Analogfantasies said:
JeanLuc761 said:
Slaanax said:
This just in people buying more games = better sales figures!
That wasn't the point of the article. He's basically saying that publishers/developers need to support PC games more if they want higher sales figures. Part of that support is the willingness to invest more money into the production.
To that, I say, "See Minecraft."
It seems to me that lots of independent developers with zero backing have been making popular games on the PC the past several years. Could they all do better with the same financial investment as SC2? Possibly. But the general idea behind this seems to be that a game must have a big budget if it wants to succeed right now, and that just is not the case.
Minecraft is a rare exception, not to mention a completely different market. We aren't talking cheapo indie titles with this article, we're talking about the Triple-A games. The big boys. We're talking about paying a full team of developers to make a game, not some random kid sitting in his basement crafting the once-in-a-blue-moon gem. More than that, we're talking about cutting features from the PC versions of a game because it'll be cheaper to develop them that way; sometimes even not even making a PC version, but just lazily porting-over the console version of the game.
I mean, honestly now, how can publishers expect to push PC copies of a game when they lack any form of PC support? We are NOT the same customers as the console crowd. Not to say that there's anything bad about console gamers, I'm just saying that simply because we're both gamers and both buying the same game (potentially) does NOT mean that we are interested in the same things. So when you gut every feature from the PC version of the game that PC gamers are interested in buying, do you really think that PC gamers are going to flock to the stores on release day? Publishers are basically setting themselves up to fail in the PC market, then they cry at US when we don't want to buy their crappy half-assed title.
Seriously, take that money you spent licensing that worthless DRM and put it towards catering just a little towards PC-specific features. I can guarantee that sales will increase.