People Being Rude To Customer Service


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Whenever that happens while I'm present, I make a point of making the rude person in question know they are being a dick. The employees can't do it or their bosses usually give them shit. Their bosses can't do it because the customer can then send an e-mail that gets them in shit. I used to work fast food. I make it my good deed of the day to make people being rude to customer service employees feel like chodes.

One time at a Tim Horton's (outed myself as a Canadian I know), a man was complaining about the line up taking a while. It was in the morning during rush hour so I don't know what he expected. He made a big scene about how he "just wanted one coffee" and "had to be at his real job". I tapped his shoulder and told him that if he was honestly going to create a circus act out of spending $1.40 on a coffee then maybe he should have just left instead and spared the rest of us in the line his yelling. I also enlightened of the fact that I was now late for class due to him holding up the line to yell at the frond end staff for 5 minutes, and that he had wasted the time of everyone behind him by whining.

He left with his coffee in hand and his hat lowered over his eyes.

More people need to stick up for one another. The next time you see someone being rude to an employees, give the shit for it. It makes the employee feel worse watching you stare at them being yelled at and doing nothing. Kind of puts you in the same category to an extent.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I've worked at Target durin Black Fridays and durin Christmas time quite a bit. I now work at a grocery store with Thanksgivin comin up. Yeah. People can be massive dicks.

I once had a man come up to me, a day before Christmas, and flipped the fuck out because we didn't have whatever damn toy or game he was lookin for. If you've ever been into a Target the day before Christmas, you know we don't have anythin resemblin a toy or game that people are lookin for. I listened to the guy rant for a grand total of five minutes while I calmly and politely tried to explain that we had been out for several days. After that five minutes I apologized and said I had work to do.

This fuck followed me the entire time, rantin and ravin about how much of an awful piece of shit I was for not bein more helpful to him. It got to the point I was worried he was goin to physically assault me and I quite literally ran to my boss practically in tears. She called security and had the prick hauled out.

That happened twice a few years ago actually. My boss let me go home early because the second time I was so freaked out I wouldn't leave her office. I still didn't leave her office right away after that either. She had to escort me to my car because I wouldn't leave otherwise. That wasn't a very fun Christmas eve for me.

I'm really not lookin forward to this thursday either. I get to work, without bein paid holiday pay because of the fucked up way the system is at my store, on Thanksgivin and I guarantee there won't be a single fresh turkey in sight.

Related note. Be extra special nice to anyone who works at Walmart this week. Chances are they're gettin fucked over and have to go into work as early as noon for the Black Friday on Thursday crap. I plan to send my friend that works there some flowers myself.

AzrealMaximillion said:
Whenever that happens while I'm present, I make a point of making the rude person in question know they are being a dick. The employees can't do it or their bosses usually give them shit. Their bosses can't do it because the customer can then send an e-mail that gets them in shit. I used to work fast food. I make it my good deed of the day to make people being rude to customer service employees feel like chodes.

One time at a Tim Horton's (outed myself as a Canadian I know), a man was complaining about the line up taking a while. It was in the morning during rush hour so I don't know what he expected. He made a big scene about how he "just wanted one coffee" and "had to be at his real job". I tapped his shoulder and told him that if he was honestly going to create a circus act out of spending $1.40 on a coffee then maybe he should have just left instead and spared the rest of us in the line his yelling. I also enlightened of the fact that I was now late for class due to him holding up the line to yell at the frond end staff for 5 minutes, and that he had wasted the time of everyone behind him by whining.

He left with his coffee in hand and his hat lowered over his eyes.

More people need to stick up for one another. The next time you see someone being rude to an employees, give the shit for it. It makes the employee feel worse watching you stare at them being yelled at and doing nothing. Kind of puts you in the same category to an extent.
I love people like you. I always make it a point to thank anyone who does stick up for me since I'm not allowed to do it without riskin my job.

And yeah, it really does make me feel worse when everyone just stands around and watches the shit unfold. Being brought to tears while someone stares and does fuck all hurts quite a bit and its super duper frustratin when that person who simply stared comes up after and comments on what a prick that guy/girl was. Yes I know that guy/girl was a massive prick. I'm cryin right now because of how much of a massive god damn prick he was. Why couldn't you have, at the very least, gone about your business instead of watchin me be berated like a small child for somethin I didn't do?


New member
Apr 30, 2011
I've been a host, "to-go specialist" and for most of my restaurant life, a busboy at Chili's. If there's one thing I've learned, its that people will complain about anything, and yell if/when they can. Normally, we'll be kind, quiet and apologetic, doing everything we can to resolve the situation with little attitude on our part.

But when guests get ruder, louder or get physical, we don't hesitate to escalate ourselves. Since most "normal" people don't get ruder/angrier/louder when we try to resolve the situation, this doesn't happen often.

People often ask, what's life in a restaurant like? Ever seen the movie "Waiting..."? Pretty accurate description of the restaurant life. My friends saw it once, and have yet to be rude to another server (at least in my presence). People don't realize that we have access to: not only your food (I'm not saying that we will mess with your food)but the restaurant itself. We can drop the A.C to 32 degrees Fahrenheit; give you BAD directions to Denny's when you decide that waiting 15 minutes to be seated is TOO long (my personal favorite); or jam your cell phones (cell phone jammers are easy to find and are used to keep the servers from goofing off sometimes).

To put it simply, weren't not going to be rude for the sake of doing so. If we screw up, we'll admit, fix it, and make sure you leave (at least) slightly happier. But if you're going to throw our genuine remorse and assistance in our face, then we'll make your life hell.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Personally I have never experienced anyone being rude to customer service, food service. or retail employees.

I have had a few retail employees be rude to me a couple of times in my life. I am guessing they were having bad days or something. I thought about reporting them but if they got fired I would feel bad about it so I just let it be.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I try my best to be patient, I wouldn't want to deal with angry assholes all day.

But if you've been on the phone for 3 hours stuck in an endless loop of holding and redirecting, the urge to just yell at someone becomes very powerful indeed.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I always try to be polite as possible with customer service. On occasions I have even contacted them just to say I am pleased with their service after having a problem solved. I find that no matter how angry I am at a company for not making things work properly the customer support is not to blame for that. They are the ones who put the wheels in motion and fix it and you get so much farther by being a little polite.

Now having nothing to share from rude customers I will have to share a stupid customer. A friend of mine worked in customer support for a company a few years back and this guy called and said he'd dropped his phone in a glass of beer by accident. Now to dry it he had put it in the microwave. He called to ask if that was a good idea. My friend had to turn off the microphone on his end to cover his laugh


New member
Sep 5, 2011
I actually work in fast food whilst studying at uni and the abuse I've had thrown at me rarely happens.
But when it happens it's pretty bad. I've had a glass thrown at me from a drunken customer in the back of his car, insulted, threatened and overall demeaned before simply because a customer was bored waiting for his food.
But I take it in my stride knowing that for every dickhead customer there's usually 10-20 nice ones.


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
Quaxar said:
Prime_Hunter_H01 said:
A little bird told me(that's the captcha), that Not Always Right is a fun place to find those stories.
I was just about to link to it... now you almost robbed me of the fun!
Thank you both for the link! It's utterly hilarious!


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I hate going into fast food places and then having to put up with some person venting their own frustration on the teen behind the counter. Honestly, what do people expect from them when they get paid barely legal wages? Just be glad they are showing some initiative and working rather than mooching of their parents, which is likely what the people who complain did.

I've heard the rants like "if I did this at my job I'd get fired" There is quite a difference between a kid working at McDonald's after school and an adult in a career, they are not even in the same league.

The worst ones are the people who yell at the staff for things that are out of their control. I was at a KFC one time and their order was incomplete or something so they didn't have any of the burger fillets, they did the right thing and had a sign up on the door advising people of this before they entered. However, I was disgusted to see a grown man screaming at a kid who wouldn't have been 16, blaming her. I had to intervene, so I walked up beside the man and asked him "is this the one who's fault it is?" he just looked at me. I looked at her and asked:

Me: Did you place the order?
Me: Did you make the delivery?
Staff: no
Me: Are you the supplier?
Staff: no
Me: ...Oh

looked back to man and asked "What are we doing?" he just stormed off.

It is ridiculous how people treat others, I am not a religious person but I think everyone should remember the old adage "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
I work in customer service... allbeit as a computer salesman... So when someone who bought a computer off me says that something doesn't work, it's immediately my fault... Not that they'd taken proper care of the computer anyway... There have been customers who were complete assholes about it and made a scene so I had to get management... Granted getting management is easy for me because that means I don't have to deal with the customer anymore... But the ones who are nice about it turn out completely understanding and have a slight laugh about something not working due to their own self-proclaimed ignorance to technology...

Long story short: some people just enjoy being dicks because they MUST have what they WANT, WHENEVER they want it... because they believe they're entitled to it or something... idunno


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Some people are dicks and think that because customer service workers cannot retaliate against them without risking reprimand makes it okay to verbally abuse them and generally treat them like sub-humans. Sources: a few years of retail work.

The large majority of customers are not pricks like that, but it's always the shitty humans that leave the lasting impressions.

Wing Dairu

New member
Jul 21, 2010
I was working at McDonald's for about a year. I didn't see this happen, but I saw the result and heard the story afterwards.
Late-night, someone comes through the drive-through and orders fries and something else. They get the other stuff, but they forget the fries. They come back around and ***** about not having their fries, and after they SIT THERE and wait for us to get them the fries, they pull around to the front of the store, get out of their vehicle, pick up one of the rocks from the landscaping, and HURL IT at the window, spiderwebbing the outer pane.
We got their license plate number, but it took forever for that glass to get replaced.
Oct 2, 2012
FelixG said:
Beffudled Sheep said:
Rose and Thorn said:
I don't like most employee's. They walk up to you in retail stores all smiles and "How can I help you sir or madame?" But I know they are paid to smile, so I always get very cold towards people "just doing their job".

I assume half the people that are being nice towards me in retail are the same kind of people that were bullies towards me in school. If I want help I'll fucking seek you out!

I agree with this. Thats why I make it a point to show my real feelings in my tone of voice and on my face when working. I frown and act very hostile towards rude customers and tell them off when they do something they're not supposed to. I hate that fake smile crap.
Psht, I wish I could have done that when I was in retail.

Back when I worked at Target I got written up for not smiling enough. They didn't like that my face, when at rest, has a bit of a frown to it.
Go into gas pumping if you live in the U.S. in one of the two states that do it. No managers around to watch you frown and you got buddies to back up your word that the customer was not right. I feel so bad for people in retail...
Oct 2, 2012
FelixG said:
Beffudled Sheep said:
FelixG said:
Beffudled Sheep said:
Rose and Thorn said:
I don't like most employee's. They walk up to you in retail stores all smiles and "How can I help you sir or madame?" But I know they are paid to smile, so I always get very cold towards people "just doing their job".

I assume half the people that are being nice towards me in retail are the same kind of people that were bullies towards me in school. If I want help I'll fucking seek you out!

I agree with this. Thats why I make it a point to show my real feelings in my tone of voice and on my face when working. I frown and act very hostile towards rude customers and tell them off when they do something they're not supposed to. I hate that fake smile crap.
Psht, I wish I could have done that when I was in retail.

Back when I worked at Target I got written up for not smiling enough. They didn't like that my face, when at rest, has a bit of a frown to it.
Go into gas pumping if you live in the U.S. in one of the two states that do it. No managers around to watch you frown and you got buddies to back up your word that the customer was not right. I feel so bad for people in retail...
AH, yeah I do live in one of those states, but I have moved into a much better industry, thanks though!
Better than gas pumping!? I think not good sir! Theres nothing better than spending numerous hours per day huffing car exhaust and gas fumes! I mean its so gre-wait what was I talking about? Where am I?

What industry have you gotten into? Just curious.