might be in a position to mop up all of the lost and helpless Twitter users when the VCs and investors that pour money into Twitter, suddenly realize that it wasn't worth it after all.

Twitter is really expensive to run and maintain. To provide a service with that much traffic, worldwide, and with the speed it does is a huge operation. As the comments on here prove, nobody is actually willing to pay for the service, and the ads are almost non-existent. So, Twitter has no revenue stream (or not much of one, anyway). Investors invest because they expect a return on their money, and currently Twitter is a bottomless pit that, for some reason, people continue to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into, hoping that someone at Twitter will suddenly figure out how to monetize it. The investors seem to have forgotten the lessons from the first dot com crash, which is basically that just because a free service has lots of users, that fact alone does not make that service 'valuable'.

If the ads get more prominent, they will still be ignored, and there will still be no revenue stream. If the ads reach a point where they are intrusive, people will leave the service. I'm sure that if Twitter vanished tomorrow, nobody would particularly care for more than a few days of moaning on some forums, and then it would be back to a far more productive society. But, there will be a smallish percentage of Twitterers (twits?) who simply can't live without their daily dose of 140 character vacuous and irrelevant bulletins, so where are they going to turn to? Well, if there's a Twitter equivalent with no ads, and no prospect of the service going out of business due to the users actually contributing a little bit of cash (and I mean a little bit) to keep it going, then it may all of a sudden not be such a bad idea.

Twitter cannot continue as it is right now. It simply can't. There cannot be an unlimited supply of rich morons willing to throw vast sums of money into something that will never generate revenue in its current form. Well, if there are then I'd like to meet some of them....


New member
Jul 3, 2012
Haha, thats like paying someone to blow on your coffee for you when it's too hot, really a minor inconvenience.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
It's weird but... That opening, talking about how we all do it... I don't. I have never had the urge. I used Facebook when I was away to keep in touch with friends and family, but I never posted comments and thoughts on that. I feel sorry for anyone who pays for this, and even more sorry for people who spend a lot of time on social sites. Get a life, holy shit.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
Karloff said:
I Tweet, you Tweet, half the world Twitters away like there's nothing else to do all day but type 140 characters into a gnomic bite-sized message.
But... I don't tweet... I don't tweet at all.

Why must you lump me in with everyone else?! Why?!?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
and the biggest sell point he has is you pay for to have no adds but
from what i can see on this forum there are rarely adds on twitter(i never used twitter)
also add block exists
and he expects to beat twitter...

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well he hasn't got the right business model yet, but if he comes up with some catchy sales pitch like "Elite twitter, for people with class" then the can turn it into a supposed people of money exclusivity thing and see the cash flood his account, human vanity after all knows no bounds.