Penny Arcade games, PC or XBox?


New member
Nov 28, 2007
So I wanna get the Penny Arcade games, but can't decide whether to get them for PC or XBox. On the one hand they're a bit cheaper on PC and I from the offical distribution site it's pretty much DRM-free. On the other hand the convenience of having them on my XBox is very nice, I can't quite describe why it's convenient.. but it's just always simpler to play things on my XBox. Also, I played the demo and the game seems designed with the 360 in mind; although, I could just play on the PC with a 360 controller.

ANYWAY, I'd really like people's opinions on this, ie. if you have any other reason to prefer one platform over the other.

black lincon

New member
Aug 21, 2008
What do you use more? if you play your 360 more go with that but if you use your PC more go with that. It's an RPG, it's not like the gameplay is going to be so vastly different on one or the other that you'll miss something if you choose one over the other.

Pirate Pete

New member
Sep 10, 2008
The games are easy enough to play on either (Well, I only played PC, but I'm assuming so...).
The true value of those games is in the story and dialogue, which will come through either way.
Not sure if that'll help you decide at all...