Personal Video Game Achievement Brags

Sep 24, 2008
Yes, I did create a thread just so I could brag about something I just did. Very astute of you.

I had my first One-Shot of a Soulsborne Boss. I popped off so hard, I'm glad I'm home for the day so no one else in the other townhouses could hear me trash talk a video game.

It was the Blood Starved Beast from Bloodborne, and I'm probably completely overleveled for the fight (level 54). But in true one shot fashion, I never faced the boss before. I didn't even know its attack patterns. But I did it. And It feels so, so good to have finally one shotted a Soulsborne boss.

Ok, I got my jollies. You. You brag about video games now.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I came up with a thing that was eventually patched out of the game due to how busted it was in Dragonball FighterZ lol. Was both salty and gratified.

Basically, if you use it a certain way, you can get this Gotenks assist to restand in a game that's...not supposed to have restand resets. Legit gamebreaking lol.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Devil May Cry 1 - Sparda sword only. Dante Must Die. Man is it tough, but can be done.

Shinobi 3 - A no blocking run. The funny thing is that I've done this by accident my first time beating the game. I had no idea you could hold down the attack button to block for a good while. By that point I had gotten so good at the game that I almost didn't need it.

Re2Remake - Claire 2nd run. S+ on Normal. Just did it last night. Finished in 2:56:00. Now for Leon.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
ObsidianJones said:
Yes, I did create a thread just so I could brag about something I just did. Very astute of you.

I had my first One-Shot of a Soulsborne Boss. I popped off so hard, I'm glad I'm home for the day so no one else in the other townhouses could hear me trash talk a video game.

It was the Blood Starved Beast from Bloodborne, and I'm probably completely overleveled for the fight (level 54). But in true one shot fashion, I never faced the boss before. I didn't even know its attack patterns. But I did it. And It feels so, so good to have finally one shotted a Soulsborne boss.

Ok, I got my jollies. You. You brag about video games now.
Damn, blood starved beast is one of the toughest fight in the game (at least for me), him and Father G took me forever to beat (although I one shoot the previous boss and the rest was pretty smooth sailing), but I play soulborne without using parry so that probably heavily skew the difficulty. Hope you got the DLC, some really good boss fight in that one. I did beat the final boss in one shoot (although the first version took me two) but it's a bit of weird boss so it might not count.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
CoCage said:
Shinobi 3 - A no blocking run. the funny thing is is that I've done this by accident my first time beating the game. I had no idea you could hold down the attack button to block for a good while. By that point I had gotten so good at the game that I almost didn't need it.
This was me with Tiger Vision in the Tiger Woods PGA Tour games. Tiger Vision is a feature that, once you?ve driven the ball onto the green and have lined up your putt, allows you to hit a button to see exactly how the putt will roll, and you can adjust if the vision shows you?re off. I?d already been playing the game for months before this feature was shown to me; I?d been reading the greens by sight the whole time and had actually gotten really good at it. So much so, that when my friend showed me the feature, it actually made me WORSE at putting. I turned the feature off in that and every TW game from then on.
Sep 24, 2008
ObsidianJones said:
Yes, I did create a thread just so I could brag about something I just did. Very astute of you.

I had my first One-Shot of a Soulsborne Boss. I popped off so hard, I'm glad I'm home for the day so no one else in the other townhouses could hear me trash talk a video game.

It was the Blood Starved Beast from Bloodborne, and I'm probably completely overleveled for the fight (level 54). But in true one shot fashion, I never faced the boss before. I didn't even know its attack patterns. But I did it. And It feels so, so good to have finally one shotted a Soulsborne boss.

Ok, I got my jollies. You. You brag about video games now.
Holy hell. What have you been doing to be at 54 by Bloodstarved, farming chalice dungeons? Lol I also one-timed him (changing my wording since to me ?one-shotted? sounds like one-hit kill). Same with Amelia and Gehrman. There have been a few others over the course of the series, but I?d say my most notable would be Manus from Artorias of the Abyss. I had the best great shield by the same name which really helped, but it got kinda hairy not knowing exactly what to do, and being a couple frames late on the Estus would?ve spelled my doom near the end.

Oh, and how could I forget my first ever SoulsBorne boss encounter, Phalanx! I died a fair amount getting to him, and wasn?t aware of the shortcut I opened up but remember running around the room trying to heal with whatever I could after using up my firebombs and only having melee left to take him down. Hair-raising, palm sweating, victorious relief eventually followed, and I was hooked when I saw that trophy pop and THE DEMON WAS DESTROYED on screen.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Back in GTA IV?s brief online heyday, I entered a custom free-for-all match with a full lobby of 15 other people; the match used the entirety of Liberty City as the map and the winner would have to amass 100 kills. Sounded like a fun idea at first, but once people spread out, you?d go ages without even seeing another player let alone getting a kill. After about a half hour, the leader had maybe 8 or 9 of the necessary 100 kills, and people started dropping out. By the one hour mark, the lobby was down to me and one other guy. Neither of us was mic?d up at the time, so we weren?t speaking to each other, but a challenge had been issued tacitly: ?I?m not quitting first.?

What ensued was a 1v1 deathmatch that lasted another 3 hours, me and this guy chasing each other down across all of Liberty City; trading kills as our kill counts slowly but surely creeped towards the goal of 100. Then, after that third hour (fourth hour total,) we were both around 75-80 kills, and he simply stopped running from me. I?d locate where he?d spawned to find him just standing there for me to kill. I?d broken him. I?d WON. Well, that, or the far more likely scenario that he?d simply quit out of boredom and stayed in the game banking that he could steal the win when I inevitably quit because surely nobody?d be so pathetic as to go for the last 20 or so kills against an AFK opponent. You don?t know me at ALL, sir! 20 or so kills against an AFK opponent and almost 5 total hours later, I DID win!! YAY!! Woo-hoo? Yeah? yeah. [small](But you couldn?t find the fortitude to finish art school. What they hell?s the matter with you, man?!?)[/small]


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
As far as I know, I was the first to do it in WoW, though given how many servers were around, it's possible others did, but nobody on my server seemed to know of it, and shortly after I started advertising for groupmates to do this, they patched it out so it wasn't possible anymore.

But basically Stealth Runs on specific bosses. I forget the name of the Vanilla WoW dungeon, Blackrock Spire I think? Or maybe the other Blackrock one, anyway. There was a set of bosses, 2 if I recall correctly, that you could take out with a full stealth team. I remembered because I would go crawling around just exploring with my rogue, and was able to get to the bosses room without any issue. And I was sitting there thinking "Huh, this boss has good rogue/druid gear, (several leather pieces with good stats), and I'm here...I just can't solo him. Hmm, well, could 5 rogues take him? No...but...wait a minute....2 druids, one for tanking, the other for healing, and then 3 rogues/druids for dps....that should be doable!"

So I went out into general chat, and started recruiting for a stealth run experiment. Nobody seemed to know what I was talking about, but some people were curious. Basically, it worked great. With 2 rogues around to use Distract to turn mobs attention away from chokepoints, we could sneak the less stealthy healing specced druid into the area, and then go to town. We were able to do the boss in like 10-15 minutes, and then repeat. Learned that you were capped on how many times you could do a dungeon a day (5 i think), but it worked great. Started doing it all the time, and seeing other people advertising for running it. Then a while later, they introduced those mobs into dungeons that can see through stealth. Which I found annoying. The trick didn't work on every boss, and if we were willing to skip other bosses to just focus on one, so what?

But damn was it fun to find out that was doable, and pull it off regularly. xD It actually made me feel like I was playing a rogue, and not just a knife dispenser with feet.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Some of these aren't that special but damn it, I did it!

- Getting the "Seriously..." achievement in Gears of War 1
- Beating that damn plane level in COD 4 on veteran multiple times
- Beating Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
- Found all the flags in Assassin's Creed 1
- Solved all the Riddler challenges (including trophies) in Askham Asylum - back when that was a reasonable task.
- Top DPS in my WoW guild back during Burning Crusade. I had a bad ass fury warrior that had the epic fist weapons you got with tokens from sunwell dailies and dungeons. I got the swift white hawkstrider mount dropped in heroic Magister's Terrace as well which was a super rare drop. That was my WoW peak of cool.

Nothing else comes to mind right now. I'm sure if I scanned through my game library it might jog my memory about something else I did when I had too much free time haha.
Sep 24, 2008
For something more old school, back on the SNES version of Mortal Kombat II, if you got the timing just right you could do a ?get-up? attack from knock down on the finishing screen and even counter-finishing moves, as in the defeated could attack the victor and have the length of the finisher timer to do whatever. It made for some hilarious results being able to spoil friendships, double friendships, uppercut babies after babalities, counter fatalities, etc.

Not my video [], but some examples of it in action.
Sep 24, 2008
Some of these aren't that special but damn it, I did it!

- Getting the "Seriously..." achievement in Gears of War 1
- Beating that damn plane level in COD 4 on veteran multiple times
- Beating Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
- Found all the flags in Assassin's Creed 1
- Solved all the Riddler challenges (including trophies) in Askham Asylum - back when that was a reasonable task.
- Top DPS in my WoW guild back during Burning Crusade. I had a bad ass fury warrior that had the epic fist weapons you got with tokens from sunwell dailies and dungeons. I got the swift white hawkstrider mount dropped in heroic Magister's Terrace as well which was a super rare drop. That was my WoW peak of cool.

Nothing else comes to mind right now. I'm sure if I scanned through my game library it might jog my memory about something else I did when I had too much free time haha.

Sekiro...reminds me of the first time I beat Madam Butterfly [] taking one hit of damage. Was pretty stoked as it took a while getting good enough to beat her at all, and I rather surprised myself at how well it went. Such a rush playing that game.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
- 100%-ing the original Kingdom Hearts while also writing a walkthrough for it.
- Beating Spec Ops: The Line on FUBAR difficulty. Toughest "hard" setting I can think of.
- Beating Demon's Souls several times and collecting all spells/miracles without using the dupe glitch.
- Solving all of Riddler's challenges/trophies on Batman: Arkham Knight without looking up any solutions.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I beat God Hand. Only on Normal, but I still think that's an achievement.
Sep 24, 2008
I just thought of another one that happened years ago. Batman Arkham Asylum. Combat Challenge in Crime Alley.

I don't know what happened in round 4. I just became the code. 62 hit perfect freeflow combo. No hits. At times, I was toying with them with just batarangs while breaking other thugs' arms. I never felt more like a superhero since that moment, and I've done perfect headshot records in VR games.

As a martial artist, fighting is just a higher art form for me. And it was glorious. I felt completely jacked into something when I was beating the hell out of those criminals. I was picking out my superhero name when I was going to go out into the meanstreets of Westchester County, New York [] and expunge the filth that walked those streets.

... And then the next round happened and I got hit in the face at after my first punch. So reality came crashing back really quickly.

By the way. To all of you... Nice. That's exactly what I'm talking about. We got some stone cold gamers here.

Meiam said:
Damn, blood starved beast is one of the toughest fight in the game (at least for me), him and Father G took me forever to beat (although I one shoot the previous boss and the rest was pretty smooth sailing), but I play soulborne without using parry so that probably heavily skew the difficulty. Hope you got the DLC, some really good boss fight in that one. I did beat the final boss in one shoot (although the first version took me two) but it's a bit of weird boss so it might not count.
To the person who coded Father G... We all hate you with such a passion that I think it's turned back to love. I'm pretty sure you've coded Stockholm Syndrome. Coder, if you ever program a boss like that for another game, I'll never forgive you and I can't wait to play it.

Soulborne players are really messed up in the head, when you get down to it.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Holy hell. What have you been doing to be at 54 by Bloodstarved, farming chalice dungeons? Lol I also one-timed him (changing my wording since to me ?one-shotted? sounds like one-hit kill). Same with Amelia and Gehrman. There have been a few others over the course of the series, but I?d say my most notable would be Manus from Artorias of the Abyss. I had the best great shield by the same name which really helped, but it got kinda hairy not knowing exactly what to do, and being a couple frames late on the Estus would?ve spelled my doom near the end.

Oh, and how could I forget my first ever SoulsBorne boss encounter, Phalanx! I died a fair amount getting to him, and wasn?t aware of the shortcut I opened up but remember running around the room trying to heal with whatever I could after using up my firebombs and only having melee left to take him down. Hair-raising, palm sweating, victorious relief eventually followed, and I was hooked when I saw that trophy pop and THE DEMON WAS DESTROYED on screen.
Wait. Hold on.

... The Bloodstarved Beast wasn't the first Chalice Dungeon?! Did I miss something?! The last boss I fought before the Bloodstarved was Father G!! What am I missing?!

And I really just love to grind. The feeling of getting stronger and perfecting the game's mechanics is what does it for me. It's why after video games, my favorite gift to myself is my work out equipment.

Soulborne players are really messed up in the head, when you get down to it. I know I just typed this. But rereading what I just typed out really made me have to say it again.

Xprimentyl said:
Back in GTA IV?s brief online heyday, I entered a custom free-for-all match with a full lobby of 15 other people; the match used the entirety of Liberty City as the map and the winner would have to amass 100 kills. Sounded like a fun idea at first, but once people spread out, you?d go ages without even seeing another player let alone getting a kill. After about a half hour, the leader had maybe 8 or 9 of the necessary 100 kills, and people started dropping out. By the one hour mark, the lobby was down to me and one other guy. Neither of us was mic?d up at the time, so we weren?t speaking to each other, but a challenge had been issued tacitly: ?I?m not quitting first.?

What ensued was a 1v1 deathmatch that lasted another 3 hours, me and this guy chasing each other down across all of Liberty City; trading kills as our kill counts slowly but surely creeped towards the goal of 100. Then, after that third hour (fourth hour total,) we were both around 75-80 kills, and he simply stopped running from me. I?d locate where he?d spawned to find him just standing there for me to kill. I?d broken him. I?d WON. Well, that, or the far more likely scenario that he?d simply quit out of boredom and stayed in the game banking that he could steal the win when I inevitably quit because surely nobody?d be so pathetic as to go for the last 20 or so kills against an AFK opponent. You don?t know me at ALL, sir! 20 or so kills against an AFK opponent and almost 5 total hours later, I DID win!! YAY!! Woo-hoo? Yeah? yeah. [small](But you couldn?t find the fortitude to finish art school. What they hell?s the matter with you, man?!?)[/small]
... You now make me want to online game with you.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Playing with and against the best 3rd-person shooter players in the world in Metal Gear Online 2 (the actual game where "git gud" came from) and to a lesser extent Ghost Recon Future Soldier (much less top tier talent compared to MGO). But the shit you could do with the cover system in Future Soldier made you feel like John Wick pretty much. Also, I was literally the only person that could run Sniper in either the PS3 or 360 communities in squad matches in Future Soldier.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Johnny Novgorod said:
- Beating Spec Ops: The Line on FUBAR difficulty. Toughest "hard" setting I can think of.
I could never make it passed the museum part where there was a helicopter shooting through the window and you have to run past it without cover.
Oct 22, 2011
ObsidianJones said:
I just thought of another one that happened years ago. Batman Arkham Asylum. Combat Challenge in Crime Alley.

I don't know what happened in round 4. I just became the code. 62 hit perfect freeflow combo. No hits. At times, I was toying with them with just batarangs while breaking other thugs' arms. I never felt more like a superhero since that moment, and I've done perfect headshot records in VR games.
Reminds me about one match i had in TF2.
I was never that great in shooters, atleast not compared dedicated folk in clans etc., but that day i was playing a Sniper on a newly released map(Lakeside). First and only time i went above 30/1 K/D ratio.

Other that that, i don't own any super rare cheevos i think. I "platinum'd" all three Half-Life 2s on Steam.

Marik2 said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
- Beating Spec Ops: The Line on FUBAR difficulty. Toughest "hard" setting I can think of.
I could never make it passed the museum part where there was a helicopter shooting through the window and you have to run past it without cover.
That moment was almost-impossible enough in the 2nd to highest difficulty. I never even bothered with FUBAR. Cause of that, and well, i got my dose of The Horror.
Sep 24, 2008
ObsidianJones said:
I just thought of another one that happened years ago. Batman Arkham Asylum. Combat Challenge in Crime Alley.

I don't know what happened in round 4. I just became the code. 62 hit perfect freeflow combo. No hits. At times, I was toying with them with just batarangs while breaking other thugs' arms. I never felt more like a superhero since that moment, and I've done perfect headshot records in VR games.

As a martial artist, fighting is just a higher art form for me. And it was glorious. I felt completely jacked into something when I was beating the hell out of those criminals. I was picking out my superhero name when I was going to go out into the meanstreets of Westchester County, New York [] and expunge the filth that walked those streets.

... And then the next round happened and I got hit in the face at after my first punch. So reality came crashing back really quickly.

By the way. To all of you... Nice. That's exactly what I'm talking about. We got some stone cold gamers here.

Meiam said:
Damn, blood starved beast is one of the toughest fight in the game (at least for me), him and Father G took me forever to beat (although I one shoot the previous boss and the rest was pretty smooth sailing), but I play soulborne without using parry so that probably heavily skew the difficulty. Hope you got the DLC, some really good boss fight in that one. I did beat the final boss in one shoot (although the first version took me two) but it's a bit of weird boss so it might not count.
To the person who coded Father G... We all hate you with such a passion that I think it's turned back to love. I'm pretty sure you've coded Stockholm Syndrome. Coder, if you ever program a boss like that for another game, I'll never forgive you and I can't wait to play it.

Soulborne players are really messed up in the head, when you get down to it.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Holy hell. What have you been doing to be at 54 by Bloodstarved, farming chalice dungeons? Lol I also one-timed him (changing my wording since to me ?one-shotted? sounds like one-hit kill). Same with Amelia and Gehrman. There have been a few others over the course of the series, but I?d say my most notable would be Manus from Artorias of the Abyss. I had the best great shield by the same name which really helped, but it got kinda hairy not knowing exactly what to do, and being a couple frames late on the Estus would?ve spelled my doom near the end.

Oh, and how could I forget my first ever SoulsBorne boss encounter, Phalanx! I died a fair amount getting to him, and wasn?t aware of the shortcut I opened up but remember running around the room trying to heal with whatever I could after using up my firebombs and only having melee left to take him down. Hair-raising, palm sweating, victorious relief eventually followed, and I was hooked when I saw that trophy pop and THE DEMON WAS DESTROYED on screen.
Wait. Hold on.

... The Bloodstarved Beast wasn't the first Chalice Dungeon?! Did I miss something?! The last boss I fought before the Bloodstarved was Father G!! What am I missing?!

And I really just love to grind. The feeling of getting stronger and perfecting the game's mechanics is what does it for me. It's why after video games, my favorite gift to myself is my work out equipment.

Soulborne players are really messed up in the head, when you get down to it.

Chalice dungeons are in the separate row of headstones going up the left side when facing the Hunter?s Dream. I forgot, you actually acquire your first chalice by defeating Blood Starved Beast, so technically you could start trying them out if you have the right amount of offerings (don?t immediately recall what they are for each). I?d recommend waiting until you unlock the gate to the area behind the house near the game?s end though, unless you?re feeling kinda masochistic.

Yeah, SoulsBorne players are a special breed, but by and large a good one!


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
MrCalavera said:
ObsidianJones said:
I just thought of another one that happened years ago. Batman Arkham Asylum. Combat Challenge in Crime Alley.

I don't know what happened in round 4. I just became the code. 62 hit perfect freeflow combo. No hits. At times, I was toying with them with just batarangs while breaking other thugs' arms. I never felt more like a superhero since that moment, and I've done perfect headshot records in VR games.
Reminds me about one match i had in TF2.
I was never that great in shooters, atleast not compared dedicated folk in clans etc., but that day i was playing a Sniper on a newly released map(Lakeside). First and only time i went above 30/1 K/D ratio.

Other that that, i don't own any super rare cheevos i think. I "platinum'd" all three Half-Life 2s on Steam.

Marik2 said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
- Beating Spec Ops: The Line on FUBAR difficulty. Toughest "hard" setting I can think of.
I could never make it passed the museum part where there was a helicopter shooting through the window and you have to run past it without cover.
That moment was almost-impossible enough in the 2nd to highest difficulty. I never even bothered with FUBAR. Cause of that, and well, i got my dose of The Horror.
I didn't have any problem with it on the 2nd highest difficulty. I just don't understand how you can do that on fubar where you just have to run across without cover.