Peter Moore: Physical Media Has Another Decade Left

Feb 13, 2008
Next gen consoles: Slightly bigger, £500 starting price, drops to £300 when no-one touches them. Almost exactly the same as they have been since the VCS.

Root's tuppence worth.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
He's absolutely wrong. It'll always exist because not everyone has access to broadband. When it becomes affordable, maybe, but do you think EVERYONE has the ability, let alone the balls enough to use their credit card to purchase a game online even if the service becomes affordable? Retail presents a safer alternative. So yeah, for the most part, he's running his mouth.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
All digital means all inclusive to itself. You will have to pick what you want where, or buy it multiple times. Until we can have some sort of identity for ALL digital things with which we can buy from and download to anything free after bought, real media will remain, and for that, we would have to have these companies work together. (Fat chance)


New member
Aug 3, 2009
He has a Halo 2 tattoo. His argument is invalid.

Anyway, no, I disagree. Even though more and more people are connected to the internet, the speed issue remains. Not everyone has a connection faster than 1MB, and with that it still takes hours to download a DVD sized game. That's why I bought Half-life 2 retail.

When people pay something, the want it now. Sooner or later we will have digital distribution only, but not in the next generation of consoles. That's still too soon.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Like many others, I enjoy physical media more. It's nice to have something tangible that won't disappear in a client or server crash. I don't know how it would be possible, but imagine if Steam up and died. Millions of people would have lost massive amounts of money. Plus, without a credit card, I can't buy stuff online anyway. I like going to a real place to buy a real object with real money.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
This really unnerves me because it will end the home game libraries. I've been collecting and keeping my games since the Atari 7800

are people looking forward to never having a physical copy in case a server goes down, a service goes out of business, their hard drive needs to be replaced, or the emergence of a new game generation?

think of all the games you've bought over the years that are sitting on your shelf.. NES, SNES, N64, Playstation, playstation2... reminders of where money went, are folks ok with losing their whole library every 5-8 years?

I mean, imagine if all the games you bought for your current console are stored on a hard drive, and a new console comes out, how will your games transfer over? Will the Console producer store every game every company develops on their own server in case the developer/publisher goes out of business? what if your hard drive crashes after a few years and you still want to play a game you bought every now and then, will the game still be available to re-download for years or are you out of luck?

There are so many issues with digital-only media that make this prospect very unappealing, especially when people dump so much money into the hobby and have nothing to physicly show for it or the possibilty of losing it one way or another.



Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
Grampy_bone said:
Of course everything will go digital distribution only. I mean, look at the massive success of the PSPgo.

Oh, wait...
Yeah, the apple app store was a total failure.


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
Nurb said:
This really unnerves me because it will end the home game libraries.
This is what I fear most out of an all-digital system. Not just that, but there is always the (admittedly nostalgic) appeal of having a physical copy of the game in your hands. I already miss the days of a good instruction manual, I just hope they don't also rob us of the hard copy as well.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
the net is getting slowed down by so much garbage and other bad things , they would have to shut it down and clean up the mess , then restart

and they will offer both disc and digital because the people want a choice and some feel safer offline


New member
Apr 3, 2008
mattttherman3 said:
I like having the disk so I can re sell it if I think it's a shitty game.
This and i like to watch tv not be online all day. (MOAR then i already am....)