Petty reasons for the "M" rating


New member
Nov 12, 2008
apelsz said:
Persona 4, for "Language" (nothing beyond shit) and "Alcohol references" (where the people were just drunk of the atmosphere, not alcoholic liquid) and the ever present in JRPGs "Fantasy violence". T at the most.
To be fair, that game features a giant green penis riding a chariot. For reference, google "Mara"
Jun 3, 2009
I think we all get that smoking is bad for us. I don't see why a character smoking a cigarette to give it a 'tough' look should count as drug use in terms of giving the game a higher rating. I understand that with the example given there was more to the rating than that, but it's come up with movies and games in the past.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Darkeagle6 said:
apelsz said:
Persona 4, for "Language" (nothing beyond shit) and "Alcohol references" (where the people were just drunk of the atmosphere, not alcoholic liquid) and the ever present in JRPGs "Fantasy violence". T at the most.
To be fair, that game features a giant green penis riding a chariot. For reference, google "Mara"
Strangely enough, "Sexual references" wasn't listed on the box, so the ratings board probably didn't know. Either way, it still garners a T rating IMO.

Also, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Why exactly, if the first was rated E and nothing has changed?

EDIT: It was too high rating, not M, though. T.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
I rarely pay attention or worry about the ESRB. When I was young I bought M rated games regardless. My mom didn't care plus there was way more pressing matters that could "fuck" my head up in real life around me. To be honest I'll probably be the same way with my kids. I grew up on MK, played GTA3 before I was 15 but I do agree games get rated on a more WTF?! basis than movies and TV.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Irridium said:
I remember they re-rated the PC version of Halo 2 to contain "partial nudity" because of Cortana.

I also remember Oblivion was rated from "T" to "M" because of some modders making nude body replacers and because of that one part in the Dark Brotherhood questline.
When they find where Lucian Lechance is hiding and hang is corpse upsidown.

People are just freaking way the fuck out right now over a threat that isn't real.

Hopefully it will pass.
I heard they bumped up the console rating even though it couldn't really be modded.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Wall of text.
<spoiler=Offensive to religious people don't read if you will flame>
The ESRB people are the same people who think video games are evil and the cause of all violence in the world, when obviously religion should be given an A/O rating for the exact same reason. I don't mean that as an offense to any religios people, so before you flame please hear me out because I am going somewhere with this. You all have to keep in mind that most of the people who control videogames in the media have not played a videogame ever (or at least in the last ~20 years), most of them being self righteous practitioners of (insert religion here) where anything that is not directly required in order to live is a sin and therefore must be placed far away from the eyes of childeren with responsible parents who actually pay attention to ratings. The people who actually complain about the stupid shit that noone actually notices while playing the games are the self righteous people who freak out and go on a witch hunt when they randomly pass the room that they didn't know their child was in and see a joint or that one point in the game where the generic woman with the low cut dress leans forward to tease the main character in a cutscene that you probably arent paying attention to. I have seen tons of villainized games over the years for no reason other than one dumbass with a chemical imbalance happened to play it. On the other hand I've seen horrible atrocities caused by religion, and yet people allow childeren to practice it and encourage that same dangerous level of conviction. That was my point, why is it okay for religion and not videogames. If you dont thing religion has anything to do with sex or drugs you are wearing a blindfold and have very obviously never gotten a (insert religion practitioner here) on their own away from anyone that they would be afraid to show what they do in their free time. No I don't mean to turn this into a religion thread but I believe my question does in fact have merrit.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Irridium said:
I remember they re-rated the PC version of Halo 2 to contain "partial nudity" because of Cortana.

I also remember Oblivion was rated from "T" to "M" because of some modders making nude body replacers and because of that one part in the Dark Brotherhood questline.
When they find where Lucian Lechance is hiding and hang is corpse upsidown.

People are just freaking way the fuck out right now over a threat that isn't real.

Hopefully it will pass.
that wasn't the only reason why oblivion was re-rated.

They intentionally gave the ESRB dark photographs depicting the more gruesome body layouts (like corpses hung from the cieling etc).


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Deadarm said:
Wall of text can't remember spoiler command. (QUOTE EDIT: Here.)

The ESRB people are the same people who think video games are evil and the cause of all violence in the world, when obviously religion should be given an A/O rating for the exact same reason. I don't mean that as an offense to any religios people, so before you flame please hear me out because I am going somewhere with this. You all have to keep in mind that most of the people who control videogames in the media have not played a videogame ever (or at least in the last ~20 years), most of them being self righteous practitioners of (insert religion here) where anything that is not directly required in order to live is a sin and therefore must be placed far away from the eyes of childeren with responsible parents who actually pay attention to ratings. The people who actually complain about the stupid shit that noone actually notices while playing the games are the self righteous people who freak out and go on a witch hunt when they randomly pass the room that they didn't know their child was in and see a joint or that one point in the game where the generic woman with the low cut dress leans forward to tease the main character in a cutscene that you probably arent paying attention to. I have seen tons of villainized games over the years for no reason other than one dumbass with a chemical imbalance happened to play it. On the other hand I've seen horrible atrocities caused by religion, and yet people allow childeren to practice it and encourage that same dangerous level of conviction. That was my point, why is it okay for religion and not videogames. If you dont thing religion has anything to do with sex or drugs you are wearing a blindfold and have very obviously never gotten a (insert religion practitioner here) on their own away from anyone that they would be afraid to show what they do in their free time. No I don't mean to turn this into a religion thread but I believe my question does in fact have merrit.
If you really don't want to start a flame war/derail this into a religion fight (ironically), do that.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
I remember hearing that sometimes the ESRB may put rating on unfinished vertions of games so maybe the stuff your talking about was cut right before it's release.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Halo 3: nothing. I hope Reach is as bloody as Halo 1 and 2 were, but if the beta is any gauge to that, then there will be NONE. Bungie's probably going for a T rating though. BRING THE BLOOD!


New member
May 3, 2009
Most Games are getting the 'Drug Reference' thing on their ratings. I think the only other 'drug reference' in Modern Warfare 2 is the pain killer. Oh, and maybe the hookahs on invasion.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Smoking a cigarette in a game should be considered the same as injecting heroin. Neither should be encouraged in children. We should protect children from the idea that drugs make you cool or tough. Imagine in the brief instance a character is smoking they are instead shown whacking up some smack. Its only a few seconds in the game, surely it shouldn't be considered drug use?

I can see the need for these ratings decisions, and as an adult and a parent I understand them. However, refusing classification I do not accept, I am an adult and I should be able to choose what I choose, and the ratings should help guide my decisions about what games I let my child play.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
pwnzerstick said:
I was playing Just Cause 2, and I've noticed that three of the reasons for it's mature rating are: drug reference, language, and sexual themes. Playing through it, I have barley seen any drug reference (a martini and some beer bottles at the most), the language never goes beyond "crap" (double entendre), and I haven't seen any sexual themes anywhere. I'm reminded of how Modern Warfare 2 contained drug reference, where the only thing shown is Soap with a ciggarette for 2 seconds. In Just Cause 2 I could imagine that the game would be rated T if these three reasons were removed, but they seem so petty to have listed, especialy since it is pushing it up to an M rating. Do you think that the smallest amount of drugs or language should always be listed, or that these reasons are so small that they should be removed from the information due to people thinking that the game contains more adult content then it realy does?
Well the leader of the, I want to say Ular Boys, has you do some faction missions dealing with drugs, and you also collect drug drops for one faction.

Also, sexual themes confused me for a while too, until I realized, durrr, the Mile High Club.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
I think Oblivion got an M rating cuz the game was leaked and someone made a topless mod for it.

Bruce Edwards

New member
Feb 17, 2010
Oh, you Americans and your ESRB. So crazy.

Over here in New Zealand basically every FPS is rated R18 for graphic violence. Unfortunately, our rating agency actually bothers to play the games they rate.

Which means that Mass Effect was rated Restricted 13 - for Violence.

Plus, whilst the Australians wigged out about possible drug references in Fallout 3, and then let it into the country with an 'M' rating (meaning anyone can actually purchase it), over here our ratings board played it and labelled it R18 for 'Graphic Violence and Offensive Language'.

Accurate. But pretty crushing if you're a 17 year old ...