Perfect (Or As Good As We'll Get) Works of Fiction


New member
Jul 17, 2011

I can think of a lot of books that are "perfect" to me, but I'm not exactly a picky literary critic, as long as it's spelled right I'm easy to please. So some Sci-Fi works that I can't think of any flaws:
- David Brin's second Uplift Trilogy (Brightness Reef, Infinities Shore, Heaven's Reach)
- Frank Herbert's Dune Series (The first time I read it I stopped at the end of Children of Dune and was really disgusted. Several years later I went back and read the remaining 3 novels and was shocked at how much better the last 3 novels are, they fix everything, all the threads tie into place, and the story about crazy desert people morphs into a much more serious tale about humanity's need for Survival Instinct.)
- Peter Hamilton's Commonwealth Saga + Void Trilogy (Well... I thought that Sheldon should have nova'd the Primes instead of Ozzie saving them at the end of book 2. But other then that the books are flawless.)

TheDoctor455 said:
Portal 1 and 2.
+ Tetris
+ Homeworld (1 & 2)

TV Shows:
- Pushing Daisies. It's hilariously silly and overly emotional, but it's also well explained. The way that the narration perfectly combines with what the characters are saying, or what they are not saying and only feeling, it's absolutely perfect.

- Monster's Inc.
- Incredibles.
Both brilliant spins on new ideas, flawlessly executed.


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Okay I've been trying to think of some and it's difficult so bear with me this list might get long because this is fiction I think everyone should experience, even if it's not perfect. So yeah? Nothing's perfect but here we go.

Books For books the only thing that comes to mind is A Song of Ice and Fire and anything written by Tamora Pierce. I'm sorry she's a great writer of young adult fantasy novels that have 3D characters and actual well written females and plots and yeah.

Television FMA: Brotherhood immediately comes to mind. That anime is so wonderfully perfect and poignant in every way it just kills me. I'm not a big television watcher so that's all I've got.

Movies: Inception. This is the one movie, the one, without fail, that I can watch over and over again without ever getting bored by it. I can't say that about any other movie except maybe Captain America but I accept that movie's not perfect so yeah. Also maybe Blazing Saddles? Mel Brooks is a master.

Games: Portal and Persona comes to mind instantly. Both very good games. Persona more so. Especially Persona 4. Just with Chie and Nanako and Dojima ugh. Another game that comes to mind is the newest games by Telltale. Specifically the Walking Dead and that Wolf Among Us game.

Hooray. That turned out to be a lot.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
For literature, I'd say Raymond Carver. Every single story he ever wrote was perfectly honed and designed for maximum efficiency and power. He's the only author I've ever read and thought, "Wow, I wouldn't change a single word in this entire collection."


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Nouw said:
Azahul said:
Right, that's it. I'm watching it again tomorrow.

I hadn't read the book the first time I saw it, so the second was undoubtedly much better. Helped me to follow the events much more easily. I did get to see it in cinemas the first time though, although I just about missed its appearance here in Australia. It had virtually no advertising at all. ~

Still, I've done my best to make up for that through word of mouth. I have friends both here and in other countries that have watched it due to my nagging, and many of them have gone on to show it to their own families. In one case, a friend of mine still in high school started referencing it so many times in his English assignments that his English teacher went and watched it, and it immediately became her favourite movie of all time and now her entire family has seen the film. It's spreading!
You lucky bastard v_v. I don't even mind that I wasn't able to experience it on the big screen, it's the fact that I wasn't able to directly suppourt the movie and help its box-office. It's so bizarre considering this is the kind of film you'd expect to be gushed about and gain universal approval from critics.

Hmm that's an excellent idea and even better I have two classes to rant off about it. If there's a movie we need to see in Media Studies, it's this one.
Yes! Spread the love. Schools are a great opportunity, if you can show it in a class you can get a whole load of people at once.

The total lack of awareness of this movie was really depressing though. I knew it was coming out and was interested going by the trailers and the reviews I'd read, and even I nearly missed its appearance. So damned weird.