Pennsylvania Man Swipes Nintendo DS From Disabled Child


New member
Mar 2, 2010
Yeah, that made me pause while I was reading it too.

Anyway, it's not that big a deal. I mean, he obviously wanted revenge, and he could have done much worse than take the kid's handheld. Even if the cops didn't get it back, surely his parents would have bought him a new one. I just... can't bring myself to care that much. I don't understand the people who are acting like this guy is the scourge of the earth. Sure, it was petty and spiteful of him, presumably because he had a bad break up with the kid's sister, but it's not appalling.
I would have to agree with you on this. It doesn't make sense to me what is so enraging about this to other people. At the end of the day, the kid got his toy back and all is well. Even if the kid wasn't handicapped, it's not like he could have stopped a full grown adult from taking his ds anyways. People should also save the "I have officially given up on humanity posts" type posts for news stories where actual terrible things are going on.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
manythings said:
omicron1 said:
Postulate 1. There are evil people.
Postulate 2. These people cannot be identified by group, race, name, gender, or any other classification. They are evil, no matter what else they are.
Conclusion. Based on postulate 2, there is no way to keep evil people from being evil. All that can be done is to punish those that are.
I think a red hot brand of some kind might be an option... just throwing it out there.
I support this theory. Put it somewhere that's obvious at first or second glance, just to be on the safe side.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
People get killed over less, but damnit man, some stole a gaming device!


New member
Feb 25, 2008
ShadowsofHope said:
Wow.. not as big of a douchebag as the guy that stole a Gameboy from a coffin, but still.. wtf?!
Because a corpse is hurt more by theft then a wheelchair bound child?


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Earnest Cavalli said:
Outside of profiling customers based on the likelihood that they're suffering from methamphetamine withdrawls, or holding every trade-in item for days just in case they turn out to be stolen, there really isn't much stores can do to curtail this type of activity.

So what's the solution? I just don't know. Even if Nintendo surgically implants an identification chip in the hand of every DS owner that prevents others from using their gaming machine, that just sets society up for a rash of horrific hand thefts.
One thing I've observed in the UK, is that when trading in consoles or stuff over a certain value to GAME stores, they will only give you store credit, or transfer to your bank account directly via debit card. Now obviously debit card is actually MORE convenient for most customers. But I've seen twice some people that were obviously quite shifty, and really REALLY didn't want to have it put on a debit card, so went off looking to trade it in elsewhere.

I think this is a much better system, as it means should goods be found out to be stollen, you have a nice paper trail leading straight to the thief! (and as someone who had his wii and all his games stolen and never found, I'd have somewhat liked that)


New member
May 14, 2011
ShadowsofHope said:
Wow.. not as big of a douchebag as the guy that stole a Gameboy from a coffin, but still.. wtf?!
Seriously? He's a WAY bigger douchebag! A corpse has no need for a Gameboy, a disabled kid with limited forms of entertainment does (well he doesn't NEED it, but you know what I mean). Taking from the living is far worse, and people that bury their dead with valuables are literally throwing it away. Grave robbing is akin to dumpster diving.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
BrunDeign said:
Anyone else find it weird that the dad refers to his son as "that kid"? Seems like a very odd way to put it. Dare I say it sounds cold and distant, to me at least. The whole sentence sounds even worse.

"We've been nice to that kid."

It sounds like they had to try to be nice to him, and not have it come naturally as a father.
I also think that sounds off. Given the amount of paraphrasing in the quotes from the father I think it's likely that the subject of the sentence got mangled and 'that kid' actually refers to the daughter's ex-boyfriend, who is probably still a kid in the father's eyes.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
If I hadn't already lost all my faith (and then some) in humanity, I would have certainly lost it when I read this article.

Ice Car

New member
Jan 30, 2011

OT: Wow, that's seriously fucked up. I'd like to punch a lot of people, but this guy? I seriously do this time.


New member
May 22, 2009
GreatTeacherCAW said:
ahahahaha. This is pretty hilarious.
.......Someone stealing from a disabled kid is hilarious? Okay then. Unless you meant the guy getting caught and arrested is funny. I may be interpreting that statement wrong.

Still, at least the kid had his property returned to him and the guy was arrested. So...happy ending?

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
Wow....thats low...

but I bet I know what was lower...

getting Gamestop to give it back...

But in all seriousness...



New member
May 12, 2010
Jeez what an asshole, was this some kind of retribution for the kids sister breaking up with him?
That's about the only reason I can think of, on the other hand some people don't need a reason to be an asshole, they just are...


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
manythings said:
omicron1 said:
Postulate 1. There are evil people.
Postulate 2. These people cannot be identified by group, race, name, gender, or any other classification. They are evil, no matter what else they are.
Conclusion. Based on postulate 2, there is no way to keep evil people from being evil. All that can be done is to punish those that are.
I think a red hot brand of some kind might be an option... just throwing it out there.
I like this mans idea. Also how did you get your badges moved? Mine won't move anymore :(

OT:This man is horrible. I can't belive anyone would do this. To stoop that low just disgusts me.


New member
May 22, 2009
GreatTeacherCAW said:
GamingAwesome1 said:
GreatTeacherCAW said:
ahahahaha. This is pretty hilarious.
.......Someone stealing from a disabled kid is hilarious? Okay then. Unless you meant the guy getting caught and arrested is funny. I may be interpreting that statement wrong.

Still, at least the kid had his property returned to him and the guy was arrested. So...happy ending?
No. The whole situation is hilarious. Has the world become so "correct" that a guy can't laugh at misfortunes anymore? What a damn shame.
It's not that it's wrong to laugh at people's misfortune, there is a reason programmes like You've Been Framed exist.

But....we're talking about a disabled wheelchair bound 7-year old boy who's only forms of entertainment are restricted and having one of them stolen from him.

Laughing at his misfortune just seems a bit...inappropriate in this situation.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
ShadowsofHope said:
Wow.. not as big of a douchebag as the guy that stole a Gameboy from a coffin, but still.. wtf?!
Frankly, I don't see a problem with doing that one. It's not like the corpse is going to use it. Granted, maybe that's a lifetime of taking stuff from the dead in video games talking, complete with the actual practice of grave robbing placed into Fallout 3, but, I don't see the problem.

Stealing from the living, however, especially a kid who is already living a hell that I can't even imagine, that's unforgivable. Sadly, there are people who hold this guy in higher esteem than they would hold Michael Vick, solely because he didn't hurt a dog. Priorities, people.