People ARE getting dumber (14 I.Q. points dumber)


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Lilani said:
Snippity snip
A great big thankyou for being really sensible (and I'm sorry if that sounds really patronizing).

gavinmcinns said:
At a point, population expansion lowers IQ. It just makes sense. As you broaden the base, you need more chattel to support the pyramid, it's not an opinion, empirically speaking you'd have to be blind not to see this trend in society. Not everyone can be a rocket scientist or a derivatives analyst or a ceo.
Whilst the volume would increase, you've given no reason why the proportions would change, so in theory average IQ scores should have remained vaguely constant.

Also, reaction times have jack shit to do with problem solving ability. Fuck, flies have better reaction times than us. It makes sense that Victorians- whom a greater proportion of which would have done more manual labour- would have had faster reaction times. As a generation we live very sedentary lives, spend a lot of time working in offices, spend a lot of our free time watching tv. This doesn't necessarily make us stupid, but I can certainly see why an office worker doesn't need the same reactions as say, a factory worker.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
gavinmcinns said:
The fact is Americans and the cushy european nations have gotten lazy, and laziness breeds stupidity. Its a bitter pill to swallow, and maybe ignorance is in this case bliss, however I just can't help myself. I'd like to see someone rebut in an intelligent way.
I haven't had a chance too look at the new link you responded with just yet (though at this point I will say it looks MUCH more legit, at least on a surface-level), but I would like to point another thing out I neglected to mention in my first post. You might want to tone down the derisiveness here, because while there is a discussion to be had here, your wording here suggests flame-bait. There are ways to discuss general trends in intelligence without resorting to stereotypes and cheap insults, and your desire to use such things right from the very get-go suggests a lot of projection and insecurities on your end.

And another thing:

gavinmcinns said:
Wrong study, please take a look at the correct one that analyzes reaction times
If you're meaning what I think you mean by "reaction times," then I don't see how that has anything at all to do with intelligence. Generally speaking, "intelligence" is more or less regarded as something that is pretty standard, at least the way I understand it. At least in the way we'd like to measure it, what we call "intelligence" should be something that is relatively unchanging in a person. You can't really train it up or down like you can train your muscles, it's pretty set. There are a few things you can do to sharpen a few things, but a person who scores a 96 on an IQ test shouldn't just be able to "work" themselves up to a 120 like a runner can just "work" themself from running a 5k to running a full marathon.

Reaction time, however, you can train up and down. Athletes train hard to sharpen their reaction times and responses so that they can adapt as quickly as possible in situations. As they become more familiar with certain situations--like say, hitting a baseball flying their way at 96 mph, then naturally they're going to become better and better at tracking it and reacting to certain patterns and conditions. These days, people are living much more sedentary lives than they used to, and given public safety regulations there are a lot fewer hazards we face on a daily basis, both in the workplace and in public in general. Given that, I think it makes perfect sense reaction times would be slower. It's not that people are dumber, it's that you lose what you don't use, just like if you don't exercise. Things are safer and more certain, so people aren't having to react quickly to dangerous situations as much, so people react slower.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
Lilani said:
a person who scores a 96 on an IQ test shouldn't just be able to "work" themselves up to a 120 like a runner can just "work" themself from running a 5k to running a full marathon.
Why not? There a many sorts of questions that pop up again and again in IQ tests. You just keep practising until you can do them all. You won't get any smarter, but you'll get that 170+ IQ score eventually.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Stephen Hawking said:
?I don't know what my IQ is. People who gloat about their IQ's are losers?
Well said, Steven.

IQ is a reasonable measure of "are you suffering from mental retardation." Just because someone has IQ>130 does not mean they'll rise to the top of whatever their chosen profession.

I put the ultrahigh IQ scorers in the same category as people who memorize however many digits of pi or can do crazy arithmetic in their heads. Gives you a note on paper that might bump your college admissions, but not much else.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
I.Q. as a measure of true intellect or ability is about as useful as feathers on a fish. The whole field is a minefield of sociological, psychological and environmental factors that quite simply cannot be broken down into a 45 minute standardized test.

Frankly I cannot believe anyone would think that it holds any relevance at all in this day and age. I used to care mine was. I no longer do. They are worthless as a measure of anything other than some spacial awareness and pattern analysis. Very few real world tasks require that shit.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
gavinmcinns said:
No evidence? Look at what passes as entertainment. Shows, movies, games, all are moving toward the worthless bang bang twenty minute long action sequence/setpiece. I've haven't done any hard research, but come on, if you enjoy any of these mediums, you must've noticed the glut of crap that has been elevated into the mainstream.
I realise that the conversation has moved on but this really stuck out to me. Because you're wrong, so fucking wrong here. firstly Games, now apart from maybe a brief period in the late 90's early 2000's (and that's a big maybe) the games industry has never been dominated by intelligent games. Chris Crawford probably the most famous and talented of the first generation of game devs famously stormed out of the whole industry in 1992 because intelligent games didn't sell, he could make art but nobody would buy it. And since then there really isn't any good time to point at and claim it was a high point of super smart games, I only mention the late 90's because you could point out the popularity of jRPGs and the like but they weren't smart just long and they pushed graphics and visuals at the same time.

Films you have more of a case, yes modern Hollywood is a lot stupider than 70's Hollywood. But that's one period brought about by conditions in Hollywood. Modern stuff isn't stupider than the slick MTV blockbusters of the 80's or the epics of the 50's/60's or the utterly insipid romcoms that preceded them. Hollywood has almost always been dominated by crap. There is however still plenty of ultrasmart arthouse movies being made by lots of people in lots of places. So the idea that movies now are dumber than ever just doesn't hold water.

And finally because here you are the wrongest of all TV shows. Do I even need to explain this? You're saying that over the past decade, a decade that's given us The Wire, Breaking Bad, Generation Kill, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Made Men and probably plenty more I've never heard of, and you you're implying that this is the culmination of intellectual decline? Compared to what the arthouse masterpieces of Gilligan's Island or Leave it to Beaver? Do you really think that Girls is a mental step down from I Love Lucy? There have been smart TV shows in the past but really, now is the first time when idiocy hasn't overwhelmed the broadcasting schedule.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
Yeah, the new study you posted is pay-per-view. And I'm sure as hell not paying 31.50 to analyze the study more indepth.

Otherwise, IQ is more a measure of general aptitude and learning skills and is not the end-all of intelligence studies. Also, I laugh at all of you arguing about entertainment. The perceived intellectual value of the media is completely irrelevant since it's clouded by rose-tinted glasses and perception bias.


New member
Sep 15, 2013
gavinmcinns said:
Racecarlock said:
So, why do people have to enjoy smarter entertainment? Why should people worship the art house? Why is only thought provoking stuff worthy of discussion?

Look up symphony of science the quantum world. It has millions of views.

Captcha: Poland Spring: Describe this brand with any word(s).

Hmmm, I think "Flammable" will do.
Smarter doesn't have to mean arthouse, in fact arthouse often shelters vacuous nothings that cant create anything worthwhile. Smarter to me means more detail. That's it. More detail enhances everything, if call of duty could go in depth into the machinations of the military industrial complex, political battles between presidents and generals behind the scenes, then itd be a cerebral experience worth doing.

GTA for example, goes into immense depth and detail, and therefore is worthy.
First off, any good psychologist and scientist will tell you that a correlation only ever means a correlation and that there are so many things that can go wrong with correlation that you can never, ever imply causation. Correlation can be great for finding a relationship between two variables, but that's the thing, it only says that two variables are related somehow. Correlations suffer from two well-known problems: the Directionality problem and the Third Variable problem.

The Directionality problem states that you don't know which variable is the causal one. Generally, this one isn't the problem. It's the Third Variable that's the problem, which states that a relationship can be not causal at all.

As an example of the third variable, did you know that there is a very high correlation between an amphibian population and the amount of beer being drunk? Yes, it's true. It's a very high correlation, indeed. However, you wouldn't say that an amphibian population causes more beer to be drank or that drinking more beer causes an amphibian population. Perhaps, the problem is due to a third variable, something else entirely.

Due to these two problems, you can never, ever say that correlation implies causation and no good scientist or psychologist should. Research is very, very serious business! You can use correlation to help you along towards establishing an experiment (whether quasi or not), a developmental study, a retrospective or prospective study, and clinical trials, but you can never, ever, ever use correlation as a causality.

Secondly, having read this study, I can just feel my Research Methods teacher practically writhing in agony. She'd be lambasting this article for the amount of implication and correlating it does to imply causation. Not to mention how much fluff it has.

Edit: Let alone with reaction time as the main variable they're testing. Hah!


What this
Jun 14, 2012
Sup OP. I'd like to you define what 14 points of IQ mean. In hard facts, mind you. Not some subjective score that many people are throwing because herp derp IQ is better.

Therein lies the problem. Even before I read it, I already guessed it to be a load of bull because not only does it fail to tell me what 14 points of IQ mean, but you cannot possibly take an accurate estimate on the whole of the human race's IQ dropping over a time period.

Now, I'll come back after I get the chance to read the whole thing, because I'm getting a feeling that I'm going to get a kick out of this and to disprove this fact.


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
Relying on studies data from 100+ years ago is shaky at best for a topic that requires much more precise measurements. The study directly links reaction times to IQ and creates a direct link between a decrease in reaction times and a proportional decrease in IQ. As others have said, this only works if the you wrap all or most of IQ into reaction times alone, subsequent studies have all shown increases in IQ in most places across time as the IQ test has become more wide spread and standardized to account for cultural biases (the Flynn effect). This also doesn't hold as reaction times can be increased immensely with training or decrease with disuse, reaction times also tend to drop precipitously in older people, this does not correlate to a similar drop in IQ.

What most people don't realize is that IQ is not always intrinsically linked to the biological capacity for intelligence, as someone said above me, just a change in environment can create a 20 point swing up or down and on an IQ scale 20 points can swing you from the lower end of below average right into the average range, or even the upper end of average into the exceptional range. IQ is a tool that is useful for a foundation, trying to treat it as an absolute indicator of intelligence is useless as the test is too imprecise to gauge a persons natural biological limits for learning and adapting to changing situations.

Historically education and study have also changed immensely since those times, The older studies this one uses come from a time where the only people they were collecting data on were other rich, educated, white, western men. So the Victorian era studies have a limited sample size that only tests a narrow range of people, the data is then extrapolated out with other studies that include women and other nationalities and ethnic groups. It's the same with education in general, the vast majority of educated people in the West over 100 years ago were wealthy white male landowners, we now live in a society where it is almost mandatory to at least receive a high school diploma or GED, this has a much much larger effect on our data pools studies that once only accounted for the top 1% are now including data from a wide range of people that were never studied in the past.

Another point, please stop treating the term, "peer review" as equivalent to, "the scientific community agrees with the conclusions of this study", it's intellectually dishonest. Peer review generally means that it has been reviewed by other people in the same field of study to find flaws in the methodology of the study or examine it for blatant falsehoods. Plenty of peer reviewed articles make it to publication every year that are summarily dismissed by the scientific community. Even the peer review panel itself doesn't have to agree with the conclusions of a study in order to approve it for publication. The study itself is a foundation, it is too broad and it's conclusions too vague to be anything other than a potential base for future research, studies do this all the time, they draw a simple correlation like showing decreasing reaction times in history or showing a link to high CO2 levels with the last ice age, and then lead their conclusion into a grand potential territory meant to spur further research into that area by saying things like ,"and this means IQ has been dropping" or ,"and this means we could be entering a new ice age". As with the ice age example future studies showed that, no, there wasn't another ice age incoming, and future studies in this area will probably fall into something like, "we need further research on how to specify reaction times with IQ measurement", or "Victorian and early 20th century study samples are too narrow, this justifies a standardized long term study with a diverse sample size".

As for your assertions on the quality of media, others have already told you that nobody remembers the crap, but let me tell you a story of my own. I have recently been cleaning out the room of my recently deceased great grandmother and found a box full of old books from the early 1900's. Pretty much none of these books were written by any author I'd ever heard of, they were all short story collections or short novellas, that I later found out were referred to as penny dreadfuls. And they were just that, dreadful, these were the early 1900's equivalent to the brainless dreck we see on T.V. today, stories full of 2 dimensional characters, plot holes, mindless action, and pointless sex (also lots and lots of blatant racism). Why are none of those stories or authors read much today? For the same reason nobody really remembers the sitcoms of the 90's beyond the gems that stood the test of time, (Stuff like seinfeld, and the Simpsons). Here's another one for you, Casablanca is often seen by movie critics as one of the icons of cinema, but it was part of a bulk deal by the movie studio that made something like 30+ other movies that same year, yet we remember none of those other 30 movies the same way we do Casablanca. That's because the vast majority of them tanked, movie studios back then released tons of movies on shoestring budgets with interchangeable plotlines designed to try and hit as many cliches as they could, remember this is before the widespread advent of TV, so Americans were flooded with new movies every week, only a tiny tiny fraction of which anybody remembers today.

Another point is that even the people we thought of as iconic masters of their era often went unappreciated, and even died broke and unknown until their music or art was picked up after their death by a later generation. There will likely be artists alive today who are barely known, who will be looked back on in 100 years as iconic or emblematic of this day and age, remember hindsight is always 20/20, it's far easier to look back and see what worked then, than it is to guess at what works now.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
You have to take I.Q. scores with a grain of salt. They've never been all that reliable. There's a lot of fallacy involved. I would pay more attention to how a country is doing in comparison to other modern countries. It's a far more accurate scale of intelligence, and it's one that is more practical.


New member
Aug 11, 2012
IQ really isnt an accurate measurement of intelligence

There are many intelligent people that suck at math -_-


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Hero in a half shell said:

I mean, take half a second and actually study that chart, it's so full of crap you could stick it in a slurry tank and use it as fertilizer.

Every single country depicted on that graph the "average IQ" for every single country listed is higher in 2010 than it was in 1950, which to me would directly disprove the entire point of this whole article. Yet the overall Average IQ counter (in dark blue) plummets uniformly for no freaking observable reason unless they are actually hiding the important data that showing a falling of IQ, because it sure as hell isn't related to the main countries listed on that graph, which as I stated earlier, are all rising uniformly directly opposing the whole argument that IQ in these countries is falling!
The actual 'projected data' line only starts at 2050, so unless the guy that wrote this beamed down the Hadron Collider I find the data that he apparently was able to collect for the years 2014-2050 highly suspicious for hopefully obvious reasons.

and I have to say I like the bit where China, which is rising at a steady rate all the way up to 2013, just randomly dicks itself up in 2030 and starts falling because why the hell not.

Seriously, who came up with that chart, what were they smoking at the time, and can I slap them in the face with a wet kipper?
That graph is pretty confusing because the y-axis represents two values, IQ and population size. On the study it was pulled from, there may have been some accompanying text to explain it better. The only way to find out for sure would be to read the study itself. That would be time consuming and lots of work so I won't be doing that. However, if I had to guess, I would point out that all the country lines match historical and projected population figures. If you eyeball 2013 and compare it to the population y-axis on the right, it would put China are roughly 1.3 billion, India at 1.2 billion, the US at 300 million, which matches their actual population figures. China has been at a sub-replacement fertility rate for quite some time now and their population will likely level off and contract at some point in the future, hence the peak in 2030. So all the countries lines map to the population axis and the numbers in parentheses in the table beneath the graph represent the average IQ for each country. The only line that maps to the IQ y-axis on the left is the blue world average IQ line.


New member
Dec 3, 2010

Already been analyzed and pretty well refuted. Turns out that yes, the upper class Victorian Academia WAS smarter than the average person today. That's... not really surprising, but this study does NOT show that the average Victorian was smarter.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Sounds like the truth. Tech becomes smarter, and thus, people become dumber as that tech does all the work. Like when before calculators we had to do the maths in our head, now, no need to. So we forget maths. Smart phones means dumb people. But then brilliance is for a few people. I feel that if we all knew what we were meant to excel at before hand, then the world would be a better place.

WoW Killer

New member
Mar 3, 2012
I've only skimmed through the replies so far. Soon as I read the topic title I had something to say, and that was this:

IQ is measured by average scores for your age group. If people got dumber every year then the standard for IQ would drop by definition, so that the average would remain the same (100). It's not actually possible that "everybody drops by 14 points" because the score is by definition an average.

If they're on about higher ages performing better against younger ages, then it's still covered, because it's a measure for a particular age group. Do you remember those adverts that were like "hey, this tiny little girl has an IQ of 200, what's yours?". Well, that's bollocks, because your own IQ has a different scale to that of a 10 year old. A 10 year old's IQ is measured against people of her own age. You can score much higher than her on all kinds of tests and still be given a lower IQ score. Your own IQ score is a reference on how you compare against people of your own age.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Lilani said:
Another two sources I found were The Daily Beast, the site run by Glenn Beck and his ilk of hyper-conservative loons, and another source which I shit you not is called:
Are you sure you're not thinking of the Daily Caller? Daily Caller also isn't Beck, Beck's project is the Blaze. But Daily Caller is conservative though. The Daily Beast on the other hand is a center left publication that merged with a Newsweek a couple years ago. Here is a link to the reference, [a href=""]The Creativity Crisis[/a].


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
GeneralChaos said:

Already been analyzed and pretty well refuted. Turns out that yes, the upper class Victorian Academia WAS smarter than the average person today. That's... not really surprising, but this study does NOT show that the average Victorian was smarter.
Ahh so my suspicion was right, the victorian studies were pretty much as overly selective and limited as most studies done in that period. The only time anyone studied the poor or other races back then was to try and prove Eugenics as a viable policy.

I think what OP needs to remember is that data from that far back tends to be heavily skewed at the best of times. This was a time when people believed the shape of your head could determine what kind of person you were, and it was the birthplace of eugenics that would eventually give rise to it's nastier authoritarian attempts at its implementation.

So yes, turn of the century college students (ivy league no less), and educated victorian museum patrons capable of paying to take the test, all of which were likely of European decent, are indeed more intelligent than a random sample of people today across multiple socioeconomic, racial, and gender backgrounds. Truly we are living in the end times.