PC Upgrades Trigger Ubisoft Activation Limits


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Cyrus Hanley said:
Kmadden2004 said:
Does this explain why I haven't been able to play Splinter Cell: Conviction on Steam for the last three weeks?
You're not missing much, it's the worst game in the franchise. Worse than the XBOX 360/PlayStation 3 version of Double Agent.
Well, i like it... well, I liked it when I was actually able to play it...


New member
Oct 14, 2010
A dark room somewhere in America, has gathered the most suspicious Guests:

??? - Finnaly... it appears you have joined us in the Screwing loyal fans and b.s. providing to the world.

*Everyone rises from the chair giving warm-welcomes*

Ubisoft - Thank you guys... May we ruin our name in the goal of screwing people up with idiots systems and useless services!!!

*The main director of the organisation reveals himself*

EA - No my dear friend... Thank YOU.... Activision... show our guest the ropes of the place...

*Everyone bursts in laughter, has the Corrupted Capitalist Legion Strikes again!!*

EA - Now also on the matter.... how can we support SOPA, withouth giving our direct presence or contribution....

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
blalien said:
drkchmst said:
Here is an honest question I have for PC enthusiasts. I built my PC 3 years ago and have been slowly upgrading it to meet my growing gaming needs. At what point does it become a new computer? (This specifically got me thinking when I downgraded from XP to Win7Pro64 with their activation nonsense). Obviously Ubisoft think's changing a mouse makes it a new system. I would probably reluctantly set my bar at the MoBo although I don't think there should be a bar)
A modern version of the Ship of Theseus problem? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus
I'd say it becomes a new computer as soon as you change the mobo and CPU. because that requires a fresh install of your operating system (well, for windows at least).

Cyrus Hanley

New member
Oct 13, 2010
Kmadden2004 said:
Cyrus Hanley said:
Kmadden2004 said:
Does this explain why I haven't been able to play Splinter Cell: Conviction on Steam for the last three weeks?
You're not missing much, it's the worst game in the franchise. Worse than the XBOX 360/PlayStation 3 version of Double Agent.
Well, i like it... well, I liked it when I was actually able to play it...
Which means you'll love Chaos Theory.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
drkchmst said:
Here is an honest question I have for PC enthusiasts. I built my PC 3 years ago and have been slowly upgrading it to meet my growing gaming needs. At what point does it become a new computer? (This specifically got me thinking when I downgraded from XP to Win7Pro64 with their activation nonsense). Obviously Ubisoft think's changing a mouse makes it a new system. I would probably reluctantly set my bar at the MoBo although I don't think there should be a bar)
I suppose the statistician's answer would be when you arrive at 51% new parts.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
there is simply no way to bypass that
Yup, there's is absolutely no way that this DRM could possibly be bypassed.
Shitting on customers is such good business!


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I stated this many times already, any changes to hardware count as installs under their dumbass DRM claims. I think I even argued about this with someone here...hm, well here's your defining proof if you're reading.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Akimoto said:
I call shotgun when they do the same for consoles!
That might be a good move on our behalf. Console gamers will start complaining as loud, if not louder, than the PC gamers (and I assume there are more console gamers than PC) hopefully forcing Ubisoft's hand to let up. [footnote]Am I too optimistic?[/footnote]
Also, my asshat friend might stop calling me an idiot for not buying Ubisoft products.

Captcha: cowardice ofoundsc
Yep, thanks.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Hurray for not being able to use the software you paid for!

One word, crack. As in ass crack. The drug crack. The famous crack in a America called the grand canyon. Cracked.com, Edgar Crackington, Cracking cheese gromit and holy crack, it's a Krakon!

Because for it to work with all Guru3d's hardware... Thats $420. For one game... That isn't even that graphically impressive either... Now, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't even pay that much for a console to run that shit on... I wouldn't pay that much for 4 of those fucking hypothetical consoles... It's an absolutely brain dead DRM. Guru, if you're reading this, you may as well give it lots of shit scores or something. Hurt their sales a bit.


Brain Freeze...yay!
Jan 14, 2011
So their DRM plan is to make it unplayable and as hard as possible for honest and paying customers to enjoy the game? Sounds like a good plan to me, I don't have any intentions of ever buying OR pirating the game.