Kim Marie said:
the dairy industry rapes female cows
You are aware that an animal is incapable of giving, receiving, understanding or even cognising the human-only act of consent, right? Which is why we reserve the term rape for humans only, because it's a pretty uncharitable act to equate an atrocious crime, that many people have experienced, with the trivial act of artificial insemination of farmyard animals.
PETA constantly anthropomorphises animals and then equates their lives with that of humans, which is absurd and unscientific, and subsequently why they are consistently mocked, even if the underlying message they so zealously overshadow with their rhetoric would otherwise highlight a problematic issue: in this case 'perceived low standards of dairy farm animal welfare'. That's a hard sell. "Some dairy farmers don't treat their cows very well!" isn't going to make the front page of The Escapist, or other paragons of international journalism. "IS MARIO A COW KILLING MANIAC?" would get them noticed. And mocked. It's a double-edged clown sword.
But it's the path that PETA has chosen; emotionally-driven, morally-crusading, and headline-grabbingly controversial. It doesn't seem to hold sway with the Escapist crowd, as we're all generally sensible, forward-thinking, ethically sound and intelligent people who aren't persuaded by kindergarten-level
argumentum ad passiones. You'd be hard pushed to find a crowd who would be taken aback by the pure evilness of Nintendo as they take on a harmless PR challenge for light chuckles, good cheer, and child-friendly entertainment (no date's been set yet, though []), save perhaps the veganistas protesting outside of Whole Foods for selling gluten-free quinoa and wheatgrass smoothies
right next to the
non-gluten-free quinoa and wheatgrass smoothies.