Personal Video Game Achievement Brags


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I got the Recon armour in Halo 3, which means that I did all of the Vidmaster achievements, including Endure on ODST which was a completed ballache.
Wings012 said:
Halo Reach on Legendary with all the skulls on. Not that I wanted to do that but my coop friend insisted.

That was such an absolute drag.
Nevermind, you did better.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
The last time I could honestly remember doing anything worth the bother of bringing up was the original Perfect Dark on perfect difficulty. With the N64 controller too, of course. There wasn't much else to dedicate one's time to at that point in life, being isolated out in the wilderness with no means to expand horizons. Nothing to brag about now. I just try to use the medium to escape thinking horrible thoughts mostly.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Oh! Just remembered one.

Playing the original Thief game, got to the final boss. Now all the strategies I've ever seen suggested, just say to toss down moss arrows and stroll across when he isn't looking. But I didn't think of that when first coming into the room. I saw a protrusion of rock off to the side, and decided to investigate. So I climb over there, find I can scrabble onto it, hop along the bits, until I'm on an overlook, above the ritual point. So, I shoot some rope arrows into the roof in a line, leading from where I was, to the ritual center. Then, in classic Pitfall style, I jump from rope to rope, until I am suspended over the Eye. I scurry down, all catburgler like, and swap out the item. For some reason I couldn't jump back without falling to my death, so I just hung out over the ritual center. Which ended up being perfect in my opinion, thematically. Because at the end, the Big Bad finishes his ritual, standing at the center, and looks up into the sky...right at me. And I just imagined Garrett hanging there by his feet, looking down at the Big Bad, and flipping him off with both hands as the ritual backfires and kills him.

Felt damn good to beat it that way. xD Way more fun than just walking across the carpet and grabbing it.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
It's not that difficult, but eh... Total War: Rome 2 full map completion with Parthia without recruiting a single unit of Cataphracts (except royal bodyguards) or infantry (in fairness, if I'd done FMC without any non-general cavalry, that would admittedly be more impressive...(!)).

Finishing SW:KotOR self-capping at lvl 15 (which was completely unintentional, TBH, I sped through it pretty quickly and couldn't be bothered to level Revan properly saying to myself 'next level I'll think about it' etc.). I did it on a whim and still managed to get through, it was... weird, I suppose, more than anything else.
Sep 24, 2008
Let me tell you why I stopped playing Mortal Kombat 2.

For those of you who do not know, the home version had a tournament mode. On the SNES, if you hold the shoulder buttons, you'd get a four vs four tournament mode. So I booted it up, and it was my friend and I, ready to rock.

Double flawless victory with Kitana. If it was his first time playing it, that would mean nothing. It was not.

Never touched it again. Nothing left to be done.


Elite Member
May 31, 2012

* Did "The One Free Bullet" in HL2 Episode 1, where you only fire one shot in the whole game. Grenades, rockets and Gravity Gun physics flinging don't count, and neither does beating motherfuckers down with the crowbar.
* No-kill run of Deus Ex: Human Revolution on the highest difficulty with Malik saved. Yeah, that was fun, EMP 'nades and Tazers for daaaays while I defended Malik after the chopper crash.
* Cleared Metro 2033 on Ranger Hardcore, which is honestly just how that game should be played in the first place.

Mid Boss

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2012
I beat the original Ninja Turtles game as well as the original Contra. Without cheat codes. These were my greatest achievements as a child.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Another one: getting Platinum on every single God of War. That's God of War (2005), God of War II, God of War: Chains of Olympus (actually the first Platinum I ever got), God of War III, God of War: Ghost of Sparta, God of War: Ascension and God of War (2018). With the exception of certain fights on Titan difficulty in God of War III and Sigrun in God of War (2018) none of them were terribly hard to complete, so the brag is mostly regarding the dedication rather than the effort involved.

And hey, I'm one of 4 people who even played God of War: Ascension, the Assassin's Creed: Rogue of the series.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Oh yeah! Many many years ago, I orchestrated a "Wedding Run" in WoW with my Horde guildmates. Since anyone could wear a wedding dress, I had my guy tailor up a ton of dresses, and we had like 20+ Horde of varying species and genders, all bumrush Stormwind, and do a multi-death corpse run for the chapel. It was most amusing to see people reacting to this literal horde of brides, charging through town just to go dance on the altar. xD

Ah, good times.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Some of these things are technically difficult while others just try your patients (or both). I will divide them up accordingly.


- Completed the entire Demon Compendium 100% in Shin Megami Tensei IV. (Here's a reference link [] I found. May not be obvious to those not familiar with the game how mind numbing this process was compared to a modern Persona game or even some other SMT games). Also 100%'d Persona 4 and 5's compendium, but they were infinitely easier.
- Collected all original 151 Pokemon before OG Gold and Silver came out (cheated a Mew though). My little brother deleted my save so my certificate is gone, but most of my old Gen 1 mons are on an old Pokemon Stadium cart and survived the save file purge.
- Completed every major questline (including all factions) and collected every Daedric artifact in every TES game between Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim (except Bloodmoon main questline).
- I have a metric fuckload of rare mounts, transmogs, pets, etc. in WoW, but my collection is honestly nothing compared to some people (not currently subbed).

Technically Difficult:

- One-shot a small number of notably difficult Soulsborne bosses through a combination of sheer luck, well-suited build, or by quickly figuring out a strategy. Probably the most notable of these is Laurence from the Old Hunters DLC.
- Beat Demon of Hatred on my first try in NG+! Also, the final boss of Sekiro only took a handful of tries on NG+ (my first kill took about 2 hours).
- Survived Nightmare King Grimm in Hollow Knight.
- Beat MOST of the difficult SMT: Nocturne bosses on my first try, including most of the Fiends (including Daisoujou but not Matador), Beelzebub, Metatron, and Lucifer. The hardest bosses for me were Mot and Mitra in the Diet building IIRC. To be fair though, I did do some research on Lucifer beforehand and had a pretty good build going into the fight (also took two Dark Might demons since the Lucifer fight is always no Kagutsuchi).
- Beat a decent amount of super bosses/difficult end bosses across various JRPGs (most first try). Some super bosses are really easy to over-prepare for and steamroll, so I will just include the ones that are not easily subverted/cheesed (at least that I am aware of): every time-loop optional boss fight in Bravely Default, true final boss of Octopath Traveler, Margaret in Persona 4, the Twins in Persona 5, Yiazmat+Zodiark (but not Omega YET) in Final Fantasy XII, all the fiends in both SMT IV and SMT IV Apocalypse (Twisted Tokyo bosses), all of the DLC bosses in SMT IV, and maybe some others I can't recall atm.
- I have Cutting Edge achievements for Ghuun and Jaina in WoW.
- Have done some self-handicapping challenge runs of RPGs I love but none of them have been too ridiculous. One of the most fun ones was playing through all of Kotor with just me as a melee jedi and T3 as a skill monkey. Malak's apprentice ambushing me on Korriban was BY FAR the toughest part of the game pseudo-solo.
- Beat Diddy Kong Racing.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
I don't want to sound like a Death Stranding fanboy (and doing 3 post related to it daily doesn't help), but probably I won't talk about it after I finish it and jump into the next game, so I'll indulge myself while I can...
Beating a BT... before the first BT boss battle.

BTs are enemies whom at first you can't kill, and you have to stealth your way through. If they detect you and the hand prints reach you, a small area around you gets covered with tar and you have to shake tar people of you and get away of it. If they manage to make you fall, the tar extends, you get dragged to the center, and you face the BT's real form: a tar dolphin with tentacles for a face. You have to escape the tar-covered area before the BT devours you, or you both explode (they call it a voidout).

Later you get weapons to keep the BT's at a distance, and finally grenades that actually eliminate it on its first form. So I had the bad luck of getting trapped by BTs while riding a bike, without knowing that this triggers the BT's dolphin-squid fight immediately if you don't get out of the vehicle. I was so panicked at that moment that I didn't know where to run to escape; so, resigned to not going down without a fight, I started throwing this new grenades towards the tar dolphin, hoping that it would at least scare it off and give me time to escape. I play without the HUD, so I had no idea that the grenades were dealing actual damage to the BT, thus when it finally died it felt like a miracle.

10 minutes later, the boss battle happened (against the exact same type of enemy) and my previous encounter suddenly felt less of an accomplishment.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Beat Contra, Super C, Contra III, Contra Hard Corps, and Contra without lives code. I've beaten Contra 4 on its hardest difficulty multiple times.

Beat Comix Zone on an original Sega Genesis in 1996. No cheats. No save states. Nothing, but a suffering two weeks of getting the best ending. If Sega ever decides to reboot this game, please add an actual lives system

Completed Revengeance mode in Metal Gear Rising. Collected all chips and left arms.

Completed Gods Must Die (including Hardcore) in DmC, with all SSS, and acquired all the collectibles.

Completed Ultra V Rated in Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2.

Completed all mission and paths in Segnoku Basara.

Completed Normal on Sin and Punishment: Star Successor. You do not know how hard that game is.

Completed Gunstar Heroes, and Gunstar Superheroes on Hard mode (Did Red & Blue's respective campaigns).

Completed Guardian Heroes on Hard mode with all characters. All you get are three coninues and that's it. The continues act has your lives.

No Death Run on Hard mode in Mad World.