Period of History You'd Like to See in a Video Game

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
A game about samurai and pirates fighting in the neolithic period with random spetsnaz soldiers and demons thrown in.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
World War One, Prohibition era America, the age of exploration (especially in Australia), the history of the British raj, ancient mesoamerica, the roman/persian conquests, the French revolution, the industrial revolution, Mohammeds' conquests, various natural disasters, communist russia and the eastern bloc, the "swinging" 60's.... fuck there's loads that games could, but don't properly cover. The games industry is the worst for sheeping successful titles. I'm pretty fed up of WW2/Modern War/SciFi Fantasy. Thank the lord for La Noir. Lets hope it's good

Marik Bentusi

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
I'd like a clever RPG having to do with the mythology of ancient Egypt or ~ middle America (Aztec/Mayan culture, etc). Ideally a story-driven-RPG which teaches about the mythologies (tho probably while pretending all myths are true for added epicness - but hell, a drama of ordinary people could work just as well if executed well) and builds on the player's skill rather than upgrading spells or pants.

In fact, I'd love an RPG where clothing didn't have any stats at all and weapons would reach the peak of their usefulness long before the end.


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Nov 19, 2009
Native North- and/or South-American RPG (before foreigners settled).
Native African tribe RPG (before foreigners settled).
Celtic RPG (before Romans, Vikings and Anglo-Saxons invaded).
Samurai RPG.
Australian aborigine RPG.
Inuit RPG.
Cavemen RPG.
Medieval England RPG.
Non-North-American-side-of-ANY-war-involving-them RPG.
100-year War RPG.

(By RPG, I mean more a sort of action-RPG like The Legend of Zelda, though I guess any type of RPG would do)


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Jul 17, 2008
Everyone says they want ancient Greece but somehow I doubt most of them would appreciate an even remotely historically accurate depiction.


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Mar 20, 2010
Boundless Apathy said:
How would you go about that though... are we talking alternate history from the point of the monarchy or playing as revolutionaries attempting to capture them.
I actually had 1/5 of a script lying somewhere around my computer in which you you play an "entirely subjective" group, beloging to the monarchy, in a country overrun by angry peasants. As you travel and several conflicts and implications arise, you go about discovering why the uprising happened in the first place, a reality which your parents, the king and queen, wished to keep secret.

It all hints to the French Revolution and the Flight to Varennes, but does take a few steps away from historical accurracy.


Innocence proves nothing
Sep 26, 2008
josemlopes said:
Timesplitters 4, nuff said
That series already has enough temporal paradoxes to make my brain melt. He goes back in time and with the help of several versions of himself (wait, what?) destroys the timesplitters before they were created. If the timesplitters were never created then he never went back in time which means that he never stopped them and so they were created? (*Brain melt*). Despite the fact the land changes to show it hasn't been wrecked by the timesplitter war they all still remember it happening even though it didn't and corporal heart is still dead even though she isn't.

AnAngryMoose said:
The Irish War of Independance. Nothing would be more satisfying than shooting a Black and Tan and then cycling away on your bike.
No_Remainders said:
I wouldn't mind one about the Irish Civil War or the War For Independence.

But that's mostly because I'm Irish.
Eh...I can't see it making it past the sensors. If Ireland has to change their national anthem for rugby and football to avoid offence then I don't think we are quite ready for this. How they got away with showing the IRA versus the Taliban on Deadliest Warrior (IRA creamed the taliban by the way) I'll never know. Especially as he starts off with neutral words but if you listen carefully he starts to take sides a bit. XD


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Oct 26, 2009
GodsAndFishes said:
I'm not sure how it would work, but I would love to play an FPS using muskets and other early gunpowder weapons. I'm guessing that bayonets and other melee weapons would play a bigger part than they do in most modern games.
Mount and blade: fire and sword is going to be released soon which is based around the early days of gun powder with muskets flint locks and early grenades and the mount and blade games are awesome.
Jul 5, 2009
A western RPG type game but instead of your generic medieval Europe setting, maybe roman or Greek or middle eastern.
I think a game like that would work beautifully.


New member
May 16, 2009
Shoelip said:
Oh oh oh! I want a stealth/gorilla FPS! You know, you play like a ninja gorilla or something. Or just a regular gorilla.
There's an Indie game on 360, not an FPS but a top down shooter that may interest you called Kong360: Gorilla Warfare. Pretty fun to play with friends.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Scorched_Cascade said:
If Ireland has to change their national anthem for rugby and football to avoid offence then I don't think we are quite ready for this.
I don't understand this.
The Republic of Ireland has one national anthem, "Amhrán na Bhfiann". That is sung at football matches... That hasn't been changed at all?

The rugby situation is slightly different because it's not the Republic of Ireland team. It's the Island of Ireland's team. So they sing Ireland's Call (because that's related to the entire island) and also "Amhrán na Bhfiann" if they're playing at home. They don't sing the Northern Irish national anthem because that's "God Save The Queen"

I'm actually quite confused about what you're on about. But I think you're just mistaken.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
I'd like to see some developer take a stab at the Aztec's and the possibilities surrounding their dissapearance from dominance. I'd love to see something like that, and not have it be connected with Drake, Lara Croft, etc. You know, play as an Aztec of that time or some such thing.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
I would love to see when my martial arts were founded--itosu, Funakoshi, Matsumura all in Okinawa, Japan!
I forget the years now, but it's be awesome.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The 1821 Greek Independence Revolution against the Turks.

Yeah, I'm biased. But we WERE slaves to them for 400 years.