Perfect Blue: sub or dub?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
DarkRyter said:

You should watch Boku no Pico instead.

I think it'll be right up your alley.
well I already bought the film soo :p

anyway that sounds interneting..I might look it up

EDIT: wwhhhaaaa?.....I find anime strange enough without bring "porn" intoit thankyouvery much...or whatever genre that falls under


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Go subtitled. I say this not only only because I'm a purist (watch Das Boot in German, watch Pan's Labyrinth in Spanish, watch Aachi and Ssipak in Korean etc), but also because the anime dubbing industry has been in a lot of trouble over the years. Due to the industry not making the kind of money it used to, so many of the studios have closed down due. This means not much anime are getting dubbed these days, with a huge amount of anime only being viewable subtitled.

What I'm saying is, in the long run, it would be best to get used to subtitles right from the word go. Yes, it seems weird at first (we've all been there) but if you're used to subtitles, you have more choices available to you. And hey, you can hear the original voices as the director intended, without the hammy English voices to boot! ;)

Also, yes, Perfect Blue is NOT an ideal "baby's first anime" title, especially since most people who've never seen an anime all assume it's all porn and weirdness.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I haven't seen perfect blue, but the majority of dubs are dubbed for kids so the voices are somewhat childish and the language is more for kids, but if you're fine with that. go ahead and watch it dubbed.
i would recommend subs. Japanese voice actors are amazing.


New member
May 27, 2010
Good luck with that! I love Satoshi Kon, but Perfect Blue may leave you wary if you've never watched any anime before. I've always watched PB subbed, but I have no problem reading and watching at the same time. I also think that Japanese as a language suits the fast paced frenetic quality of most parts of this film.

Have yet to watch Black Swan, as I read somewhere that the director refuses to admit Perfect Blue was one of his inspirations. I may be wrong, but until I know it's been acknowledged I'll stick with the original.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Perfect Blue. Its good, well written and very much a psychological thriller. If you like psychological thrillers then sure, go ahead and enjoy yourself. I wouldn't say its a good film to pop your anime cherry on, nor is it a good representation of anime as a whole though. Then again that boils down to what you actually like to watch (I prefer comedy, so titles such as Nadesico, Excel Saga, Kenichi etc).

As for the age old dub vs sub question... I base it on how tired I am. If Im awake and moving, Ill go for sub titles. After awhile you stop noticing you're actually reading anything and you dont lose as much focus from the action as you might think.
If Im feeling exhausted or just lazy however, dubs all the way. Dubs can be hilarious fun as well, like how District 13 was translated using apparently a team of irish gypsies. :D


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Crenelate said:
Have yet to watch Black Swan, as I read somewhere that the director refuses to admit Perfect Blue was one of his inspirations. I may be wrong, but until I know it's been acknowledged I'll stick with the original.
Requiem for a Dream, one of Darren Aronofsky's previous films has a scene that was shot-for-shot identical to a scene in Perfect Blue. It's so close, that apparently, he had to licence the film to do it:
So yeah, I think Perfect Blue has been a rather big influence on him.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Crenelate said:
as the other guy said, I think Darren aronosky actually bought the rights ot perfect blue for the scene in requiem for a dream

FireAza said:
Ive go no problems with subtitles (other than not being able to takw your eyes of the screen) but its never been a big deal....I would never watch a dubbed live action movie...but an animated one..mabye...but Ill probably just go for subs

Fasckira said:
Im not really watching it as an "intro into anime" just because its aparently a good movie (inspired one of my favorites) and Im in the mood for osmthing different (its funny, on the DVD over cover its a rather serene image of the main charachter lying ont he ground with a glazed expression on her face

take of the cover and on the actual dvd case its her in what seems to be a phsychotic stabbing motion..I found that rather funny)


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Vault101 said:
Ive go no problems with subtitles (other than not being able to takw your eyes of the screen) but its never been a big deal....I would never watch a dubbed live action movie...but an animated one..mabye...but Ill probably just go for subs
Don't worry, with practice you'll get much better at reading subtitles to the point where they won't distract you any more. Another good reason to watch subs are for the performances of the original Japanese actors. There were scenes in Death Note where I would have killed to see what the recording session looked like. Miyano Mamoru got some amazing performances out of his voice, equal parts mad genius and "cornered like a rat in a trap". The other advantage is the Japanese actors tend to record together, so when characters are talking, it actually sounds like they're holding a conversation. Dubbing on the other hand, has some dude in a booth talking to himself, which often sounds unnatural (Steven Blum is about the only dub actor who can make his performances sound natural).

Vault101 said:
Im not really watching it as an "intro into anime" just because its aparently a good movie (inspired one of my favorites) and Im in the mood for osmthing different (its funny, on the DVD over cover its a rather serene image of the main charachter lying ont he ground with a glazed expression on her face

take of the cover and on the actual dvd case its her in what seems to be a phsychotic stabbing motion..I found that rather funny)
Our DVD cover is just the stabbing scene, which is a pretty good way of telling the prospective buyer "this here's 100% psychological thriller, despite being animated y'all"


Nov 11, 2009
Vault101 said:
I have purchased my first Anime film

and this saturday night I may lose my Anime Virginity....(do film count? or doesn it have to be one of those series?)


the film is Perfect Blue, reason I got it was I hear it seems to have "heavly inspiried" another film Black of my favorites, and it looks interesting. Im expecting it to be quite a mindfuck

what Im asking is, has anyone seen it? and what version did you prefer? is the "subing" good or is it awful? usually I prefer subs in films but with animation I supose its different

I know the phrase "sub or dub" is like petrol and a match in Anime fan circles..Im not trying ot star some huge debate or flame war or anything...
Oh it was ages since I saw that movie, but I do not remember it having a lot in common with Black Swan.

Anyways, most die hard anime fans will tell you to watch Subs all the way. But if this is your first movie I suggest watching the dub. The Bub of Perfect blue wasnt to bad, and it is easier to follow the movie if you understand what they are actually saying.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The dub for Perfect Blue is very decent.

Probably because Satoshi Kon's movies are always based in more of a real setting instead of one that is over the top and hyper-stylized, like most other anime's. This means no over the top campy dubbing.

I haven't seen this movie in a long time.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Wow. I haven't watched Perfect Blue in ages. I actually have a dubbed VHS copy. Now if only knew what I did with my VCR. I thought it was a good movie. Definitely messes with your head which is probably why I liked it. I tend to lean towards dubs just because I don't like reading my movies. I have nothing against subs but it's nice to be able to look away or get distracted for a second and still be able to keep up with what's going on.